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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Best of luck with your impending firefight with the gubmint. Let us know how that turns out. It's awfully hard to hire an attorney when you're dead; pretty much a given when you draw on the Law. I can see having a pellet gun to shoot some squirrel and rat meat when the Big One comes. Frankly, though, traps bring in the yard bacon faster. Some freeze dried, propane, and a water filter seem a bit more useful, though, but they don't make Action Movies about the Fred Meyer Camping Department, do they?
  2. Ah, the media myth. Nope. The frequency and severity of mass shootings in America has accelerated hugely in recent years. The problem is real, and the successful policies of other nations who've solved this problem through strict gun regulation offers real solutions American gun owners don't want simply because, well, and it really comes down to just this: they really like their guns and they're willing to keep their access to them unfettered at the expense of somebody else's kids.
  3. Global Warming is already on it. Although Everest is actually getting taller as India continues to pile drive Asia from the south.
  4. The proposed restrictions will do nothing to stem the death rate on Everest or anywhere else in the Himalaya. Climbing 'staff' (guides, sherpas, paid folks) outnumber 'client' fatalities on Everest 2 to 1. In addition, most fatalities occur between 18 and 21K - not at all in the 'death zone' above. Finally, a huge proportion of deaths are from avalanche, not 'inexperience, age, or disability'. Good luck wit dat, Nepal. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/04/mortality-on-mount-everest/360927/ This echoes the results of other studies I've read on fatalities stats in the Himalayas. Like most public debates - the options being presented don't and won't address the problem. Not even close.
  5. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    Despite its dynamic name, Spray may well be the most static phenomenon in the universe. It's like a time capsule that contains only a fart.
  6. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    Seems like some folks here could stand to check in with Mom more often.
  7. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    I fully support people with a demonstrated lack of compassion and analytical firepower not voting. I'm more than happy to vote for them. Thank you for not doing as much damage to the rest of us as you could!
  8. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    Bastards. I'll be in Cleveland. This is where I get to travel to. BTW, for those asking, I've got an advanced degree in vaginal topology. Your mom was the subject of my thesis. Fkin guyz!
  9. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    you geniuses have got this covered. Let's go caving, Big Man.
  10. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    "Neurosurgeon" just became my new favorite verb. "I do eyes. Just eyes."
  11. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    Except we're stuck with Sleepy on the SCOTUS. He does real damage. Carson's just a cameo on a short run sitcom. We won't have to listen to Dr. Dumbass much longer.
  12. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    Rand Paul is also right, on occasion. Check out Rubio's site for a chuckle. Like most of these wannabe bomb humpers, zero military chops. Fiorina's got a bigger dick. His logo? Why, he dots 'Rubio' with a cute l'il red map of America, sans AK and HI. He missed an op by not including a My Little Elephant. GALACTIC SCALE TOOL.
  13. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    The good doctor's likely got some Thurmond DNA in him, so the tribute seems apropos. Marco "Nothing matters if we're not SAFE" Rubio's attempts to resurrect the Neocon brand aside, Stuffy McButtondown'll probably take it home surfing a wave of petrodollars, given how politely he takes energy industry cock up his ass. Once more, with french tickly feeling. And Cruz? He's pretty flush, but everybody hates that fucker.
  14. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    Some things never change. Moving on... El Papa es en el Edificio and the FOXtards are pooping in their bidness casualz! Apparently, he's a....wait for it...this might be something new, folks...a COMMIE! Im sorry, did that induce a coma of interest? My bad.
  15. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    speaking of ignorance, Gore never claimed he invented the internet, but he did play a critical and unique role in making human caused global warming a global concern, one which sparked a comprehensive science denial campaign by our beloved, trustworthy, always-lookin-out-fo-our-best-interests GOP. While we're being careful with our words n all. But Carsons a 'see, we like negroes' footnote. He's temporarily useful, and, conveniently, "he's a neurosurgeon". Plenty docs and dentists in the GOP (big paycheck), but, funny, hardly a scientist to be found. hmmmm. Anyway, The GOP was never going to vote that PROFOUNDLY IGNORANT savant into that office. Unless they're white, of course.
  16. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    Meanwhile, the Whitey Tighties are going a-Pope-lectic! NEWSFLASH: Pope's God's honeybadger, doods. He's the Ayatollah of DON'T GIVE A FUCK.
  17. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    Bloviation is certainly something Will is personally familiar with, but Trump isn't just bloviated - he's practically his own fleet of gold tinted Zeppelins. As for ignoramus, um, from George Will? Trump's right on more issues today (not a huge number) than Will has ever been in his entire whiny life. Ironically, Trump's problem is money. He's quite low on direct campaign funds, and he's not doing enough fund raising, and he's kind of a cheapskate with regards to spending (good in the beginning - bad later on. Bush, in contrast, has got a mountain range of money - he just needs to sit tight and sucker punch Rubio every now and then.
  18. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    Of course it doesn't matter to Trump, but only the GOP has laid down the racist, chick-hating, science-denying astroturf for him to play on. And the GOP's a nasty bunch of fucksticks on the inside, so Trump's just upped that ante by being consistent on the outside as well. No phony baloney 'let's be civilized' there (while asset stripping, playing war, and pumping up the volume on income diversity). Trump's singular talent is being an asshole, and by effectively employing it, he has forced his more corporate-PC rivals into revealing their true fascist natures, or faking them, in an attempt to woo a base they thought they knew, but apparently did not. It's hawt Entitlement-on-Entitlement action. The results; rendering Bush and Fiorina as the clowns they've always been, and Cruz and Walker as small piles of poop one simply steps over they've always been, couldn't be more satisfying. I'd love to see a Trump/Fiorina ticket. After all, she's been running for the VP spot from day 1, her tried and true "if I'm here long enough I'll get promoted" that can, on occasion, work for the talentless. The GOP knows its token black man ain't gonna make it, even with his racist bonafides against the not-as-black, so the One Without A Dick is their only hope electorally to try to fool enough women to screw themselves by voting GOP. To see two buffoons who despise each other forced to campaign together would be a singular pleasure in 2016.
  19. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    I don't see any mystery in Trump's popularity among The Faithful. He's the only GOP. candidate who's up front about the GOPs agenda - rich white power, denigration of women, xenophobia. Where he diverges from that storybook, he's often right on the issues. Closing fat cat tax loopholes and not believing that Jesus rides a Trex, for example. And he's crude but effective in exposing his inflatosuit opponents for the phonies they are, most notably Jeb 'Lehman Bros paid me 1.3 M a year to help destroy the economy' Bush and Carly 'i road herd on two huge corporate disasters, not just one' Fiorina. The GOP has been begging for Trump in the same way a shih tzu who poos in your bed when you're not looking begs for a personal hand held flame thrower (an actual product one of my friend markets in case you have that issue)
  20. tvashtarkatena

