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Everything posted by Ponderosa

  1. Oh yes, it is. Cedar shakes, T1-11 siding to name a few. Cedar shakes are as old as the hills. T1-11 siding is a few decades old. What's your point?
  2. Bravo, Porker. I'm glad you paddled Kevy's little bum brain over his repeated (and endless) inappropriate determinations of spray in discussions outside of Spray.
  3. Give up dude, it's like trying to reason with a five-year-old. Yeah, but I'm stuck in a big snowstorm with nothin' goin' on so, fuckin' with a five-year-old's little peanut brain is game.
  4. Like little kids calling down the hallway from their bedroom for Mommy to bring them a glass of water.
  5. All writing emerges from a personal viewpoint. Is all writing Spray?
  6. Generally, the superior quality of older homes is due to superior construction practices, not a difference in materials. Tell it to the people got black shit coming out of their face like the goddamn X-Files from breathing Chinese drywall. Generally, "black shit coming out of" people's faces is due to a faulty piehole closing mechanism, not Chinese gypsum board.
  7. What distinction(s) allow the determination of Spray?
  8. fucking clamberers. They probably didn't know how to make the international "Y" symbol, either.
  9. Generally, the superior quality of older homes is due to superior construction practices, not a difference in materials.
  10. What, in his writing, bothers you?
  11. poor babies
  12. I'm an elderly dog owner and know I won't have the energy necessary to bury Shep when he dies so, when he started to get sick, I started the process little by little. He's almost gone, now.
  13. Ponderosa

    Who got a buck?

    I protest this attitude toward Native American makes.
  14. Yes, you're probably in the majority of those who hope Jessica has such a bent.
  15. I doubt the application of any Laotian would've helped.
  16. He's a Canuck so, it can't be a black Beary by which Yanks are getting what for.
  17. But, your mother may have been a goose.
  18. No, for many, their mothers are their albatross.
  19. Yeah, real funny until Mom sees feathers on her arms, thinks she can fly, and jumps out a ten-story window.
  20. [video:youtube]4KzORRrLxxo
  21. Disney would NEVER stoop to salaciousness.
  22. better spoken than written "These days, playing the lyre is more common than the instrument."
  23. Sheriff: Charges to be filed in balloon saga
  24. I'd wager the rope was damaged previously precisely where it parted.
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