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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. I also think that Canada, Brazil, Australia, the US, etc enjoy a huge advantage in terms of immigrants since all feature an open identity that immigrants can adopt simply by choosing to do so.


    Much tougher when the identity in question is composed of a state, an ethnicity, and a language.


    They do hold some advantage but even they (or at least Canada, the US and Australia) cling to some obscure notion of what a citizen should be thats tilted towards the White Anglo-Saxon



    Seems accurate in the Euro context.


    Liberalizing their labor markets and reforming their welfare policies so that immigrants have the incentive and the means to participate more extensively in society, instead of being locked out of the job market and warehoused in housing projects is where I'd start.


    I think that workforce participation is a much more potent driver of social harmony and integration than most people realize - and is often at least as potent in shaping the attitudes of native citizens as it is immigrants.


    i wonder why is it that immigrants from former soviet block move to england ireland, france or other countries and they don't lock themselves in a ghettos? and why is it that they can find jobs and immigrants from north africa can't?


    Ditto for immigrants from southeast Asia and India. And it's not like they give up their culture and language (and religion) either.


    eh? They have their ghettos, the Windians have their ghettos, just like the turks and pakistanis have their ghettos. Immigrants naturally cluster.

  3. It seems to me that a defense of Liberalism that isn't fascist is a part of what we're talking around here.


    I'm curious what the proposed solutions are. Most of the people who "realize the problem" are xenophobic isolationsts - not terribly liberal in the classic sense.

  4. Not to be contrarian here ;) but the power of the catholic church peaked in the 11-12th centuries and began waning immediately - well before the Reformation.


    Is this the same Catholic church that split the Americas between Spain and Portugal?

  5. At some point between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, however, the balance started to shift pretty decisively in favor of the West - and the disparity has only grown over time, IMO.


    Given the rather splendid rain of the Mughals which produced a dramatic flourishing of arts, architecture and even science (the only life-link drawing of the dodo is thanks to them) the link between type of government, personal liberty and religious ineractions therein.


    Or, as OffWhite said above, why hasn't Islam had a reformation? It's had schisms.


    I'll remember that when I get my $388 check.


    When's the last time you were able to book a refundable openjaw ticket to Europe for $388? S. America? New Zealand?


    Hell, sign up for a cash back card and you get it monthly or quarterly instead of up to 18 months later......

  6. You don't dry out clothes in a sleeping bag; if they're getting that wet you aren't layering properly.


    We are discussing the Cascades. It can be raining or just below freezing quite often in winter. ergo:


    Down is so much warmer than syn, especially if you learn how to travel in winter.


    doesn't matter that much.


    For one or two night trips drying things out isn't that big of a deal.


    If you think thats retarded, then you may have math issues Choda Boy:-)


    REI gear << cash or airline miles


    Ditto: Bought $120 Mythos shoes less 20% member coupon less $80 dividend = $16 + tax....I mean seriously, who can beat that?!


    most mail order shops can beat 20% off. the "dividend" is just money you already spent like your tax "return"

  7. Which specific conflicts does this apply to in your mind?


    Which people are currently less free than they would have been had the US not intervened or taken sides in a particular conflict? Are there any cases where - to your mind - US taking sides has had the opposite effect? Can the US actions in all of the above cases be completely understood in terms of the economic advantages associated with them?


    The conflict that comes best to mind is Indonesia's civil war. You might remember that Suharto slaughtered 500,000 suspected "communists", many of whom were ethnic groups not in favor, with US backing. The communists may well have exacted a similarly bloody toll but that is alternative history.

  8. for all the shits who bitch about homeowners' subsidy for mortgage interest write-off, fuck you.


    Tell us how you really feel. Don't be shy!


    She wants the folks who will eventually pay a large percentage of the mortgage interest on purchase of her investment properties and capital gains on sale to go fuck off. Not even willing to offer a reach around.


    tax the poor, feed the rich

  9. Your thoughts on many issues are so far off base, they're laughable. I usually keep you firmly on the ignore feature, and now I am even more content to do so.


    Are you going to tell us again how the US economy is larger than Europe and China combined?

  10. Economics certainly plays into it, no doubt, but IMHO your fatalism/defeatism is hardly worth taking note of.


    than pan islamic jihad or whatever is hardly worth taking note of when compared to the power of a non-democratic, totalitarian, expansionist China


    Your fatalist approach to the conflict in Iraq is fundamentally flawed. The forces there are not our only enemy; conflict there not the only option.

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