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Everything posted by OrygunJim

  1. Ozone or Broughton, mid morning start.
  2. I thought that might have been a foolish question. The only retribution for my ignorance is to visit the dome and provide offerings of skin and blood. Any other heathens need a slab partner next week?
  3. I'm not familiar with the area enough to recognize the fin in this shot. Name? Routes? Choss? Sublime? Bueler?
  4. bumpitybumpbump
  5. Edit: Only Friends left for sale. Wild Country Forged Friends: $60 for set. 2002 series #2,#2.5,#3,#4 (1.14-3.94") Rock Empire Pulsar Cams $20 ea. or $35 for both #1 (0.75-1.18") #3 (1.38-2.09") Rock Empire Robot Cams $20 ea, or $35 for both #1 (0.79-1.14") #2 (1.06-1.61") Ozun (Czech) who knows cam $10 1.5" one of my favorite pieces, total bomber (see pic above) Rock Empire Aluminum Nuts $15 for set 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9 also a random BD #7 (o.3-1.15") The washrag is a canon terry and is not for sale at this time.
  6. I both love and hate this image, for aesthetic and personal reasons. I once saw this view after an 18 hour day on Stuart on one hour of sleep. A personal high and low both at once, fuckin' climbing.
  7. Are you available 25th and 26th (Thursday/Friday)?
  8. Your efforts in this regard are always appreciated, Joseph.
  9. the corner first to see what has fallen over the winter, and what should fall before every kid who got new cams for christmas pushes it onto others below. then YW, like 5 times in a row. KB if you want to piss on bird nests, why not hit the corvids out at Crowzone. NoNuts is now hosting a large and rowdy family.
  10. All good reasons. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Alpinfox, I think it's cool you get out with Fred, but I'm wondering why you often look for the third to join your excursions. Especially when you're moving slower and a two man team seems to work well for a lot of the routes you end up doing. Meaningless curiosity here, not instigating a spray session from any parties. Keep doing what you're doing, I think it's great.
  12. dmm shield wiregates for alpine draws. spendy, but bitchin. I have a dozen alpine draws and a dozen sport draws. Mix and match depending on what the specific route warrants.
  13. All photos February 2009 P5 Austrian Route, Aguja de la S; FitzRoy range 6a (L to R) Aguja de la S; St. Exupery; Rafeal Juarez (Inominata) Poincenot and Fitz Roy from bivy for Aguja de la S P2 Objectivo Luna 5.10b; El Cohete; Bariloche (Frey), Argentina P4 bombay exit on Naca Naca, Crunch Crunch 5.10a; El Abuelo; Bariloche (Frey), Argentina
  14. the 'zone abides
  15. Looking to meet new partners. Rocky B topropes, Broughton, Ozone, Beacon when in-season, Smith. Solid 5.9 trad, .10s sport. Looking for some local early season laps and spring trips to Central Oregon. Will be out at Rocky B tomorrow (4/16) rope soloing. I have an irregular schedule often with midweek days off. Not a newb, not a superstar, take safety seriously. I also train at PRG as weather dictates. PM if interested.
  16. Multiple destinations on this trip without a defined itinerary, but if we're in the same neighborhood at the same time why not climb together? Roughly: B.A. Jan 14th-22nd. Then Cordoba, then Mendoza, on to Santiago, all at a "how it feels" pace. Fitzroy range (Chalten) Feb 5th-20th, though I'll be with a guide a good part of this time, but would meet a fellow cc'er for beers anytime. Torres del Paine Feb 20th-30th, trekking? Then heading south to Tierra del Fuego, but will return up to Bariloche the first week of March for a few days before heading back to B.A. Then up to Iguazu Falls for a little while. A little vague, but what the hell. Maybe our paths will cross on the great Pampas of the south!
  17. That's my kind of climbing partner right there...
  18. Good times for sure, Bill. Thanks for the Birds of Paradise clinic. Definitely a nice evening outside and just in time judging by this morning's wet streets.
  19. I'll have my gri, so you can hang all afternoon, if that's what you mean by good belay. And Bill, everyone on this site, I mean everyone, knows yours is top notch. It's hard to keep things like that quiet when they're posted on the bathroom stall (ie climber's board).
  20. I'm on Wassail no. 4 tonight so maybe an afternoon climb is advisable. Meet you there at 5ish Bill. I'll be there a little before if anyone else wants to join, say 3 o'clock for a few burns in the Breakfast area.
  21. Can anyone make it out to RB tomorrow a.m.? I'll be rope soloing around the Blackberry area 10-11ish. White helmet, foul language.
  22. I'll start doing laps on the sside of Hood as soon as snow falls to get in (relative) shape, then move further into the bc as snow gets deeper/better. I have some weekends and many weekdays free. PM when your schedule allows.
  23. Wow. I think I read that same quote on the McCain website following the announcement... If you don't think she's a starry-eyed pretty girl appealing solely to the far right you are definitely a republican.
  24. Read the comments from that link. Seems the Rs may have a no-experience relief pitcher to fill a dead McCain spot. But the Ds are putting in a no-experience man as their starting pitcher. ...with a strong "relief" to consult in Biden, rather than a dead president and...on the Republican side? Colin Powell wouldn't touch this admin with a ten-foot pole, Condoleezza says she's done. And I would love to see the dream team in the Rs situation room. It's not the president, but the cabinet that yields the influence. Hilary will reign at that table.
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