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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. How do you know god was a civil engineer?


    He put the sewage treatment plant next to a prime recreational area.

    At least she put some balls in the way as a little barrier between the two.


    taint right, that just taint right

  2. The U.S. signed a declaration admitting that we had violate N. Korean waters and apologizing for it in return for the release of the Pueblo's surviving crew.


    I'll let the crewmembers speak for me tvash


  3. Remember The Lusitania! Oh...



    The United States didn't enter WWI until a full two years after a German U-Boat sank the Lusitania - so badly did Wilson want to stay out of it. I'm not sure how your attempt to imply historical context works in this case. Are you sure you're not thinking of the destruction of The USS Maine as a pretext for the Spanish/American War?


    eh? they called it Wilson's War for a reason

  4. 1) fit - it should fit snugly.

    2) protection - what does it cover on your head?

    3) comfort - ventilation, removable ear flaps, etc. these features can reduce 2)


    I like my rock climbing helmet for spring/summer ski trips because it has much better ventilation.


    You do know that the classic hard plastic helmet and foam ski helmets are designed for different kinds of impacts?

  5. My five-year-old daughter hid from me one time in Sears. She was in the middle of one of those round clothes racks. I called her name and when she didn't show up, I told a cashier to call security. Soon after that, my daughter came out with a little grin on her face. I think the whole incident lasted no more than 15 minutes, but I was terrified. I can't imagine going through that for TWO HOURS. I'm glad everything worked out okay for you. Whew.


    Heh. My mother was out shopping with my sister (age 4). My sister didn't want to leave the store so she grabbed onto the rack and started yelling at the top of her lungs "YOU ARE NOT MY MOMMY! I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO GO WITH YOU! YOU ARE NOT MY MOMMY!" My mother has said she was never so embarassed before or sense.

  6. Ouch! Glad everything worked out OK :)



    I know of several ski areas who were working on deploying broad area RFID networks - so that you could track individual skiiers by their ski pass. Lost children was one of the big reasons.

  7. look, i don't even own a couch. and even though recently, it is true, i haven't been getting a whole bunch, i certainly get out. unless i'm staying in and watching a movie or something.


    you park bench = couch


    dinner at the soup kitchen != getting out

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