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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. What blows my mind is how many people I see skiing on clown shoes and looking like shit. If they make it easier, shouldn't the people on them look like they're skiing well?


    Who uses crutchs when they can already walk?

  2. Pat, Dan and myself are heading to Squamish in Dan's mom's car.


    At Horseshoe Bay, Dan stops to pick up hitchhiker girl. She's going to Whistler.


    By the time we get to the Smoke Bluffs Dan has decided that driving hitchergirl to Whistler must take precedence over climbing with his bros.


    Pat and I are climbing at Ronin's Corner three or four hours later when, over the noise of Pat's ghetto blaster playing Ministry at high volume, we hear "DRUUUUUUUUU! PAAAAAAAAAAAT!" yelled from somewhere near Penny Lane.


    Pat fires off a bottle rocket or two.


    Soon Dan wanders into view. Loudly he informs us (and the three other parties on the cliff) "I COULD HAVE GOTTEN LAID BUT I CAME BACK TO SQUAMISH TO CLIMB WITH YOU GUYS!"


    This was on a Saturday. That evening, while smoking a fatty in pat's basement, Pat and Dan decide that they need to go sport climbing, so they hop in Dan's mom's car again and leave for Smith Rocks. Drive 8 hours,getting there Sunday morning around 2 AM. Motel, breakfast, off to the crag. Climb two routes (Toys in The Attic and Ring of Fire? something at Christian brothers anyway) then drive 8 hours back to Vancouver. On the bus on Monday I call bullshit on Pat until he shows me the gas and motel receipts.




    Canadian climbers: there first sexual experience involved one female and a room full of guys

  3. Yeah, my grip strength training really came in handy for that one. I hardly even used my legs. Good thing I had my heart rate monitor alarms set so I didn't climb too fast. The descent's a pain in the ass, so we just cell phoned for a rescue chopper to take us off the top.


    I always wondered what happened to lambone. I guess he's TVK

  4. Unfortunately the homeopathy thing is usually correlated with the counterculture "the man is trying to keep us down" thing, which in turn is quite suspicious of the concept of scientific rigor (tool of the man).

    I find it interesting that many people seem to associate "natural" with "safe". To which I point out how "natural" poison ivey is.


    So's uranium! :wave:

  5. so this one time on the snow lake trail, i saw someone who had slipped and badly sprained their ankle. i was pretty sure that their party were scientologists so ignored them and kept going.


    a man acted as a crossing guard so his wife could pee when I was on the snowlake trail.

  6. but if i was shopping for one i'd get one that took regular batteries and carry extras (lithiums), and stay away from models with the battery built in that needs recharging. you can always use rechargeable batteries, but you want some backup power if it is dead when you need it most.


    Depending on the GPS you can pickup extra rechargeable batteries for ~$15 on Amazon.com. More hrs/oz from rechargeables.


    I had a GPS (well, 3). I never used them and sold them all.

  7. So, has anyone actually used the intuition liner? Wondering if it is a way to salvage less than desirable boot fit. A more affordable alternative to spending $800 on something I will use a few times a year, at best.


    Whats your fit issue? A thermo liner won't solve a boot shell thats too small or too big, but it can help alot with other issues. They are also lighter and warmer than traditional liners in my experience.


    I've used Intuition, Garmont G-Fit and Raichle Thermoflex. I like the Thermoflex and Intuition more than the G-Fit which packed out and had a weird flex ime

  8. hugh, i think you're jealous.


    I am. And I hate that homewrecker!


    awww...did TVT come in and destroy that beautiful romance that you and KKKKKKK had going on?


    not only that KKKKKK is filing a paternity suit against me! I swear TVT is the father!

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