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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. Its pretty awesome to allow a large block of foreign nationals to vote in our elections. I mean, what could possibly go wrong with that.
  2. Ironic considering how retarded both groups are.
  3. Who are you referring to here exactly? What's the "hot water" in question? The American left has been trying to draw attention to the 6 trillion dollar wars, increased surveillance and control, civil liberties infringements, the increasing consolidation and risk taking by finance capital, and all the rest of Reaganomics chickens coming home to roost for years. They continue to put pressure on Obama to push forward the policies he was elected to pursue, namely rolling back a lot of that bullshit. With the exception of the industry-friendly, center-right health care bill, he's been more focused on keeping this consumer-capitalist jalopy of an economy from unwinding any faster than it already is. Again, what's your problem, exactly? The left helped vote for the wars. Our current Secretary of State voted up for the "War On Terror".
  4. Yes, your passion is apparent from your outrage at citizens being shaken down for their papiere in Arizona. Hey now, I don't have time to be outraged at everything all at once.
  5. Landmines are cheaper.
  6. It's sure as hell drying up one bit at a time. The government is grabbing it when they can. The lawyers and we the people are letting or assisting them in taking it away one piece at a time. Agreed If we could get Kevbone in this mix, we'd have a trifecta. The danger is in caving because the issue just happens to be something we like. Its really had getting rights back once we've given them away.
  7. J_B, you don't have any original thoughts, do you? Cut and paste king...
  8. I don't really care how many there are. Its not my job to make sure they can afford (monetarily and physically) their own lifestyle. I recall getting screamed at by a Drill Sergeant "My heart doesn't pump fucking Coolaid, get your shit together!" Not only did his (or mine for that matter) not pump Coolaid but I got my shit together (out of necessity). Life's lessons come the hard way, you learn them or you fail...but we've removed the "fail" from the equation so the lesson never gets learned.
  9. It's sure as hell drying up one bit at a time. The government is grabbing it when they can. The lawyers and we the people are letting or assisting them in taking it away one piece at a time. Agreed
  10. This is a prime example of what happens when you cave to special interest groups. Remember Don Imus? Now whenever someone says something controversial the precedence is to call employers and/or sponsors and try to get someone fired. I happen disagree with that guy but calling his employer is chickenshit.
  11. I'm not your mother, if you need empathy (and maybe some sympathy too) call her. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you anyway. (and I don't me you specifically, Oly) FREE FREE FREE...MORE FREE! And if there ain't more free then we're all a bunch of greedy racist hicks. Its a tired song and dance. I've had enough. I call bullshit. The majority of folks in this nation are not looking for a free handout or any other sort of entitlement. Part of the purpose of a government is to provide services to the people that live and serve under it. The majority of people in this country don't have a problem with that. But every single god damn time a democrat suggests that we have some kind of social service program, he or she is a fucking socialist. I have an equal bitch every time a republican says something against entitlement or social services someone from the left calls them a racist or some shit like that. What a fucking joke we've become as a nation. Can't even engage in civil discourse. I call bullshit on you calling bullshit. Of course there is people who take advantage of the system but thats not what I'm referring to. We've created this wonderful utopia where nothing bad can happen because we've wrapped our nation in cuddles and fluffy pillows. Can't find the job you think you deserve? No problem, have some extended unemployment! Can't make your mortgage cause you signed a variable rate loan and your payment jumped $700/mo? No problem, we'll pay to write down your loan. Can't get healthcare because you're a life long smoker who is morbidly obese (and on welfare?) No problem, have some free medical "insurance". Its not like I'm making this shit up, there is no personal responsibility anymore. My empathy well has run dry.
  12. I'm not your mother, if you need empathy (and maybe some sympathy too) call her. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you anyway. (and I don't me you specifically, Oly) FREE FREE FREE...MORE FREE! And if there ain't more free then we're all a bunch of greedy racist hicks. Its a tired song and dance. I've had enough.
  13. Thanks for sharing your unsolicited personal story and laying bare your baseless guilt. Now that your ego is satisfied with the telling of your marginally impressive bio I should tell you that your assumptions about me are entirely incorrect. My wife and I don't make a lot of money, but we've made good financial decisions and have put 2 kids through college. I will say that, if anything, my effective federal income tax is too low. It's the State, local burden that's becoming excessive for chumps like me. Regarding the 46% who pay nothing; don't you think that everyone (who is physically able) should contribute--if for no other reason than a vested stake in the dream? And what, exactly, do you think those uber-rich are doing with that big stash they "took" from the rest of us? Creating jobs, perhaps? I suspect you work for the state or some other government agency, no? The great white guilt. It seams to come most from those who suckle from the government teat. For the life of me I can't understand how someone can think they are owed anything, especially because they have less than their neighbor. Quite honestly, I'd be embarrassed to be treated as this nation's "baby". But, some will never get it and will always be in line with an out stretched hand.
  14. How can the country be collapsed but SS is running perfectly? You really are a predictable dumbfuck.
  15. The last time I paid to see one of his movies (1990?) I felt raped.
  16. That is what happened under Bush, the guy YOU voted for twice so that he could start 2 unnecessary wars, cut taxes that we couldn't afford to do without, and bring the world economy into a depression. Good job, delusional jackass. The nation collapsed? Weird, I just looked outside and didn't notice any rape gangs or "Wolverines" spray paint...
  17. Which current monopolies are completely deregulated? Well? You made the statement, are you going to avoid providing examples for your claims?
  18. Sounds like Huckabee is qualified to replace Biden.
  19. you shouldn't confuse a refusal to accept your framing of the discussion with going off in a new direction. Despite JayB's repeated claims nobody said the general fund would be used to pay off SS claims. That's laughable. You struggle to differentiate current fiscal spending with national debt but think I'm fooled by a change in topic? You don't even understand how SS is currently being administered.
  20. The prior pie chart showed total 2009 spending but this is the 2010 estimated budget without the new healthcare. The prior chart broke out the "Global War On Terror" which includes the two wars but this one combines DOD and the wars.
  21. Which current monopolies are completely deregulated?
  22. Zing, off in a new direction he goes.
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