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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I think when Kirk Douglas said "Bury me deep" he fucked up his line by substituting "me" for "it".
  2. I'm sure Bug and I are related distantly...in the same way Britney Spears and that shit that eats oil spills share some commonality.
  3. Anyway, check on Yeoman Rand. Hottest pie-crust-head in the galaxy. I think PP's trying to start up a bro-mance with me. F'n hell, why do I always get hit on by the freaks?
  4. Doooood. How can you be so drunk? it's only Tue.
  5. What you never seen A BOY AND HIS DOG??? 'the fuck are you goin on about? I've seen every movie in the galaxy...except Countryman. W.T.F?
  6. And while we're on the subject: The Ten Commandments. Check out Yule Brenner's outfit. The guy was so pidgeon toed...and I think we all can figure out why.
  7. I can't. It's all an act. FW doesn't like KFC: too many black people.
  8. You new generation of Americans wouldn't understand.
  9. Spartacus
  10. Oh, and my dad was starship captain and my mom had a 4 foot high pie crust for a hairdoo, so STFU.
  11. Well, if it's a KFC food line, pick me up some original recipe.
  12. What, you're not an "American these days"?
  13. I've seen an African Elephant's aroused member. It must have had a thing for my rental car. Such a congress would be a sound explanation for Peter's muddled brain, to be sure.
  14. "Take it all, bitch!" Yet another well-worn punchline finds a home on this forum.
  15. The only flight my dad could afford was a transport to Vietnam, and he sent all 7 of us to private school, bitch. It's called sacrifice and giving a shit, not priveledge. I know, a bizarre concept nowadays.
  16. tvashtarkatena


    Hmm. In 77 I had hair hanging down my back too. And I got hassled quit a bit around "liberal" Missoula. Tvash, a man with your talents should be able to make his own. Get off the internet and do something useful. Jeeze. I think my brain makes its own meth. Gotta lay off that KFC.
  17. Do you see a sheep on my lap? No. I didn't think so.
  18. You gonna eat alla that? That's brain food, man.
  19. I wouldn't know. The Catholic school I went to never did.
  20. Red Dawn Red Dawn was the first movie to be released with a Motion Picture Association of America PG-13 rating.[1] At one time, Red Dawn was considered the most violent film by the Guinness Book of Records and The National Coalition on Television Violence, with a rate of 134 acts of violence per hour, or 2.23 per minute.[2] That's an assinine measure of violence. Level of violence is measured by the explicit nature of the scenes in the film and their emotional impact, not some dumbfuck number of times per hour somebody gets beaned on the head with a wiffle bat. Shit, Tom and Jerry has more acts of violence than Red Dawn, by that measure. It's a C grade kid's film. Of course, you read it on the web, so it must be so. Watch the final scene in Taxi Driver, which was made by a real director, with real actors, and tell me which movie leaves a more lasting impression.
  21. Bone, you're lovably full of shit on this one. Red Dawn came out in 84. Taxi Driver, which made Red Dawn look like the Muppet Show, came out 8 years before it. Sheeit, even Road Warrior came out 3 years prior. And the God Father in 72? The horse head scene? The list is endless. In any case, it was Sam Peckinpah's westerns that first started spraying blood all over the camera lens, starting the year Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.
  22. It means he's paying the extra cash AND paying his taxes for public schools willingly and without whining, just like my parents did, despite being poor as church mice, so he can be against vouchers if he wants. Fuck vouchers; if you want to pay extra and send your kids to private school, go ahead and make the sacrifice like everyone else before you. Cut down on the video games, the big SUVs, or something. Or better yet, don't have kids. Ie, stick your grubby paw that's expecting the rest of us to pay for your fucking little brats back in your pocket and fuck off. Fuckin' nanny staters, I tell ya. Did you get somebody preggers recently? A new concern of yours, by any chance?
  23. Sorry. Kewl kids only.
  24. After all my finger nails have been pulled out and my balls have been electrically fried up on a platter, please.... ....just don't question my sincerity.
  25. My parents sent us to private school, paid the extra dough on a chief petty officer's salary, and never whined about it, so STFU. If Obama wants a little extra insulation around his kids from the kooks and the media, Christ, you don't even have kids, so what the fuck do you care? As for KKK, he probably feeds his kids dogfood to save a little money, so he's not much of a parental advice resource.
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