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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. http://www.cnbc.com/id/23630235


    Bear Stearns Gets Bailout From the Federal Reserve


    Sectors:Financial Services | BanksBy CNBC.com | 14 Mar 2008 | 09:34 AM ET Font size: The Federal Reserve agreed to provide emergency financing to Bear Stearns, after the

    investment bank said its cash position had deteriorated sharply in the past 24 hours.


    The short-term financing from the Fed Bank of New York is being arranged through JPMorgan Chase. Bear said the financing is intended to help shore up confidence in its operations.


  2. Yeah, every guy wants to know just what she does to be worth $1000's an hour.


    Hookers make $1,000s to go away.


    Doesn't look like he got his money's worth then.


    I'd say he did - Spitzer was the one who got them caught with his cash withdrawls.

  3. Exactly. And being indebted to these two corrupt, human rights abusing, militant societies benefits us in the long run how?


    That's the pot calling the kettle black. Guantonamo, waterboarding, we have more than our share of dirt.


    Uh yeah.....

  4. You can't effectively outsource your dentistry, car repairs, or child care.


    You can outsource medical care quite easily. If you don't have dental insurance, for major procedures like crowns, it's cheaper to fly to Thailand, get them done, and fly home, then to do them in the states. Same for cosmetic surgery and a number of other elective procedures.



    Some people like having a direct relationship with the producer of the goods they are consuming - whether it be the food they eat, the jacket they wear or the surfboard they ride.

  5. all the weird animal body parts. :grlaf:


    tripe :tup: :tup:


    there's plenty of cases of animals being raised in areas that couldn't produce food any other means. that just doesn't fit in the mega agriculture industry map

  6. Then again, if everyone were vegetarians, imagine how much more land there would be to grow biofuels.


    eh? animal production and consumption isn't inherently inefficient

  7. It'd be interesting to look at how state fuel-tax variations affect gas-station distribution near state borders.


    I'd wager there'd be 0 correlation. When local gas station prices can very as much as $.20 within 10 miles clearly price isn't a big deal

  8. How much are Vegas doormen costing the taxpayer?


    About $200k a year in unpaid taxes.


    "unlocking the payscale" only makes the problems disappear in a Cato Institute paper. If you want to sustain skilled employment you need to be willing to pay for people when times are poor.

  9. increased worldwide usage and a peaked production output. it ain't gonna get better. And no, Hillary or Obamalamadingdong ain't gonna fix shit.


    Following is a table giving the price per barrel of U.S.

    crude CLc1.

    Date dollar yen euros


    30/12/05 61.04 7,198 51.55

    18/09/07 80.74 9,359 58.35


    Increase 32 30 13


  10. Unions are dying, as well they should.


    The union I paid dues to for years was totally useless. When I actually needed them on 2 occasions they did NOTHING to help me. I was optimistic when I first joined, went to the meetings, tried to be involved, then I saw what a powerless, stupid, money-wasting thing it was. I was more powerful on my own than under the protection of a union when it came to employment issues.


    ClimbingPanther of course can't wait to become a member of the AMA - a Union in all but name.

  11. I hear this argument a lot but haven't seen any legitimate numbers to support the premise.


    My job at a federal lab paid 20-30% under private sector with worse benefits. Which is why they had staff turnover >25% per annum


    The least efficient sector of the economy I've found is small companys (<40 employees)

  12. Jesus Christ Almighty. I'd love to watch the faces of quite a few posters on this site as they work their way through that list.


    What, like, you've got a better self deprecating sense of humor than the rest of us? :rolleyes:


    he didn't get to Number 50 :grlaf:


    the funny thing about that list is none of its "white" anymore......

  13. Oh yeah, and gov't wages are the same accross the state, regardless of local equivalent wages. So a public employee with a real cost of living in Seattle makes the same as a public employee living in Yakima where the cost of living is a fraction of Seattle's. Is that right? The whole system needs to be overhauled.


    It's called welfare.


    The Seattle Metro area pays, the rest of the state takes.

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