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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. yeah, i wasn't sure. they are definitely throwing up condos and townhomes like it is going out of style. now they are starting in with "high rises" in west seattle, so the population over here seems to be almost doubling in density.


    flat market with tons of supply coming on line. hmmm

  2. I don't see how you read that into the story FW, maybe theres a second page I missed.


    Pretty old and insignificant and unimportant news IMO either case.


    He's focusing on the important issues man. THIS IS A BIG DEAL DON'T YOU SEE


    now would one of these wonderful Republicans remind me how we are going to raise the TRILLIONS needed to pay for this worthless war?

  3. KK - In case you haven't noticed, it doesn't pay to demonstrate concession, contrition, compromise of any kind with the angriest of the lefties that infest this site. Let the usual suspects wonder why they can't bring others to their point of view--which should be obvious given the myriad insults hurled your way in this thread--and continue to press through the muck with bare knuckles. It's exactly what they need. Find and publicly express common ground only with those who have demonstrated a willingness to do the same.



    No worries, FW. Crazy Bob is a fucking nut, and TTK is and will always be a total waste of skin, worthy of only contempt.




  4. generics will last 1/10th the number of trips at 1/4 the price in my experience. Compared to the contents they aren't that expensive. You can get the name brand for ~$100


    The shit generic bags have shit zippers (some MEC have useful locking zippers). No locks = risky, possibly expensive thrift.

  5. But traveling with people that think EVERYTHING they have is a fucking "carry-on," this inconveniences and endangers everyone else on the plane. :fahq:


    If you are flying overseas (esp. to/from Australasia & Europe) don't fucking try the dumbass american massive carryon. They'll inspect it and make you check it one way or another and then you are fucked.


    Learn to travel light. It doesn't take many $25-$100 overweight bag fees for things to add up.


    Learn to budget for the total trip. How much will the flight cost? Your luggage? Transport?

  6. I agree!


    Unthinkingly, as always, I assume?


    PP - you can't make a mockery of others when your own position is farce.


    Fairweather - it's called poontang. I'm not surprised you aren't used to the aroma.

  7. Prices haven't bottomed out yet.


    Hard to say, given the recent blip. You certainly don't know one way or the other, just like the rest of us, chowderhead.



  8. Wet wipes--moist towelettes--or better yet, Baby Wipes, are a high-demand commodity at populous base camps, such as on the Ruth, in Patagonia,


    just walk 15 minutes to El Chalten and buy toilet paper. Except t. del paine (walk to the luxo lodge) there won't be anyone to trade with


    #1 tip - any exotic destination you've heard of isn't remote from the interweb, cell service and an ATM. Of course medical service and a rescue are way the fuck down the line. If you don't have the 3 horsemen of civilization you are way the fuck off the beaten path (google search return = 0)

  9. Hugh must have an opinion on this.


    Aside from you suck cock in a back alley for 2 Thai Baht, no.


    G3 skis? Never heard horrible things, never heard great things from non-Canadians. for the price, why not?

  10. yes. you really schooled me champ. :rolleyes: not only are you an idiot, but you're also extremely unlikable. but i don't hold that against you because this is only spray, and you of course don't really mean it. have you noticed (except in the instances where you have your nose up someones ass kissing it) that every conversation you have in this board disintegrates into name calling? there is a reason. its because you're an asshole. keep up the good work.


    You never loved me that way Porter :(


    you just don't rub me the right way like KKKK does, hugh.


    I guess I only stroke jon

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