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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Definatly CO2 is increasing that proven, I wonder how much is blown out of proportion my the libs. Are you telling me that you think the scientist have figured this earth out enough to now for sure what going on??? The earth has been hotter and colder in the past not a result of humans. Certainly we could be causing something but run around like chicken little is stupid. Fair enough. So what you're really saying is that you have no faith in the advancement of science? Would you rather rely on knowledge gained from other means? Reading more into than what I said. Only point I was trying to make was these scientist are not perfect. Alot of times we get there personal beleifs with there data. Science has its place, real science.
  2. I have never agreed with you more!!!! Hey seahawks…..do you climb? Who cares what you think K-fed??? I climbed your mamma this morning My point exactly……once again….do you climb? Another direct question: Do you think global warming is a myth? A couple of simple questions. A person with your intelligence should be able to answer them with real answers. Not the stupid mama jokes you are used to. Lets hear it! as archy said read above dumb ass. I gave my opinion, not saying I'm right. You telling me to be serious. Shit you are a dumb ass. This coming from the the person who cupping his farts at work and lighting them. lol shut up.
  3. Nice link, something educational thanks,
  4. Definatly CO2 is increasing that proven, I wonder how much is blown out of proportion by the libs. Are you telling me that you think the scientist have figured this earth out enough to know for sure what going on??? The earth has been hotter and colder in the past not a result of humans. Certainly we could be causing something but run around like chicken little is stupid.
  5. I have never agreed with you more!!!! Hey seahawks…..do you climb? Who cares what you think K-fed??? I climbed your mamma this morning
  6. All quickly agreed that the 50 percent number was wrong. It may have originally come from an editing error in a 2004 report issued by an Oregon panel of scientists. "No one believes in this 50 percent number anymore," Mass said. You must be from Oregon too dumbass, Think these people know little more than you.
  7. Why not its from a liberal newspaper. Not to useless a thread if you like climbing on snow. Idiot.
  8. LOL evertime you write something I'm like "What the hell" So off the wall I can't even respond.
  9. On global warming. Just seems politically motivated to me. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003618979_warming15m.html How one number touched off big climate-change fight at UW By Warren Cornwall The number is eye-popping, and it was repeated so often it became gospel. The snowpack in the Cascades, it was said, shrank by 50 percent in the last half-century. It's been presented as glaring evidence of the cost exacted by global warming — the drying up of a vital water source. That statistic has been repeated in a government report, on environmental-advocacy Web sites and in media coverage. Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels recently mentioned it in a guest column in The Seattle Times. Here's the problem: The number is dead wrong. The debunking of this statistic, and the question of just how much the state's snowpack shrank, is stirring up a heated debate among the region's climate scientists. On Monday, it escalated further when University of Washington researcher and State Climatologist Philip Mote stripped a colleague of his title as associate state climatologist, triggering concerns that scientific dissent is being quashed. Losing the title doesn't affect the man's employment at the UW. The affair might be dismissed as a tempest in an ivory-tower teapot. But it comes at a time when the science of climate change is getting more attention from policy-makers and the public. Heated debate over global warming University of Washington scientists are in a tense dispute over what has happened to snowpack in the Cascade Mountains, considered a critical potential effect of global warming. The arguments and who's behind them: 50 percent decrease since 1950: Widely used as recently as this year, now dismissed by scientists on all sides as a major overstatement. 35 percent decrease since the mid-1940s: Offered by Washington State Climatologist and UW climate scientist Philip Mote. 30 percent decrease since 1945: Professor Dennis Hartmann, chair of the Atmospheric Sciences Department, after a meeting with the different sides and consultations with other scientists. 10 to 15 percent decrease since the mid-1940s: Professor Cliff Mass, in association with meteorologist Mark Albright It illustrates the challenge of teasing apart how global climate change affects a small region like the Northwest. It shows how a single statistic can take on a life of its own in this politically charged debate, batted around from politicians' speeches to newspapers (including information from a Seattle official in a May 2006 story in The Seattle Times). And it reflects the pressures and scrutiny surrounding politicians' use of science as global warming gains more attention. Recently, some scientists have been criticizing claims in the Oscar-winning climate-change documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," which stars Al Gore. Shrinking, sure, but ... The debate in Seattle started with Mark Albright, a part-time UW meteorologist and, until this week, the associate state climatologist. After reading Nickels' February essay in The Times, Albright sent an e-mail to colleagues saying he didn't see evidence that snowpack was steadily shrinking, much less by 50 percent. A back-and-forth ensued, involving Albright, co-worker and meteorologist Cliff Mass, and several scientists with the UW's Climate Impacts Group, a