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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. Seems like they're smart enough to devise mechanisms that would transfer at least some of any upside that arose from their action to the public, while still looking like a life-ring to the institutions circling the drain - but who knows. Maybe things are too far gone at this point.


    eh? how does giving banks access to the discount window directly benefit us w.r.t risk?


    By bailing out BSC because their clients are to important to fail sends the message you can do business with any unregulated scumbag.

  2. Seems like Fed's thinking that this'd be something roughly akin to letting a privately run dam at the head of a populous valley fail in order to teach the dam-owners a lesson.


    Isn't that the core of capitalism? Reward comes with Risk? BSC made tons of cash in the past decade because of risk. This bailout is privatized rewards and socialized risk.


    The Bear Sterns building alone is worth $1 billion. Morgan can make a killing on this.

  3. of interest to nobody


    the Dalai Lama currently advocates democracy in Tibet of which he sees no place for himself or the historically powerful role of the Lamas

  4. i would also think that the "average" chinese citizen's take on tibet would be quite different than yours, perhaps similar to the "average" american's take on the "native american" situation


    and thus we've established that once again Sexy Cocoa doesn't have a clue


    Han Chinese = want Chinese empire which they are head of


    Other ethnic subgroups = want right to their own culture and often autonomy(see Uighurs)

  5. any thoughts?


    Since western journalists aren't free to travel in Tibet and expressing anti-China sentiment is a crime it's rather difficult to get an accurate impression of the situation.


    China has shown it's true colors in it's reaction, expelling foreign tourists & journalists, censoring newscasts, blocking the internet (yahoo and google unavailable) and generally being its totalitarian self.

  6. meaning amongst the "commoner" tibetans? that the strident calls for autonomy come from the monk and lama classes?


    other groups of Tibetans want autonomy as well.

  7. Bear Stearns itself is Toast IMO, this loan isn't going to save it, and I suspect that everyone involved knows that at this point. After reading the article, it sounds to me like one reason that JP Morgan was willing to step in and play the role that they have is that want to be the first vulture to pick over BS's carcass. Sounds like JPM is especially keen to get their hands on BS's prime brokerage business


    If someone else in guaranteeing the loans why not take any and every risk? Sure the execs lost cash this time around - the top 4 also made $120 million last year. Hell - average compensation was ~$300k for the 12k employees. LET THEM FUCKING RUST!


    I'm not sure why JPM did this aside from a long history of bailing out banks on behalf of the government. From what I've heard nobody really wants Bear Stearns business because it's currently shit (Bank America has already bought it's turd for the year)

  8. applied to politics...well.... applied to politics it has no meaning.


    I believe it's meaning is "Bush Pioneer"


    Early on, much of my politicking was fueled by the desire for pioneering bush.


    exploring untrodden bush gets old. blazed paths are much more hospitable.

  9. Today's WSJ Editorial


    It's amazing how much more polite they are when we are speaking of the subprime lenders as opposed to subprime borrowers.


    Typical - throw the little guys to the wolves; fellate the big guys.

  10. the recent burma example would seem to be instructive - protest, we fucking kill you, you shut the fuck up, the rest of the world whines a bit, we return to business as usual


    Thailand, China, India, and Singapore didn't do shit. Since they are the majority of the trading partners they count far more than us.


    The Western world is China's biggest market; we matter. America doesn't export.

  11. I'm going to protest in my trendy cloths eating ginger listening to cool tunes on my iPod.


    The battles lost; they've one.

  12. Two bucks will buy you 200 calories in the produce section--and 1200 calories in the junk food aisle. I heard it on NPR, so it must be true.


    more if you are shopping on sale - Maruchan ramen are 4000 calories / dollar @ 10 blocks for $1

  13. Certain social engineers *are* mandating just that. It is not possible for everyone to move close to their jobs, and those who can afford it the least will be fucked over by the higher gas prices and their commute. Moreover, higher gas prices means higher food costs and costs all around (e.g. clothes, cost to drive kids to soccer practice), which hit lower income folks harder. Take mass transit? Those costs are rising too.


    So subsidies are the solution? :grlaf:

  14. Oh, and not to be forgotten:


    James E. Cayne, Chairman and former Chief Executive Officer of Bear Stearns, is a Bush Pioneer having raised at least $100,000 for Bush in the 2004 presidential election.


    comeon - where are our subprime bailout denouncers? bailouts are only bad if they are for poor people who make bad decisions and not rich people?

  15. If you are a skilled professional or executive you can live most anywhere you want :wave:


    I wasn't speaking about myself, dickhead. :wave:


    People in the bottom 50% are the ones who'll be fucked, and I'll bet Kevbone is somewhere in that group.


    You sound like the "rich Republicans" you so rail against. Congrats, hypocrite! :wave:


    oh, and if everyone actually tried to live close to their jobs, as some simplistic people suggest, that would actually be impossible


    No, they'd just sacrifice that yard they never venture into :grlaf:

  16. Yeah, everyone has 100% choice of where they can afford to live, and where their job is, and when they have to change jobs, they can pick up and relocate just like that. :rolleyes:


    All the left wingnuts *pretend* to care about the "working class" when it is convenient for them (i.e. to gain *power*) but the reality is they don't give a shit.


    If you are a skilled professional or executive you can live most anywhere you want :wave:


    Obviously you just didn't work hard enough :wave:

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