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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. whom do you hate? you may choose only one the rum has felled you chained your eyes downward nevermore to rove you vote to submit with no end specified
  2. ??? Nyet TV. Please to explain.
  3. RPG. Classic Russian mafia hit. Poor bastard.
  4. Had to leave the room because my eyebrows started growing together from all the airborne testosterone. It's amazing how strong and brave a keyboard makes you. The family insults show a real lack of class and not a little hatred. That's bullshit, even for this website.
  5. I'm crazy 'bout Elvis. Love horses, and America, too.
  6. Saddam's already signed a contract with Celestial TV. They're going to call the show "Madame Saddam"...if he ever gets out of the slammer.
  7. You're wasting your time with FW. He's an easy, predictable target. The discussion instantly becomes a more entertaining and less malevolent once you've hit the 'ignore' button. That's the quickest way to take the hate out of the debate.
  8. "The 4th Man" (Dutch) "Dark Star" "Jacob's Ladder" "Repulsion"
  9. Smoother ride, though.
  10. So how about that fence?
  11. Denying the defense department their blank check would be a good recipe for leaner government. Ending farm subsidies would be a tasty starter. And what the fuck is up with that prescription drug program? What you say used to be true...until the GOP went crazy with the national credit card. I would say as calcified, corrupt, and spend happy as the GOP has become, the Dems, being a party of unmolded silly puddy, have a better chance of bringing about reform, budget or otherwise. And God, if I hear the word 'God' one more time I'm gonna Goddamn puke. At this point, the devil you don't know is better than the devil you know.
  12. Courses offer very controlled conditions. The accident rates are so low that, from a statistical standpoint, it's hard to draw a conclusion from them. A better measure would be accident rates within the first few years of climbing after the course...a statistic that would be elusive if not impossible to pin down. Having said that, some of the best climbing students I've met have regrettably become fatalities. It happens. That might have more to do with how ambitious and active they are than their skill or judgement. It depends on the accident, and every accident is different. There are other measures of leadership quality, however. Route etiquette, route selection appropriate to party size...these are areas where any large club, mounties included, could improve.
  13. She's a person? I thought she was a water buffalo undergoing chemo.
  14. If she ever gets into the water, God help our coastal cities.
  15. The Goddess is Alive and She is a Football Field
  16. I keep myself loaded, half cocked, and ready to kid. I don't have a coffee table.
  17. Don't let Duchess here that... As long as you eat 'em - then it's okay. My ferret usually gets them first.
  18. Where are the dolphins? Many hams make the pork tighter
  19. She was gassed. She wouldn't have gone out with me, otherwise.
  20. The Mounties use toilette paper. Strictly anecdotal, but I haven't been terribly impressed with my encounters with NOLS instructors. Very rigid and dogmatic, regardless of the situation at hand. Just my experience or an aspect of the organization? I don't know.
  21. in more ways than tax-paying. No shit, my man. No shit. Fuck, that's three.
  22. ...with a special marinade Shit, I'm going to have to agree again. What the fuck is happening to me? The GOP, however, has really outdone the Dems in recent years. +200B (end of Clinton) to -400B (Now) deficit in 6 years. Way to go, Party of Reagan. Oh my god, I edited again.
  23. Oh, shit, I'm going to have to agree here. Reporting, even by posting a horrific photo, is not necessarily a form of disrespect or denigration. It's reporting. Heavy handed, in this case, but reporting nonetheless. My wife and I watched a documentary on WWII last night. It was full of dead bodies, but I doubt the reporters meant any disrespect. We all need to know what war looks like, because we're all chipping in to make it happen.
  24. I don't really care much about gun control. I am for Keanu Reeves control.
  25. Apparently, you could use some editing yourself. Now back to the thread, if there is one left.
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