    Go Bernie

    oh, i dont know. the GOPs got a bold path back to Greatness on offer. I like Carson's 'no Muslims in elected office' idea. To which I'd add 'no negroes, neither'. And after the Timmy Horton's/BK acquisition. its pretty clear that we need a northern wall to keep our Strategic Deep Fryer Oil Reserve on US soil. We might think about postponing mass deportations until after its done. though. I like Fiorina's not having a dick as her primary selling point as well. Brilliant, but then. what else would expect from Lucent's most celebrated executive? Too bad she's got the face of a draught horse, which leads me to American Conservatism 3.0's Savior de Jour, Mr. T. Billionaire White Supremacy. Why havent any other Billionaires come up with that? Lets just lay that out the way it's laid out already, no? On the flipside, who will take on those self serving teachers if not you, Scott? We harley knew ye! Let's enjoy this special time in the Great American Horse Race, when cray cray's OK-a and anything goes, for soon the quiet billionaires will choose their flag boy and we'll be forced to listen to the Drone of the Democrats, who don't seem to know whose ass needs kickin. Where's the fun in that?
  21. tvashtarkatena


    Clever solar system flick, BTW. The place is big, and that's why we need to start going really, really fast.
  22. tvashtarkatena


    Just a high speed fly by update myself on the issues of the day. I intend to vote for the first Republican who actually goose steps on camera. I admire strength.
  23. tvashtarkatena


    It's encouraging to see that dog fucking may now be discussed openly in a supportive, tolerant environment.
  24. contact me biotch. ur invited to a partay this night
  25. It was all good until the crag tiger showed up.
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