federally funded team of researchers that plays a prominent role analyzing climate change in the Northwest. All quickly agreed that the 50 percent number was wrong. It may have originally come from an editing error in a 2004 report issued by an Oregon panel of scientists. "No one believes in this 50 percent number anymore," Mass said. The mistake doesn't discredit projections that the state's snowpack will shrink in the future due to climate change, Mass and Mote agree. But Mass said it underscores the uncertainty around predicting what will happen. And it leaves people like Nickels vulnerable to attack from people questioning the importance of climate change. "To allow him [Nickels] to be out there with numbers that are unsupportable, it's setting him up to walk the plank," Mass said. Todd Myers, a critic of Nickels' global-warming strategy and director of the local free-market policy group the Center for Environmental Policy, said this shows the danger of science getting distorted for political goals. "If you have people who are campaigners in one direction or the other, you're going to get data out there that's used incorrectly," Myers said. Which is it? So what is the right number? That's where things have gotten testy. On one side, Mass, who is working with Albright, said they see only a small downward trend in Cascade Mountain snowpacks, perhaps 10 to 15 percent since the 1940s. The measurement can be exaggerated by starting during a time of high snowfall, in 1950, and ending at a time of low snowfall in the mid-1990s, Mass said. But snowfall has increased again in recent years, and there is little overall change in snowpack in the past 30 years, Mass said. Mass stressed that he is not one of the small number of scientists disputing that humans are causing the planet to heat up. Albright, in an e-mail, said the evidence doesn't support claims of a dramatically shrinking snowpack. But he didn't answer questions on his disagreements with Mote. Mote, meanwhile, questioned the methods Albright and Mass are using to analyze data, mostly gathered from weather stations in the mountains that track snowfall. Mote, a member of the Climate Impacts Group who rose to prominence partly due to his work documenting shrinking snowpack around the West, said the decline is more like 35 percent. In late February, professor Dennis Hartmann, chair of the UW Atmospheric Sciences Department, stepped in to referee. After a meeting with the researchers, Hartmann issued a statement saying that snowpack appears to have dropped 30 percent, and that warming in the future will likely affect snowpack, particularly at lower elevations. "Gag-order approach"? Since then, the debate has gotten more heated. Mote, upset that Albright was broadly distributing e-mails about the issue, last week told Albright that he would have to let Mote preview any e-mails before sending them out, if he was tying his work to the state climatologist's office. Mote's position as the state climatologist is a volunteer job that doesn't carry any official recognition or rules. Mote agreed to do the job several years ago, and his colleagues accepted it. The office collects and disseminates climate information and advises the state on climate-related issues. When Albright refused Mote's ultimatum, Mote barred him from associating himself with the state climatologist's office. Mote said Albright was sending out messages showing just his side of the story, and airing an analysis that hadn't gone through proper quality checks. As a representative of the climatologist's office, there needed to be standards, he said. "I'm not trying to squelch debate by any means," Mote said. But Mass said Albright was doing nothing wrong — simply airing his analysis and seeking feedback as he researched further. "In all my years of doing science, I've never seen this sort of gag-order approach to doing science," he said. Meanwhile, Nickels' office has switched to using the 30 percent figure announced by Hartmann, the department chair. "Obviously we're going to use whatever number the scientists at UW say is accurate," Nickels spokesman Marty McOmber said
  10. who knows maybe it Vancouver? 8 men settle sex-abuse claims with Portland archdiocese PORTLAND — Eight men who alleged a Roman Catholic priest molested them in the 1970s and 1980s reached confidential settlements with the Archdiocese of Portland. The agreements Wednesday came a day after three of the plaintiffs testified during a series of mini-trials in U.S. District Court in Portland. The trials are expected to resume next week. One man testified that the Rev. Donald Durand sexually abused him in a cabin near Detroit Lake in the early 1980s. Two former students at St. Francis of Assisi School said Durand punished them by ordering them to wrestle naked in the rectory basement. Durand taught at St. Francis from 1970 to 1983. He was pastor at St. Clare in Southwest Portland from 1992 until he retired in 2001. A videotape of him denying molesting children was played in court. It was the first time that a priest sex-abuse case had gone before a jury in Oregon. U.S. District Judge Robert E. Jones has been overseeing the mini-trials, which are designed to help estimate the value of the claims to determine whether the Portland Archdiocese's $75 million bankruptcy plan has enough money set aside for unsettled claims. Before the Durand settlements, more than 140 plaintiffs settled for about $40 million as part of a bankruptcy-ordered mediation. The plan is expected to be approved in April
  11. You and Tonya. Sweet. He probably the one writing those fantasy crap on her Bio page. Man you want a laugh read couple of those. If I want a laugh I would look at pictures of your mom naked. I could go low but I'll leave your wife Tonya out of it.
  12. You and Tonya. Sweet. He's probably the one writing those fantasy crap on her Bio page. Man you want a laugh read couple of those.
  13. Seahawks

