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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Seahawks


    Yeah what Rumrman says. Hey seahawks......Shut The F@#$@#$ Up
  2. Okay lets say we go Kevboners way, then when Bid laden gets his bomb how do you keep it out of NY or LA or elsewhere? Becuase they don't care and you and everyone who not a muslim deserves to die. How would you then police that situation??? What are your answers???? Lets here then instead of the stupid not thought out bitching of a liberal. I'm not talking about Iraq here I want to know how you handle these type of countries with nukes.
  3. Seahawks


    Yeah what Rumrman says.
  4. Pair sentenced for sex in front of girl PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- A mother and her boyfriend were sentenced to three years probation on Monday for having intercourse in front of the woman's 9-year-old daughter to teach the girl about sex. Chief Family Court Judge Jeremiah S. Jeremiah Jr. sentenced Rebecca Arnold of Woonsocket, and her boyfriend, David Prata, to probation and a three-year suspended sentence after they pleaded no contest to a felony child neglect charge. The judge said he wanted to spare the young girl, now 11, from testifying, according to Michael Healey, a spokesman for Attorney General Patrick Lynch. During an investigation by the state child welfare authorities, Prata, 33, said he and Arnold, 36, had sex "all the time" in front of the child and that "we don't believe in hiding anything." He told an investigator that they did not force the girl to watch. The allegations surfaced in December 2004 after the girl went to live with her father in North Adams, Mass., after spending the summer with her mother in Woonsocket. A teacher called a child abuse hotline to report that the girl said her mother and her boyfriend had sex in front of her. Woonsocket police arrested the couple February 2005.
  5. Well be prepared to be someones bith in Jail. Better hope Kevbones not there.
  6. Sounds like the man got angry, but did he actually threaten you? He certainly didn't harm you. You would have had no justification to do anything to him, really, much less shoot him. You do have a right to run through a park without being attacked by a dog. That's what civil suits and laws are for, both of which you could have levied on the man had you chosen to do so. Had he actually threatened you, that is a crime also. Off leash fines in Seattle are $500; enough to make any dog owner think twice about letting aggropoodle run around free again. But you chose to do none of the above, so the jerk's probably still out there, messing with joggers. Next time you have a run in with a similar prick, and it sounds like he was every bit of that, I'd suggest doing something about it legally to stop the behavior rather than endulging in Dirty Harry fantasies. Carry a cell, and be ready to lower the boom when needed. why don't you replace CBS in the above scenario, and put one of your kids, under the age of 7 in that picture...or your wife...I woulda pulled the trigger on the dog...fuck your lawsuit... No lawsuit in Washington animal control said if I had shot the pit that attacked me and family, nothing they could have done.
  7. I think the guy did charge him but hell did he have to shoot him 3 times in the chest with a 10mm. bad for everyone involved. Kind of sad.
  8. Maybe if he shot him they wouldn't fell in. MOUNT RAINIER NATIONAL PARK - A frantic search is under way for two people who were swept away in the fast-moving Ipsut Creek in Mt. Rainier National Park. The park's Lee Taylor says three people in their 40s were hiking along Carbon Road near the Ipsut Campground Monday morning around 9 o'clock. The trio then tried to cross a log over Ipsut Creek when one person fell in and was quickly swept away. A second person jumped in to help, but they was also carried downstream. The third person ran for help. Two Mt. Rainier National Park staff were on the scene with two more staff members rushing to the site. The Pierce County Swift Water Rescue team is helping, as is the Guardian One helicopter from the King County Sheriff
  9. I’m a really trying to make sense of this statement. By 2, do you mean two? And what’s with the 0’s and 1’s? :lmao: The thing with Arch is making you look Two. The O's and 1's means we are just a bunch of fricking binary codes to you. Who cares.
  10. you forgot E. let the little f'ng bat person have lunch on you f'ng neck.
  11. What is real funny is your looking 2. I know Arch doesn't want to see your crap but its funny. Kevboner really don't act like you care we are just a bunch of 0's and 1's in your life.
  12. Do you mean the dog or the person? The dog of course. Not going to kill some person that just plain dumb. Like I want to be somebodys bitch in jail.
