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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. another genius with mental telepathy... feeling emotion across a bitstream over the interweb. :lmao:


    I fell in love with porter over the interweb. he whispers sweet nothings to me over it now. ahhhhh



    lizardbrain - try some kegels

  2. Let me explain: this is a joke. obviously the solution already exists: the public library system. librarys let you borrow books and then return them. get it?????


    you are dumber than a bowl of dicks

  3. I heard straight from Intel that the average home machine will have about 80 cpu's by 2011




    If you mean 8 cores in one CPU by 2011 yes (actually ~64).


    But 80 seperate CPUs... not so much.


    cellphones x3

    mp3 players x3

    avalanche beacons x2

    cameras x5

    routers + HD Drives x5


    at the current moment

  4. Yeah, sure. Reminds me of the time you told about dating that gal with the deformed little baby arm and how proud, for the first time, it made you feel when you saw her tiny hand grasp your pindick.


    My dick looked HUGE, MAN!!!


    Dude, I'm a dick. I'm a 6' walking penis.

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