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Everything posted by dougd

  1. Val, congrats to you and the others on your climb. The pic of the ledges sure show the sparse snow year we're having. In May of 2011 that route was chock full of snow w/no ledges per se, which made for a long, spicy, rising traverse to the chute. Your report prompted some good memories. This is an enjoyable route with historical significance. Thanks for sharing. d
  2. Great work, and write up! (I personally prefer concise TR's) Thanks d
  3. bump. I'm Johnny come lately to this issue, but NCNP expansion is on my mind. Devil's in the details but a cursory glance has me thinking this is a pretty well balanced proposal... http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/push-is-on-to-expand-north-cascades-national-park/ http://www.americanalps.org http://www.americanalps.org/Am%20Alps%20Proposal%207-21-14%20Revised%20-%20Part%203.pdf This part sounded good: "Backcountry management of the existing National Park will not be changed under this proposal. This vast area will be left in its current wild and natural condition. This proposal does not include any new roads or trails in backcountry areas of the National Park or the new National Preserve." If anyone has thoughts on this proposal (and hasn't done so already) the time is now to contact representatives, and keep an eye out for the public meetings. d
  4. dougd


    you mean like all holes filled with hot cock? Well shit, mine was better than ole Thomas Merton's above. At least it was non denominational...
  5. dougd


    Ivan's all looked really good but for some, just living isn't enough... We need more man... Simple as that d
  6. BBC World News America is a nice alternative... I may just have a thing for proper english ladies too though...
  7. Well, considering it seems harmless enough... Our thoughts are our own until we release them of course, but then, we should at least be somewhat prepared to explain them, and when we employ sweeping generalities in our statements, explaining the meaning can be darn difficult... Still a bit confused on the whole "_____ tell me I should think or what I am allowed to say" thing, or why it would be allowed to become an issue for someone... Let er rip I say, but be ready.
  8. Ever consider the possibility that you are but one of the <1% or so that don't "know what to say or think" anymore?. Instead of "nobody knows what to say or think"??
  9. Oh, really? Gee, that seems kinda dangerous... Wouldn't it be possible someone might get hurt? Speech that can potentially do real harm to someone is protected by the 1st Amendment? My apology to FW for thread drift on this awesome thread! d
  10. Enjoyed this report very much. Great endeavor, in good style... As I reflect upon my years in the game, I've come to appreciate all of my adventures more. Not just summits and/or routes, but the endeavor, as a whole. d
  11. dougd

    Park Rant

    Spoken like a true Edward Abbey man... +1 And allow me to share a pic of Fred, @ 91yrs last winter breaking trail with some ice in sight. N of Banff. d
  12. Somnambulation. Good one. Had me running for my dictionary... d
  13. dougd

    Park Rant

    Thank goodness there are inconvenient places left like the NCNP. I just hope the bubble gum and bailing wire holding this old body together holds out a little longer so I can enjoy more of it, just the way it is... d
  14. Spokane is a bit of a drive to the real climbing. Other than that, and speaking in an overall, qualified sense, would beat out Tacoma for sure, and possibly Seattle due mainly to the horrid traffic situation there. d
  15. dougd

    faggoty book read'n

    Given this administration's penchant for makin' shit up and terrorizing dissenters, I'm not sure Patraeus is much guilty of anything. Now you went and did it. Woke up the one trick pony...
  16. All the pics on this thread are great, but this last one, is the best one, IMHO. Congratulations Nastia! d
  17. This is my overall political position. I can't believe anyone cares anymore. Which is, no position at all... Nice.
  18. dougd

    faggoty book read'n

    Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas by Elaine Pagels. Believer or not, a good read... d
  19. It's nice and all I suppose, but I find myself wondering what took so long, and if Fred will give a shit... If Fred is happy about this award, and I hope he is, heartfelt congratulations are in order. His contributions to climbing speak for themselves. d
  20. My wife and I damn near died laughing the day we saw Mr Carlin at the Orpheum Theater waayyy back in the mid '70s... Thought I mighta broke a rib. I was sore next day... RIP George. d
  21. dougd


    Pretty sweet lease deal apparently... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guantanamo_Bay_Naval_Base
  22. dougd


    Hate to be the pessimist/realist, and risk thread drift, but aren't Obama/Congress mutually exclusive?... I've got it! EXECUTIVE ORDER!
  23. "Crater rim no wind" NO WAY! Twice I've been up there and always near get blown right off it... Been up the ledges once and found it really fun in similar conditions. Looks good right now for sure. Thanks for posting. Brought back good memories. d
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