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Everything posted by STP

  1. STP


    Oh I suppose in the name of fairness... Obama chosen President in historic election. One month high, then reality sets in. Insolvency of companies is masked while the problem is blamed on credit shortage. Future taxpayers foot the bill as Treasury continues bailouts. Job loss worsens as economy contracts. Oil prices drop as seemingly silver lining as commodity/futures traders see global contraction looming. Financial conditions worsen until crisis reached. Then, only the rich survive by residing in bunkers and gated communities protected by Blackwater.
  2. STP


    In the next two months, Russia steps up militarism egged on by US-led NATO and McCain wins based on a foreign policy platform in a close election. Race riots break out in major cities. Police continue trend to quasi-military forces funded and directed by the Feds. The law and order mantra becomes a national fetish. McCain is removed from office after maniacal outrage and VP Palin takes the reins of Commander-In-Chief. Care to take this fictional scenairo from there?
  3. STP

    Favorite RNC Quotes

    11. Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not? Sarah Palin: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.
  4. OMG! Google is EVIL!!!!!!1 Google Picasa’s facial recognition features take control of your identity
  5. I posted this from Google Chrome.
  6. Could be a defective drive head. Here's some basic info plus a WAVE file of the noise that a normal head makes. http://www.datarecovery-europe.com/ursachen/koepfe.htm
  7. It ain't about issues. It's all about the groove. ENE1eWtW7e8
  8. Not just the Cubans but the Chinese, too. Search hacker exposes Olympic age scandal
  9. The Economist is carrying a story ( http://www.economist.com/business/PrinterFriendly.cfm?story_id=11919622# ) about medical tourism. Some are going abroad to get quality health care at lower prices. As the article states this is not a substitute for health care reform in the US but hopefully will serve as a catalyst for these reforms.
  10. A prominent Philadelphia attorney and Hillary Clinton supporter filed suit this afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission. The action seeks an injunction preventing the senator from continuing his candidacy and a court order enjoining the DNC from nominating him next week, all on grounds that Sen. Obama is constitutionally ineligible to run for and hold the office of President of the United States. -- Obama sued in Philly federal court on grounds he is constitutionally ineligible for the presidency.
  11. 26UA578yQ5g Favorite line? Private Joker: "I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, sir!" Colonel: "We are here to help the Vietnamese because inside every gook there is an American trying to get out."
  12. STP


    How about a 4 minute video? oWS5ijLELRU What was this thread about again? Hypocrisy?
  13. Here's a graph of the 2009 Federal Budget and government spending. Maybe it'll give a perspective on how much is spent on various programs. 2009 Federal Discretionary Budget
  14. Whoo--hooo! George Bush and Henry Kissinger together with a triangular American Flag!!
  15. And is McCain so desperate for votes that he'd visit Sturgis and pimp his wife to the drunken bikers? c4RTlfRYLxA Now here's a clip of the Ms BuffaloChip contest: eVQHJd_3J7g YTh69_HPFU0
  16. Regarding foreign policy, McCain said we'd bring the battle to them (the terrorists) rather than have them bring the battle to us. Now that seems more like rhetoric designed to stir emotions but does his view have a basis in how things are in reality? Seems direct but simplistic and relies on the utilization of the hammer to all problems. In contrast, Obama seems he may use a more multifaceted approach, but I could be wrong. In support, The RAND Corporation recently released an in-depth study that "suggests that there is no battlefield solution to terrorism." -- U.S. Should Rethink "War On Terrorism" Strategy to Deal with Resurgent Al Qaida
  17. The Internets is still broken! Leaks in Patch for Web Security Hole
  18. Ya mean like the taxpayer funded bailouts of Bear Sterns, Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac, etc.? Why is the fruit of my labor seized and redistributed to folks who make a living by manipulating money? Why is Wall Street bailed out? And give me a fuckin' break my 401k doesn't mean shit, the big players are the ones benefitting. I'm willing to bet that more money goes to the real leaches as opposed to monies being spent on the poor. So, it's ok to deregulate in order to make obscene profits but when the shit hits the fan then it's time for taxpayer funded bailout and time for gov't to resume regulating just to show the public they care enough to do something? Fucking' A-holes
  19. I think it's questionable whether either one has a clue. YiU9MibyBJ0
  20. Interesting video. I guess that bike rider learned the hard way that pedestrians have the right of way. Unfortunately, he found out the NYPD way. But he is also lucky he did not get a plunger shoved up his ass while the cops where chanting "It's Giuliani time, motherfucker"... quote from Seattle Times ( http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2008078611_criticalmass29m.html ): The Subaru was parked perpendicular to the street, and was backed over a sidewalk and someone's front lawn, said Braun, 36. He stopped and stood straddling his bike to watch as the cyclists tried to calm the driver. "He was screaming the whole time and yelled something about being late for a [dinner] reservation — and he floors it, he literally floors it into a bunch of people and I took the brunt of it," he said. A woman was also hit but jumped free, he said, and a man jumped onto the hood of the car to avoid being hit. But Braun — and his bike — got pulled beneath the vehicle. So, will the truth come out? And did ya notice that the driver of the Subaru was supposedly yelling about being 'late for a dinner appointment'? I'm glad we have a functioning legal system where the process goes beyond the public instantly judging right or wrong by the stories they hear. In this day though with teh Internets you can get multiple streams of information and instant judging of events should become less frequent for more informed readers. Rookie cop gave dubious account of his videotaped bicyclist assault NYPD Investigates Cop Videotaped Throwing Cyclist Off Bike I don't support the rolling mayhem but if this was an officially sanctioned event such as a parade then there's small chance they would've been a problem. Could'ja image a driver plowing into a group of Shriners in minicars? Of course, if I understand correctly, the point of Critical Mass is it's spontaneity so it might have more in common with Santarchy & Santacon“No force on earth can stop one hundred Santas!”
  21. STP

    rap v. country

    Why not be eclectic? For coming down easy. q2jkyuT8unw What a beautiful face I have found in this place That is circling all round the sun What a beautiful dream That could flash on the screen In a blink of an eye and be gone from me Soft and sweet Let me hold it close and keep it here with me And one day we will die And our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea But for now we are young Let us lay in the sun And count every beautiful thing we can see Love to be In the arms of all I'm keeping here with me Anna's ghost all around Hear her voice as it's rolling and ringing through me Soft and sweet How the notes all bend and reach above the trees Now how I remember you How I would push my fingers through Your mouth to make those muscles move That made your voice so smooth and sweet And now we keep where we don't know All secrets sleep in winter clothes With one you loved so long ago Now he don't even know his name What a beautiful face I have found in this place That is circling all round the sun And when we meet on a cloud I'll be laughing out loud I'll be laughing with everyone I see Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all
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