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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. Move back to Washington and climb in the Cascades you'll get much better at climbing mid fifth class choss.
  2. For what it's worth, the skiing was probably better in Long Island than it was here this year.
  3. Furthermore, no one swims in March in Pennsylvania.
  4. Ran into some friends at the brewery who had just been climbing in the icicle. Spent a fun hour drinking beer and finding ticks on them to throw in the flames at the fire table there. Good times.
  5. Is it the executive action per se that you don't like? Or the content of the executive action?
  6. Then someone will have to ski it.
  7. "Don't drink and drive ... you might spill your drink." - my Mom
  8. "A severed foot is the best stocking stuffer."
  9. Wenatchee would be cheap but I wouldn't recommend staying there. It's really hot in July and not really that close to anything. I'd stay in Mazama or Leavenworth areas. Just as central and you've got climbing right out your backdoor.
  10. If by "magic" you mean shite. For skiing anyway. Climbing, obviously, is good.
  11. Nice. Bout time someone climbed something this year. Anyone know where this route goes in relation to Dan and Rolf's route?
  12. Seems like a poor year to make an unbiased documentary since this year's low snow is abnormal even for a warming planet. A really low snow year might fit into your theme but it's not really indicative of what's really happening with glaciers and year round snow fields.
  13. Funny thing is it did used to be a chosspile, but so many people have climbed there it's not chossy anymore.
  14. "How's da wedder?" -FB
  15. The best experience I had at vantage was when my buddy and I were sitting in our car finishing our coffee and getting ready to get out and rack up, when some folks roll up towing a boat. A group of people get out and start getting the boat ready and the three girls in the group were just wearing bikini bottoms and pasties. We ended up sitting around and drinking coffee for a little bit longer that day.
  16. I think what Ivan was getting at was his distaste for the "thought policing" inherent in hate crimes. Ivan was saying the intent shouldn't matter, the action or crime should. Intent, though, is an element of every crime. The reason someone engages is a potential criminal act always matters. For example, let's say you saw a bike that looked exactly like yours and you took it thinking it was your bike. Turns out it was someone else's. But you never formed the intent to steal so your not guilty of anything. Intent to steal would have to be proven to convict you of theft. In a hate crime, if the intent to harm someone because they are gay or black or whatever can be shown, a harsher punishment is appropriate, because that is worse than just beating someone up because they called you an asshole.
  17. Liberal? You sound more libertarian.
  18. I have to admit that I agree with Fairweather on this though. Conservatives are morally superior and rarely commit crimes or make political gaffes. I think it's safe to say there are douchebags on both ends of the political spectrum.
  19. It makes a difference for lesser crimes I think cause sentencing can be greater
  20. I would guess firm consolidated snow.
  21. Road is definitely not open.
  22. Here's an obscure one to put on the fav list: S Face Flathead Spire, Blodgett Canyon, Bitterroots Range, Montana; 5.10, IV.
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