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Everything posted by OrygunJim

  1. Good idea, no doubt. For a one time "secret crag" it's interesting how many people climb out there 50+ days a year without meeting one another. Also interesting is that some have never heard of cc.com! This cause warrants mass exposure. As a resident of NW PDX, I would also suggest hitting up local businesses on 23rd and 21st avenues to advertise in windows, etc. Many people in this neighborhood are pretty community oriented and may attend/donate whether they are climbers or not (and many go to the Lucky Lab on a regular basis anyway). Good on the coordinators of this much anticipated event!
  2. A few pics from our day out on the NW Face. Farrgo ropegunning. The perfect corner is just that, but only for 25m or so. The dihedral continues, but the climbing doesn't as the crack peters out.
  3. A few more images from the climb. Despite an unnerving experience on the descent, I found this route to be four-star. Definitely a good one for those considering a more arduous climb. You're never doing one type of climbing for too long, very engaging. It was made that much more fun by having a good partner to share the pleasure and pain. There are no significant injuries related to my incident in "Pudding Gully". I am grateful to have escaped with only a learning experience and a deepening respect for these mountains we jaunt so merrily upon.
  4. It was pretty chilly up on Snowdome yesterday, despite the sunny weather. Snow was firm, but yielded to edges. Lower on the glacier was a different story, very soft by afternoon. I was drooling at the upper headwall of Sunshine, climber's left of Horseshoe Rock looked like a perfect line to descend. Only one 'schrund mid-glacier to avoid and nothing but perfection otherwise. Not nearly as steep as it seems either (35-40 degrees maybe). If it doesn't dump a ton in the next few days I'd say get it, as there has been significant consolidation in the last week's warming/cooling cycle. You would be hard pressed to find such conditions in June again.
  5. Trip: Mt. Hood - Snowdome Date: 6/8/2008 Trip Report: Made the long haul up to the 'dome today. Gate to Cloud Cap is open, but logs in the road about 1.5mi up, not helpful. Would hope a good samaritan or the forest service will dice 'em up real soon cuz the hike from Tilly Jane TH suuuuuucks. Actually, it doesn't. It's beautiful right now, but makes for a very long day. It took me 5 hours of booting and skinning to reach the top of Snowdome. 2:45 to return. Continuous snow on the trail starts about a mile from the TJ warming hut. With patches of snow and muck before. This was a solo run so no killer action photos, but a beautiful day considering the forecast earlier in the week. Ascent in red. Descent in Blue. Crossed the Eliot above the lower ice fall. Clearly the place to ski on the N. side. North Face, looking pretty good. Upper Sunshine Route, also pretty good. Would be a good ski from the ridge just left of the photo. Eliot Headwall. I don't think this looks good at all, but I'm not that hardcore. Helens, Rainier, Adams from top of Snowdome. 'Schrund underneath the North Face routes, at least 3 snowbridges. Upper Eliot seracs. Ice climbs in the background. Esses above the glacier Turns trend to skiers left to avoid sketch looking snow patterns on the Eliot, in a bowl not seen in the photo. Not trying to start a rescue here, some small cracks beginning to open down low. In the afternoon a massive Corona appeared. Looks like the good weather is coming to an end. Just couldn't stop turning around to look. Approach Notes: TJTH, but not for long. Put the sleds on at the warming hut.
  6. Maine-iac, If your looking for a partner I'd be interested to know what dates you're heading up. I've been considering a solo of this circumnav as well for lack of partners, but am hesitant for similar reasons you have put forth on this board. Probably couldn't get four days, but 3 is highly likely. pm if seeking another.
  7. Yes, it's a little more work on this side of the Mt., but soooo worth it! Just check the TRs of past Sunset Ridge, Tahoma Glacier, etc routes to get your stoke up. I'd like to follow the Puyallup Cleaver to the high camp under Sunset Amphitheater (check Gauthier's guide, page 167), conditions dependent. Options to descend via the same route or carry over and descend the DC exist if cars are available. Looking for 2-3 other fit individuals. PM if interested. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=580113
  8. Chad, Any snow on Defiance when you went up? Meg and I hiked the PCT from Herman Creek CG and were stopped about 5mi. in by 2' snowpack. So much for a training hike!
