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Hugh Conway

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Everything posted by Hugh Conway

  1. So the rich are getting richer - and no, I don't believe that is inflation adjusted at least when you compare it to: just think how much better it'll be in the future Jay_B when there are even more underployed youth to sneer at!
  3. you forgot: the one who inflated the huge ass housing bubble in the first place
  4. Oh, look: HOT CARL! apply a little of that fantastic hindsight that PP and JayB have and you wouldn't be covered in shit there KKK
  5. Oh look another right-wing circle jerk.
  6. The biggest financial fraud in history? It's got it all - smug Canadians getting their comeuppance, smugPE getting their comeuppance, smug cc.com'ers laughing
  7. Heh. The best part about that stupid add was their response to it "you just didn't get the joke" .... funny because the joke wasn't really funny if you got it.
  8. Yes jay, it's trial and error and like o many things in life it's not perfectly deterministic. Most small businesses succeed with a little luck - probably because most small business owners are passionate about what they do first, and the business part comes later. Of course if you've read about groupon you'd realize that merchants, in part because of groupon policies and capriciousness, may be unwittingly betting the farm. Interesting post on the legal risks for groupon. http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2011/06/groupon-risks-and-gifts/
  9. Comeon Jay you aren't this dogmatic are you? Where does a business owner find information on the viability of a new method of promotions? Shit, most small business owners I know don't have the time to do in depth cube monkey level research. Per this paper: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1863466 and my personal experience, that's rare. I'd be particularly surprised at a liquor/beer store. anyways, groupon as a company is a scam
  10. Good luck buying a house there. Work and the people you surround yourself with are the most important. Despite being near Yosemite I can't think of a place in the Central Valley that I'd want to work in Health Care... unless you like violence, meth and heartbreak.
  11. life is what you make of it. And nobody here is making it on the East Coast :smug:
  12. Troy isn't? Maybe if you are comparing it to Aberdeen, WA. I love the 'daks and New England is nice too. It's just Troy sucks as a place. I'm not sure if Water considers Albany-Schnectady "the sticks" or not.... I do. Nuclear weapons should be deployed. Certainly not the same planet as Denver if you are looking for anyone interested in the outdoors. That outsourcing thing? It happened to New York. Pretty much every part outside NYC. Jobs, Dreams, People under 30, all gone. I went to school in Western, NY starting in the mid-90s when it was a relative bright spot - now it's been rust belted. Both are good schools with good reputations; I'd suggest if you are interested in the outdoors and climbing something other than RPI might provide with better future possibilities of melding work and a decent recreational existance
  13. got a picture?
  14. Mr. Small Hands can only aspire to Wiener-gate! you made PP pop a Boehner
  15. pretty fucking creepy that the CEO needed a kidney transplant and people are now selling them to buy stupid shit yes VIVA LA FREE MARKET!
  16. There's a rock Gym just up the road which would be the easiest after work: http://touchstoneclimbing.com/cd.html The Pinnacles are like 2.5-3 hrs from Walnut Creek. Castle Rock is 1.5hrs or so and not worth it when Lovers Leap is ~3hrs and Yosemite ~3.5 hrs you'd be insane if climbing is your focus. Especially since it's summer and the Pinnacles get hot. Well, if summer ever comes - there's more rain forecast this weekend. In June. WTF. In the Bay Area take a beer road trip - Lagunitas (petaluma), Russian River (Santa Rosa), Bear Republic (Healdsburg), Moylan's (Novato), Anderson Valley (Boonville) are all pretty close to the North Bay.
  17. I like girls. There are no girls in Troy. The adirondaks are cool though. And kinda near. But they aren't enough to overcome Upstate New York being where dreams go to die.
  18. RPI? Transfer somewhere decent now. Seriously that school is a hellhole. If you are hell bent on a - hellhole, go Greyhound. Reasonably priced shipping for bags - I'd take the musical instrument somewhere else. Like another school, because RPI frowns on creativity.
  19. Jim Tressel's looking for a job. Apparently FIFA is trying to hire him though.
  20. I thought this was about moving the Thrashers to Winnipeg
  21. And the Toronto Maple Leafs We've a long standing agreement to take the Maple Leafs after they win the Cup.
  22. there's nothing worth pillaging, looting or raping in canada so what's the fun in an invasion?
  23. BEAR GRYLLS true 'dat - holy shit, that dude is a hard-core addict - negro is drinking his own piss 10 minutes after landing in the big bad bush that's gotta be some nasty pussy if you have to drink your own piss
  24. How about because Lance markets himself as a wonderful person and many, many, people seem to think he's an awesome guy? Why do adult americans desperately want to believe in the tooth fairy?
  25. God is sick of them too.
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