  13. The jury was originally spit 4-4. Had some good convincers that it was time to go get dinner at home instead of the motel. Ah shit. Seaboy has entered the ring.....let me guess....you carry guns like Archypoo, right? You have bull horns on your car and yell yee ha everytime you take a shit. right? Yes I have 3 guns. I hunt upland birds, also been deer and elk hunting. I love animals they taste great. And if I had my pistol on the trail the day the Pit attacked me I would have shot the sucker.
  14. The jury was originally spit 4-4. Had some good convincers that it was time to go get dinner at home instead of the motel.
  15. But not long after the shooting, a darker side of Grant Kuenzli emerged. While some saw him as a gentle, dog-loving volunteer, there were reports of an unstable, violent past. Ernie Encinas, fire marshal for Gilbert, Arizona: He would go from zero to hot in a very short amount of time. Ernie Encinas is the fire marshal for the Gilbert, Arizona fire department. He hired Kuenzli as a fire inspector in 1997. At first, he seemed like a good employee. But he says things changed quickly. Encinas: He would get mad, he would clench his fist, he would hit the table, he would pace back and forth, his voice would elevate. Encinas says when he read Harold Fish’s account of what happened on that hiking trail when he encountered Kuenzli, it was almost like a flashback for him. Encinas: I could actually see in my mind’s eye Grant’s fist. I could see his face. I could see how he acted with me. So it wasn’t hard for me to imagine what Mr. Fish might have seen. Steve Corich is the director of public safety at Mesa Community College. One morning in 2003, a security officer found Kuenzli walking his dog on campus without a leash. When the officer confronted him, Kuenzli became agitated. Steve Corich, director of public safety at Mesa Community College: He was loud. His fists were clenched. All of his body language essentially conveyed that he was extremely angry. And it took quite a while to calm him down. In his 26-year career, Corich says Grant Kuenzli stands out. Corich: He had one of the hottest and quickest boiling points of any of the people I’ve ever dealt with. Clayton Hamblen, justice of the peace: His look was one of “I would like to rip your throat out.” Clayton Hamblen has been a justice of the peace in West Mesa for 15 years. One day, Grant Kuenzli showed up for a court hearing with his dog, when Hamblen suggested he leave the dog outside. He says the dog owner became aggressive. Hamblen: He began to clench his fists. His eyes got a look that was just almost downright scary. Hamblen says Kuenzli seemed more concerned for the well being of his dog than people. Hamblen: I said “The man is either going to kill somebody or somebody is going to kill him.” And that was my feeling… that was just a gut reaction. Then there are police reports from an ex-girlfriend, who says when she tried to break up with Kuenzli, he stalked her and broke into her house. She wrote in a court affidavit that Kuenzli once attacked a male friend of hers and she even told police Kuenzli sexually assaulted her. She obtained two orders from the court to keep him away. And there is evidence that Kuenzli was mentally unstable in the past. A police report from 2002 says he threatened to commit suicide with a knife. And mental health records indicate that Kuenzli received treatment for a panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and a mood disorder. The defense attorneys believed Kuenzli’s history was relevant and should be heard by the jury.
  16. McDonald: You had an individual, a troubled man, who for the preceding five years had severe problems with self-control to the point that he would literally terrify responsible citizens. Larson: He was a loose cannon? McDonald: A loose cannon out of control.
  17. I'd shot both dogs then if the guy charged me saying he was going to kill me I'd shot him in the leg after a warning shot in his direction. Three times in the chest was stupid and dumb. The other guy was a dumb ass for charging a man who just shot at his dogs. Having been attacked by a pit bull myself fuck the dogs any type that attacks. A stupid terrible tradegy in my books for both.
  18. Seahawks


    Got to give him some break, he's proably drunk after breaking it off.
  19. Ant that the truth. What ant???? opps spelling cop. What do they say??? Don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house. Let me ask you something. What is it that you thought I was supposed to say? Would it be “isn’t”? or “is that not the truth” ? Well you should read into it a little more before you “throw rocks”. Ant is slang for the phrases mentioned above. The spelling cops just got slapped down. Maybe in Tonya Harding book of Grammer
  20. Seahawks


    man crush lol
  21. Ant that the truth. What ant???? opps spelling cop. What do they say??? Don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house.
  22. Seahawks


    Dont you mean here? Spelling cops at it again. lol your such a ... i didn't know you were into beastiality seahawks. is that you and your partner, look' like he's in the mood. No that a pic of a liberal. LOL
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