  9. "Started drizzling approximately 30 seconds after we arrived at car". Another Cascades narrow escape. Nice pics. Great time of year to be out there. All that snow makes for awesome scenery (but hell to hike in). Nice job.
  10. Trip: Hood - Reid HW. brief report Date: 5/5/2008 Trip Report: Chad A, DonnV, and myself headed up Sunday night, bagged a few z's in the van and began around 2:45 am. Chad summed up the route conditions well: Conditions were variable with mostly a breakable crust (annoying and time consuming) to occasional front pointing on super hard neve. The crust, though, was prevalent throughout. We didn't see any ice in the little gullies between the rock towers. There's a ton of snow on the upper mountain (surprised? prolly not...)
  11. Photos taken 4/26/08
  12. Chad, I went up the Glade a few weeks ago and was actually surprised at how wide the trail was. I was expecting a backcountry experience, but the swath logged for the trail is plenty wide for newbs. The grade is also pretty chill, I think I made two turns after leaving T-line to keep up speed in deep snow, the rest was just pointing downhill. On the way up I skinned Kruser and stayed to the side of the groomer until the Mile. Like Frikadeller, I got a few looks, but no one stopped to "set me straight". FYI, if you start at Thunderhead trailhead you end up a block from the brewery in Govy when you get back!
  13. So I've got a ratty, poorly printed copy of the "Lawson Guide" that the Terrebonne hardware store sells. Is the original booklet still available anywhere? Are better copies available anywhere? I paid my $2 a few years ago and pages are missing and half the stuff I can't read because ink spread all over the page when it was copied. I'm sure this Q has been asked, but can't find in topic search.
  14. New to the alpine game myself, but have been up Hood a few times and own a pretty bomber two man tent, personal gear, etc. Looking to get up all three of these peaks this season. You have any dates, tentative or solid you're thinking of going up? Adams seems good any day now with the proper weather window, though Rainier is best attempted a little later in the season for first-timers. Don't know much about the Baker season, but a little research would solve that. Check your PM's and we can set something up.
  15. And you Cooler, have the smoothest ass on all of the interwebs...
  16. This side is in. Go get it.
  17. Hey John, how much are rides in that sweet plane? Are barrel rolls extra? Great TR Pinegar. Serious winter stoke.
  18. The Olympics have such allure, and a mystical feel when the marine layer moves in. Like some 11th Century Chinese scroll painting. Too bad the rock isn't as solid as it might have been in the 11th century!! I'm pulling out my guidebooks, and planning some trips thanks to this thread. What are the best 3-4 day trips you've taken on the peninsula? So much to explore there.
  19. Porter, Can you post panorama peak names please? Great shot you have there. My contribution, though puny. Deception and Mt. Johnson in late season, from Royal Basin.
  20. As the "waiting climber on the hogsback" I feel I must add my 2 cents worth regarding the route that day. The conditions were perfect in the early morning, baking by 11, a perfect time for the beer I stashed in the snow! The Pearly Gates provided a champ finish to an otherwise monotonous slog. One must exit the hogsback about 20ft. below the spot where the two hapless individuals are stuck in the above photo. The gully leading into the gates is somewhat steep and capped by a section consisting of two ice steps, one about waist to chest high, the other chest to just over-head high. There is a small platform (one person) between the two steps. The ice section is a little more than shoulder width, providing a deceptively cozy feel. I brought a second tool and was glad I did, the ice took picks great and I moved with confidence. It was disappointing to see it end really. I would NOT descend this way as it would require ropes/screws or proficient downclimbing ability. Also the gully is an absolute funnel, so beware party inflicted debris from above and put a helmet on for christ sake. End beta spray transmission. Great photos Suge. and nice tele turns by your bro.
  21. Vertical hiker, email sent. Agree w/ billclimbs about not being into speed, but I'm fit enough to move when need be. Would like to go Sunday. Billclimbs, you still game if these other fellas don't go? pm if interested.
  22. I remember looking back on the way down from the crater at noon thinking "damn, those clouds are closing fast". By the time I reached the parking lot, 1/3 of the mountain had disappeared and Palmer was a ghost town. Serious weather, seriously fast.
  23. I was just out there today thinking how lucky we are to have a great little outdoor gym. Some of those lines are absolute classics, not to be missed. C.M., next time bring a tarp for your rope, and a small trashbag with some gloves. While those may be unusual ethics for a crag, they apply at the Butte.
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