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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. Depends who you ask....

    - The Whistler bro/brah crowd will insist that you need 100mm at the very minimum

    - I'm quite happy with my 88mm Havocs

    - Lots of folks use boards around 80mm, especially for longer tours


    And it depends because of how the person skis.


    Narrower is fine for "classic" ski touring, shorter radius, slower turns.


    Fatter, stiffer and longer works for faster, larger radius turns in variable conditions.


    For you checkout something ~100mm at the waist and maybe 170cm-180cm long? Or fuckit - pickup some K2 shukshans when they appear on Steepandcheap.com today

  2. Heaven forbid that someone who wants to vote or get a driver's license should actually learn to speak English. The horror!!!


    literacy tests to vote were designed to disenfranchise poor whites and blacks - thanks for making my point :wave:

  3. Have fun arguing that the distribution of languages would have been any different in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc under any conceivable policy regime that they were likely to implement.


    I realize you like the US is bad strawmen - I wasn't arguing that, pointing out the foolishness of the English Only group that wishes to make English the only language of government communication preventing government from translating forms into other languages and conversing with populace in any other language.

  4. Alaska spoke Russian before 1867...officially. I'm surprised that you left Russian off of the list of contenders that qualified under the "landmass" criterion.


    One wonders why new governments wish to impose English or the language of choice upon a newly acquired region in the land of JayB

  5. The innovation in question is the use of "landmass," as in "total landmass occupied by speakers of a given language at a given time irrespective the number of inhabitants speaking the said language, or treaty settlements establishing sovereignity over the said landmass" as the preferred means of selecting an official language.


    Equating a facility with the English language to a particular set of cultural or racial attributes is not novel, but I think it's at least as well founded as the "landmass" argument noted above.


    I'm amazed at your contradictory condscension.


    I'll remind Lousiana and Hawaii that they are in breach of the JayB doctrine.

  6. Primary language. Not sole language. Just semantics, I know....


    Please parse "English Only" for me

    I spent plenty of time parsing Latin, but not so much in plain old English. If you really think that "English Only" needs syntactic analysis, you need more help than I can give you. My apologies.


    I'm quite clear on it - I figured you were experiencing difficulties.

  7. I would argue that the problem of getting physicians into small towns does not have to do with our system being public.


    Oregon would argue the same. More to do with small towns being increasingly unviable economically.



    Just cuz Im in canada doesnt mean i can just walk into the fucking doctors office whenever I want to.. I live in a small town and the local doctors wont see any patients for some reason and the office in chilliwack couldnt get me in for some reason... I just had a question and you dont have to be such a stupid motherfucker and bitch at me like that you fucking asshole... sorry bout my fucking language


    I thought the Canadian Health Care System was much better than the US. Weird.


    It is. The healthcare system is self-rationing based on IQ.

  9. My question is just exactly what "obscure notion of what a citizen should be" that is "tilted towards White" and "Anglo Saxon" - sounds like the same old tired, bullshit (racist) rhetoric. I don't see anything about the responsibilities/expectations of a citizen in the US that is racist or "Anglo Saxon". Pay taxes, vote, participate in politics if you want, volunteer. Yeah, that's so "white". :rolleyes:


    Requirements that English be the sole language of the US for one. It was not the primary language (colonial or otherwise) for a majority of the US landmass. French and Spanish could lay equal claim.

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