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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway


    According to friends in the area not one of the 'Street of Dreams' houses were able to sell. Second or third tier real estate offices were now attempting to sell the units as the original tier one offices couldn't make any sales. My first thought was fraud when I heard about this.


    Mine as well. From the PI

    Hoffman said fire officials told him a fourth house was spared because an arson device inside it didn't go off. That house, Seattle Home Design's La Belle Fleur, recently went pending with a buyer, and would have been the first of the five to sell, he said.
  1. For touring and deep snow skiing I also think the current rage of low, super blunt tips are a step backwards. I don't think they stay up as well as the pointy high ones either breaking trail up or coming down.


    I agree.


    I have one pair of super high rise tips (Arnos) which break trail awesome, ski all conditions awesome, and in general rock except they've had too many ski days :(


    In 5 years I'm sure the pendulum will reverse :)

  2. I call bullshit on that.

    <.5mm is about the thickness of two sheets of printer paper.

    (Yes, I measured).

    Not enough to adequately secure a tailhook.


    10 yd foul for taking me seriously ;)


    You don't need much of a notch.


    Yeah, yeah, "twintips suck" - unless you are going custom most decent skis are twins these days

  3. It's too bad you don't have anything I need, because I'm up to my ears in beer. It's not Bridgeport (think "big, but not as far south"). For example, if those were Turbo Express screws, I would have no problem trading 4 cases for a single one.


    That's how much beer I have [access to].


    But, alas.



    ps, "cask conditioned bottles" is an oxymoron.



    Please post your gear needs

  4. You need to learn to read. The Bill of Rights says what it says, yet you want to ignore parts of it. As to our current discussion, scroll up and re-read this thread. I clearly acknowledged that you and other conservatives have no corner on the market when it comes to being inconsistent. I have not ever stated that everything I say is consistent, nor did I berate you for being inconsistent.


    do you always talk to homeless lunatics on the street?

  5. hmm, I guess average hands? It's definitely more brick like and less contoured than many newer cameras. Having all of the major controls (aperture, shutter, ISO) easily accessible on the outside of the camera rocks though. I didn't really get to play with it in the store the Glazers rep wouldn't give me the time of day (at the Leica or Hasselblad side of the store someone will practically hump your leg)



    If you are worried about the camera being waterproof you can purchase a housings for the canon P+S for between $100-$150 depending on the model

  6. To lay out the shit everyone already knows about me and don't need to bother using as a point to discredit me with

    I own guns

    I hunt

    I carry a gun with me to my place in Index and back

    I have had run ins with animals that could damage me

    The worst ones were the times I didn't have a gun with me

    I have never killed an animal in self-defense

    I have been charged by animals aiming to kill me

    I used to live by the Yellowstone park

    I have climbed Denali during bear season

    I've seen a lot of bears. They are scary


    OK, the boring stuff is over. Should people be able to hunt in Nat'l parks? Absolutely! The herds often grow beyond their space and cause problems. For example, when I lived in WYS, a lot of ranchers lost thier beef b/c bison would carry and transmit brucillus (forgive my spelling) which would kill the cows. Bison were only carriers. They'd outgrown (in numbers) their area and were posing a threat to the livestock that has since moved in and defined the bison's territories. I know that's shitty, but that is what is up. So it is completely reasonable that the park should hold a hunt to get the numbers back down to what they can manage.


    BTW: Yellowstone allows fishing in its five rivers; and there is a limit. IOW: it is not all catch and release. Hunting in the park would be the same. And to minimize danger to tourists, the hunts can be carried out when other folks aren't there. Winter is great for hunting Elk, Bison, Cougar, and late Bear. Hell, they could sponsor hunts and make a lot of money off it. Now that, my friends, is the American way!


    I'm much more in favour of hunting the tourists in the park. Yellowstone would be great - I could bag tourists from all 50 states :tup:

  7. If you are looking for a P+S check out the Canon line, they've some great models. Check out the A series.


    dSLRs can indeed take great pictures. I love taking pictures with mine, I just don't like lugging it around, so I bought a Canon G9 which can produce excellent pics at a fraction of the price ($450) size and weight of a dSLR.

  8. You want to raise taxes for everyone so a few of you lazy posers don't have to walk/ride your mountain bikes so far? :tdown:


    No, no, ttk.


    They want the government to give them something they don't want to pay for it

  9. Now, try visiting Canada, and you'll really see high usage fees.


    Before the bush peso Canadian campgrounds were about the same as US campgrounds.


    several Yosemite campgrounds are $20 a night, several Jellystone campgrounds are $17

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