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mountainsloth last won the day on August 10 2024

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About mountainsloth

  • Birthday 03/28/1980


  • Location
    Seatte, WA

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  1. WTF is wrong with this country. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø
  2. Hey Otto, Sure miss that guy. Glad there is a memorial of him up there. Might it have been an avalanche or some such natural event that moved it?
  3. Tremendous read! Thank you! Your story is a great reminder that nothing is guaranteed in the mountains. I applaud your decision making. Will you go back?
  4. Glad your focus was on the experience. Summits are nice but not always necessary for a great day in the mtns.
  5. Rad! This was the first cascade peak that set my soul on fire during my first visit to the cascades many moons ago. Still havenā€™t climbed it. Iā€™ve always been drawn to the S. Ridges described in the Beckey guide. Do you have any photos of those south ridges from the summit?
  6. I am very sorry for your loss. Your TR took a surprising turn. I had to re-read the accident portion a few times. I didnā€™t believe it. Thank you for sharing what must have been a hard story to tell and re-live. Honor your brothers passing through living a life worth living. I can only hope you find peace in the future.
  7. Wow! Cool! Thanks for posting. Iā€™ve considered this route many times but havenā€™t found the right(or wrong) minded person(s) to join me. šŸ˜ love that valley and all the mystique that Garfield imposes on all who travel by it.
  8. Long time lurker, occasional poster, this site has meant a lot to me too. When I first moved to the PNW in 2006, I was blown away and overwhelmed by the Cascades and Olympics. I didnā€™t know where to start. This site gave me an appreciation and understanding of these mountains that I couldnt get anywhere else. Iā€™ll start posting again, if I can get my ass out to the mtns for something worth posting. Thanks for keeping it all going. I owe much to this place! āœŒļø
  9. Ha! I tried this thing years ago on a cold winter day. When the chimney narrows above the chock stone I moved out on to the face just left, pulled off a hold and went for a wild ride. Iā€™m ended up inverted over the chock stone.šŸ˜¬ my partner and I bailed and ended up climbing the nice hand crack a few hundred feet left of the chimney to a bolted anchor. Much better than the chimney.
  10. Sweet! More moderate granite! Thanks for the effort Otto and friends!
  11. Cool climb and write up. I love these Canadian TRs popping up recently.
  12. Nice. I hope to find similar conditions this year.
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