For feck's sake, the kid's sixteen-years-old and has a condition that makes his sixteen years accumulation of limited judgment all the more suspect. Be specific.
Josh Lewis, you endeavor to pursue an activity that has great potential to be substantially more dangerous than most sports. Where, in most other sports a fall will scrape a little skin, gravity wields death blows in this realm. And, not only by smashing your body against hard surfaces, but by smashing your precious head and face with hard stuff from above. You can easily cause those who care for you (your mama) great grief because extreme weather, anytime of the year, stuffed your electrocuted or frozen ass in a box and buried you. There is no grace extended (with exception of dumb luck) for who you are, for physical and/or mental disability, for being a good guy.
You, for reasons you've provided, MUST pursue requisite knowledge and skills through organizational courses AND adept climbing partners...mentors, if you like the term. The first several years, YOU cannot rely on luck because luck favors those that are knowledgeable and skilled. Luck, most often, puts a smackdown on the energetic and ignorant.
For you, employing the School of Hard Knocks, only, in your quest for experience will see you majoring in hospital bills, SAR fees, and a trail of ex-partners. Don't fuck around. Basic essentials stuffed into your brain are ten times more important than ten stuffed into your pack.