    my next sport

    Um, Kev, you missed the post that someone posted what you just posted a mere couple of hours ago. Dumbfuck. Ok so I missed it. Do you have to be a bitch about it? Apparently you do. Not only are being rude for no reason other than you have not changed your tampon but you are assuming that I did read all the above posts. My advice....stop assuming. My advice: Go fuck yourself. He did that, got bored, couldn't find it.
  14. That why they are giving it away becuase Big Mac is better.
  15. Seahawks

    my next sport

    Um, Kev, you missed the post that someone posted what you just posted a mere couple of hours ago. Dumbfuck. LOL That is funny.
  16. Holy shit...that is funny. Funny thing about that is in a way he is admitting Portland is a land of trailers just cheaper in Vancouver.
  17. Probably moved there so not to pay state income tax.. Then again how much can she have if she in a trailer?
  18. Vancouver is a suburb of Portland. You might not want it, but it's part of your hood. so true but she has a WA drivers license, so that makes her a Washingtonian Found this Qoute on the in internet on oergonlive.com, pretty funny that she put Oregon on the map lol Ice skater Tonya Harding attracted worldwide media attention in 1994 after Nancy Kerrigan was attacked at the U.S. skating championships. Oregonian Executive Editor Peter Bhatia recounts the coverage that put both Tonya and Oregon on the map. The may not want to claim her but birthplace is Portland, OR. Says "Tonya Harding was born and raised in Portland, Oregon" http://www.tonyaharding.com/biography.htm
  19. Vancouver is a suburb of Portland. You might not want it, but it's part of your hood. so true but she has a WA drivers license, so that makes her a Washingtonian Found this Qoute on the in internet on oergonlive.com, pretty funny that she put Oregon on the map lol Ice skater Tonya Harding attracted worldwide media attention in 1994 after Nancy Kerrigan was attacked at the U.S. skating championships. Oregonian Executive Editor Peter Bhatia recounts the coverage that put both Tonya and Oregon on the map.
  20. Seahawks


    I don't know if I beleive these people. They said that the Hurricane season this year would be huge becuase of warming. Heck it was almost non-existent. They have all these hypothisis but who knows. Regardless research to get the USA off oil run cars would be good.
  21. Seahawks can't control himself when he sees you blowing kevbone? 8D LOL Did you top Carrot top?
  22. Now that is funny. The Clinton Defense.
  23. http://www.king5.com/localnews/stories/NW_031407WABbuckley_rebekahtodd_teacherJM.11171261.html 6 months and lost License.
  24. Tonya Harding caught 'tweaking out' in Vancouver VANCOUVER, Wash. - Infamous Oregon ice skater Tonya Harding is back in the news. Clark County sheriff's deputies responded to two calls early Sunday morning involving Harding. Police reports describe Harding as "very agitated" and "tweaking out." Former Olympic figure skater Tonya Harding Sergeant Tim Bieber told The Oregonian that police received the first call at about 5 a.m. According to a police report, Harding said four men and a woman tried to break into her car and steal it. In his report, the deputy wrote that Harding's account was "very implausible." Harding told police she was on "new medication" and was experiencing an adverse reaction. Later that same morning, police received another call regarding Harding, this time from a friend who told authorities the skater was "seeing animals." The deputy took Harding back to her trailer and checked her home to "put her at ease."
  25. I think she has smoked too much green stuff if she thinks it keeping her alive. Hell the article read "Dying Woman" Now I would agree I probably makes her feel better while dying.
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