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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. "I told you, I'm the pimp. Do what I say or I feed you to the Americans"
  2. "Stalin got 20 Million, Hitler 7 million, What have you done lately?"
  3. "Don't you dare touch my leg under the stall again"
  4. Home school...... My boy's Kindergarden class last year a little girl died when she got sick and had inflamation around her heart. Really weird thing. I felt terrible for her family. Something no family should go through. Those super bugs are scary crap.
  5. Little scary when you have young children just starting school.
  6. While I tend always think when people do these things they are guilty, I saw a in depth interview with him last night on TV. He didn't even remotely strike me as the type to do this. Let alone at his age I wonder if he can get it up. While I think anything is possible I wonder if he did get railroaded. Anyone else think so? I realize the Dems love to beat this one but outside of that it was really weird.
  7. He doesn't want to read about Carter. "The worst president ever" That is funny Seaboy..... So what does 1979 have to do with bombing Iran today? Think before you answer……. Never said it did and I don't recall anyone else saying that but I didn't go back and proof read everyones posts.
  8. most of us are probably distant cousins if you go back far enough. Duh..... But it is a funny story.
  9. Very interesting…..did we attack back? I personally do not think if they attacked a building on their soil…..it is the same as attacking us here in the USA…..Come on dude…..you are grasping at straws…… Them attacking a building in their country in 1979 supports the need to bomb the shit out of the today? WTF? read. don't post! He doesn't want to read about Carter. "The worst president ever"
  10. The saint game killed me. Blocked punt for TD and a lost fumble with 6 guys standing around it. I knew they were done at that point. And guess what here comes the winless Rams with Bulger back. Dam it a perfect setup for another loss. They look bad right now.
  11. Seahawks


    Ha! My wife would definitely do that! Fortunately (or unfortunately?) all of my climbing buddies are guys, so I just get accused of some "brokeback" action! She suspects that all the pics I bring back are photoshopped. And I think she's mentioned something about me meeting up and climbing with some hot mountain woman that none of my friends ever talk about. (We've been arguing over the actual existence of any "hot mountain woman, but I think I've seen that thread before.) My wife would never pull that crap…..the trust between us is impeccable……not to mention she is an outstanding rock climber. I could go for a week to smith with another girl and she would not think twice about it. Matter of fact one of my regular climbing partners is a girl…..where have you been Pink_chalk? Kevbone I once was like you. Now it trust but verify. When you think someone in this world is without desires you set yourself up for shit. Anyone is capable of anything in the right circumstances.
  12. Doesn't sound like a defection. But hell it sell newspapers Senior officials at the Pentagon are calling reports about a proposed shifting of 25,000 Marines from Iraq to Afghanistan next spring very preliminary thinking and not policy. Some defense officials have argued it would allow the services to operate more efficiently by focusing their manpower and energy. If Marines shift to Afghanistan, then the Army could focus on troop rotations in and out of Iraq
  13. Football is for pussies. Such a boring sport to watch. Don't see Basketball players getting broken necks. So much for what you know. If the NBA raised the hoop higher might make it more interesting. Hows Ogden????? LOL
  14. Dude, its basketball season. Get it straight. Who cares about basketball, great Monday night game. Wrong team won.
  15. Ask James McGreevey's wife. For a democrat, it's not a scandal, it's "normal" behavior. :lmao:
  16. Seahawks


    I was referring to the Cuban missle crisis. Don’t you think if we were at war with Cuba that incident would be called the Cuban missile War and not Crisis? LOL How about the cold war. No it wasn't cold outside and no there wasn't actually a war. Wow don't prove them all right.
  17. Seahawks


    I was referring to the Cuban missle crisis.
  18. Seahawks


    So you have to be attacked before you go to war? Ever hear of Cuba?
  19. Seahawks


    Yeah, I know, but are you telling me those other people have no choice but to stand by and inhale secondhand smoke? Not hardly. The power of the consumer should be the measure a business uses to determine their policy on smoking. If nobody wants to be around it, they will ban it to stay in business. And if the impact of every activity on insurance premiums were a good measure of what the government should tell us we can & can't do, then a lot of dangerous activities like climbing ought to be regulated & legislated to minimize its impact, and recoup by taxation the cost to our society. Maybe we should just have a study to determine the most benign form of exercise and legislate that everyone must participate at the perfect level to reduce our premiums and make sure everyone's making the right choices in their life. The smoking issue is certainly worth at least some argument and thought to figure out what's the approach most consistent with freedom, and a blanket referendum to ban it indoors was not the best choice. Bullshit……IMO….I have the right to breath clean air in a public place more than you have the right to pollute it. Just for an argument what about people who drive cars and someone who bikes and has to inhale the crap from a tailpipe??
  20. Seahawks


    Dude…..when you smoke, not only does it hurt you…..but it also hurts the people around you. Physically! So, no one is telling you not to smoke, just do it outside. Also hurts all of our pocket books, who pays the higher premiums???
  21. Seahawks


    Just like I said, Calling me the F' word, you liberal freak.
  22. Seahawks


    It wasn't for calling someone a name, and it wasn't about politics, you were just being an asshole about a missing hiker and that shit irritated me. If it makes you feel better Seahawks you were a subject of discussion between moderators. None of us had a problem with giving you a time out. Well you can still go back and read it, I never not once said anything bad about the lost Hiker. The other poster said I did and I was defending myself. Like I want someone to get lost and possible die. Thats sick and I don't think anyone here or anywhere in there right mind would want that. But If someone accuses me of saying that including yourself, I will defend my self becuase that is bullshit and not my character.
  23. Seahawks


    Holy crap....I agree with Seahawks..... He is on the money on this one. Its all crap.... STFU, nOOb! :lmao:
  24. Seahawks


    At least that is funny. and yes I've already answered the "question" to get the password for your Reindeer games.
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