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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Long ways to go, since I never respond to you till today and everytime I post you jump on me. Regardless your comments today show your color. Whether done in fun or not. A color was shown and you are a dark color. A clueless twit would be one that would deny the Holocaust or joke about it.
  2. WE can all look up to the Racist V7, all cheer.
  3. Who said where not judging? come on are you that dumb? Is there a human that exist that doesn't judge. Boy if that all that holding you back we got room for one more.
  4. Maybe some nice doner to CC.com will see his racist shit and forget to donate one month. Maybe then they will cut his out.
  5. sometime you gotta hook them, for only then, do they realize the species they belong to. virtual fishing hurts no one. Only fish is V7. Bottom fish.
  6. WHY DO YOU HATE JEWS? by the same logic , i hate chickens too i guess........ why did the chicken....... 'cause he wanted to pick a fight..... V7 your just a racist puke. Go back to your Nazi flags you fool. see seecocks reach for the bottom of the barrel. again. in a hundred years when you awaken from your animal stupor to become aware of your human existence we will talk again. ciao until then and godspeed...... No your the bottom the barrell. I don't claim to be a great person. I do stuff all the time I shouldn't but I know one thing I ain't the shit you are.
  7. 20 million from your communist friend Stalin. Shall I go on?
  8. . If you cant see that you need a trip to Germany to visit some concentration camps then you need to visit a house of someone that been there. THAT is something you read in a newspaper or seen on tv. NOW it has become your credo. you learn well. now you need to learn from better sources...... Wow and people actually listen to you on here???? The site ought to kick you off. beyond spray.
  9. WHY DO YOU HATE JEWS? by the same logic , i hate chickens too i guess........ why did the chicken....... 'cause he wanted to pick a fight..... V7 your just a racist puke. Go back to your Nazi flags you fool.
  10. You know I'm not Jewish but its bad taste. Very. If you cant see that you need a trip to Germany to visit some concentration camps then you need to visit a house of someone that been there.
  11. Wow you guys are sad.
  12. WHY DO YOU HATE JEWS? Becuase they don't fit into his narrow little box. So he hates.
  13. Exactly showing what an stupid ass he is.
  14. And what are you??? Nothing. Someone that can't see beyond there narrow little hate filled thoughts.
  15. TV will avoid same as Kevbone when stuck. He said "viable nuclear weapons development program" Is it only viable when it goes off?? They did have a nuclear Development program.
  16. Well thought out. there be no answer, only V7 hate.
  17. Seahawks

    BS or real???

    V7 your just one of those typical Liberal hate machines. You bore me. Kevbones 2nd grade humor is more entertaining. I'll show you a liberal hating machine, Speedbump. Now where'd I stow the keys to my road grader... What you his bitch now?? I see two in that grader, sittting side by side. Grade his rocks!!!
  18. Seahawks


    Let's all add KBoner to our ignore user list and see how long it takes him to give up and go away. skull Best idea yet. seahawks, i was praying last night and god told me that he was dissapointed with you. he said that you wack off to much. LOL at least it was kind of funny. Not allowed to wack off wife said to save it for her.
  19. Seahawks

    BS or real???

    V7 your just one of those typical Liberal hate machines. You bore me. Kevbones 2nd grade humor is more entertaining.
  20. Seahawks

    BS or real???

    If find it hard to believe. Dad says 2-year-old son shot him in arm THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MINNEAPOLIS -- Minneapolis police are trying to find out how a 2-year-old boy allegedly ended up with a gun and shot his father. The 24-year-old man walked into Abbott Northwestern Hospital last Saturday with a gunshot wound to his arm. The man told police that his 2-year-old son had taken the gun from his mother's purse and fired it at him. "I cannot think of the last time a 2-year-old was involved in a shooting," Lt. Amelia Huffman, a police spokeswoman, said Tuesday. "It's a pretty rare thing, thankfully." Huffman said the 22-year-old mother was home but not in the room at the time. A 4-year-old child also was in the house, but there was no other witness to the shooting. Police were investigating whether there was any child endangerment, since the 2-year-old apparently was able to reach a gun. No was arrested or charged. The type of gun involved wasn't disclosed. However, Joe Penaz, who teaches local gun safety classes at gun clubs and gun stores, said that it was possible for a small child to fire a gun if it was an automatic, which are as light as 7 ounces. "Women seem to gravitate to small automatics," he said. Penaz said he carries an automatic that requires only 16 ounces of pressure on the trigger to fire. Huffman said the incident underscores the importance of safety when a gun is in a household. "If you keep a firearm, keep it locked up," she said
  21. Man there are some sick individuals out there. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/308412_sexcase22.html
  22. That is nothing this is F'ng sick. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1120AP_Deer_Sex.html Think it said his name was Kevbone.
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