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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Amen, sista. Um, that wasn't exactly throwing you a compliment.
  2. I'm switching from squash to raquetball, because there just aren't enough squash courts out here. I feel...dirty.
  3. and ping pong ballz.
  4. Don't be rocsist.
  5. and stoagies.
  6. We stripped it of its identity and programmed in a new one.
  7. We're all left wondering, you know, just how fully functional....
  8. A more interesting question is: What's the worst thread he never posted?
  9. Somebody really needs to shoot that thing.
  10. Mmmmmm, strippers....
  11. Minx, are you sure the tiny speck of your personality that would take control in a bizarro universe where Avocado's number is equal to hair pie rectum squared and people listened through their genitalia ("Are you talkin' to ME?") and nobody cared what you did ever wouldn't like an evening in a tent with these two young bucks schmookin' weed and drinkin' brrs?
  13. robot robot robot
  14. Must Find The Answer. Heh heh.
  15. I'm too cheap to buy a set of rabbit ears, so it'll have to do.
  16. no you don't HAVE to do anything for me. but you keep following me around and asking if you MAY do anything for me. apparently you don't understand what the word NO and a swift kick to your balls means. but whatever. some people are just slow but funny at times, no? Come on Minx, you can admit that you're just the tiniest bit sweet on our Pinky, can't you? Just a teensie, weensie li'l bit?
  17. be in this world, but not of this world. Believe ON the Lord. Never did figure that one out.
  18. this question i cannot answer for you, but i have given you the path for discovering the answer for yourself, my little one. remember: it rhymes with fzzzzzzzzzzzz. Staring at television static? I've tried it.
  19. It is the sound of one hand paddling
  20. Your identity would be a perceived lack of identity, then. Even if you had such a non-identity, others would create one for you. This leads to the question: if your five senses were disconnected, would your consciousness eventually cease?
  21. I'm getting the munchies. Last night I had a dream that I was a teenager who invented a time machine so I could go back in time and prevent myself from denting my dad's car. Unfortunately, the machine worked too well and shunted the entire future to the present, so that all of the future world's population and wars came streaming back to the present and destroyed the planet. Should I be concerned? BAAHHHYEEEE.
  22. You've both got work to do and kids to feed, and the best you can do is fuck around on this site?
  23. The South Africans say "just now", as in, "I'm getting it just now", which is a polite way of saying "I'll get it when I damn well feel like it."
  24. Ditto
  25. Does this mean that retired people must lose their identity, or do they replace their professional identity with something else? Assuming one lives long enough, one must eventually figure this out.
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