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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. Back in the snow-shed days I don't remember the pass ever being closed. So what's up? More snow? More lawyers? More traffic? Smaller budget? I don't get it. The pass seems to close for full days every year now.


    Uh, there's no snowshed now?

  2. Let's say you are on the gold standard, and there's 1 million total tons of gold in the world.


    If you find an ore deposit that can be refined into another million tons of gold, what happens to the value of your currency?


    I think this one has already been covered by Auric Goldfinger.


    Spain had him beat.

  3. They should just 'disappear' you during your lunch break.


    "Where'd he go?"


    "I dunno."




    Heh. I worked at a company that did that. Just randomly laid off a couple people a week for most of 2 months. The "sniper" was stalking the halls.


    they thought it would be "better for moral" that way :noway:

  4. Good luck.


    Weirdest layoff ever was where they fired us, then made us stick around for 3 weeks. At the same time they announced a "valued employee retention program"


    WTF are we going to do? Help those assholes? And there stock is still at $18 6 years later :ooo:

  5. New Petzl MyoXP sounds good too,.


    I thought my MyoXP sucked. Battery life was shit and the connections were flimsy. For the $80 it was, crap. Even at $55 now, not a bargain.


    I'm much more pleased with my BD polar (detachable battery case that you can carry in your jacket or stick on the headband) or if I don't need long distance a Petzl Tikka XP (I'm looking for night skiing/biking or camp use not climbing)

  6. so all democrats are poor?


    and all republicans are stupid







    You ever read accounts of his africa trips from others? He makes Cheney sound like a sniper :mistat:

  7. and we have never in 4 years sold an Arcteryx Fission SV for its list price of $550 or whatever it goes for.



    ya why would you since you can buy them for $275 at the factory store?


    Because then you'd have to go to Canada :lmao:


    I am curious if any highend outerwear is ever sold at full price outside of maybe Paragon Sports in NYC.

  8. look, i like the snow. it gets me through the winter duldrums but this year i haven't even enjoyed that. cripes. can't even get up to the lifts cuz the damn snow keep closing

    the roads let alone safely travel in the back country.


    meh. I'm just pissed I'm going on vacation and all of the good snow is here.

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