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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. yes. you really schooled me champ. :rolleyes: not only are you an idiot, but you're also extremely unlikable. but i don't hold that against you because this is only spray, and you of course don't really mean it. have you noticed (except in the instances where you have your nose up someones ass kissing it) that every conversation you have in this board disintegrates into name calling? there is a reason. its because you're an asshole. keep up the good work.


    You never loved me that way Porter :(

  2. Not at all: I said "this tart would have been significantly further ahead financially if she'd been banging Paul McCartney. Of course, instead of just being a common whore, then she'd also be "Lady" Mrs McCartney afterwards as well and made much $ more per sexual gratification experience. "


    Heather Mills reportedly charged 10,000 pounds a night.... as a hooker.

  3. Who says class mobility is a thing of the past...


    daddy owned a landscaping business, stepdaddy was an oral surgeon. some reports have her running away because stepdaddy wouldn't hand over the Porsche. Not exactly working class.


    at the end of the era the elite whore themselves to stay in position ;)

  4. And as far as the second link to the Primary Dealer Credit Facility - that's just offering more guarantees to the freaked-out banking industry. Not much of a free hand there eh?


    I'm mystified as well as to PPs point. The fed should have bailed out the banking industry sooner? Ben hasn't dropped enough money out of his chopper? The BSC/JPM merger was tripartite - the government had a seat at the table because BSC called them to say "we fucked up and need your help"

  5. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120580966534444395.html?mod=hpp_us_whats_news


    This was no normal negotiation, says one person involved in the matter. Instead of two parties, there were three, this person explains, the third being the government. It is unclear what explicit requests were made by the Fed or Treasury. But the deal now in place has a number of features that are highly unusual, according to people who worked on the transaction
  6. I heard the dalai lama can shoot rainbows out of his ass. I'm gonna go see him in April, I wonder if it's true?


    It lie from medieval society of ignorant sheep herders.


    Han Chinese fah superior; Central Committee shoot sunshine and rainbows out of ass!

  7. The benefits associated with the BSC deal have and will accrue to parties outside of BSC.


    It's good to be Morgan


    We can hope.



    Hope is what I reserve for my daily bank (WAMU) not to implode in the coming week

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