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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Have I got the perfect party for him....
  2. If I want it, I just steal it.
  3. Now that I've got KKK and FW as spokesdouches, I can finally get on with my life....
  4. I plan to open up a chain of spray-on tanning salons.
  5. BTW, for those of you not familiar with video editing... It actually takes a canister from 30 to 45 seconds to detonate in a campfire. We edited out most of the wait time so as not to bore the audience - the golden rule of presentations. ie...not very dangerous when you know what you're doing... ...and much safer than climbing.
  6. We know that sharing our sometimes different way of doing things can both bring joy and serve as a douche magnet at the same time. The vast majority are in the former category, fortunately - which renews my faith in the human spirit. Didn't realize anyone would go full-douche and try to make it personal, but that's cool. I didn't do the top 100 for the T-shirt (although I can always use another T shirt), the 8 minutes of fame, or to gain entry into some exclusive club. I did it because I love these mountains and the friends I go into them with. The Bulger list, and lets face it, any list is really just an arbitrary human construct, simply provided an easy-to-follow framework within which to do that. It took me into some obscure, beautiful areas I might have otherwise overlooked.
  7. Both Josh and I are a bit crowd averse (hence our camping ethics, i guess), and that place was packed like a slaver, so we didn't stay long. I would have liked to catch up with all the folks who were there and meet Jason and others who I've had the pleasure of chatting with here, too. I did scan the audience but didn't seem to see anyone I knew save a handful - apparently there were a bunch more tucked in there. Apparently I'm the FIRST Bulger finisher to be officially and immediately stripped of club membership by the Grand Poobah of Dumpster Diving himself (do I get another T-shirt?) due to my minor suggestion regarding the rather adequate duration and blistering pace of the presentation portion. - rockin' it Boeing style, baby! I cannot believe Fred fell asleep during it. I'll just have to catch up with you in the mountains I guess. For the record, I do like the T shirt.
  8. Is our FW pontificating on yet another subject he knows fuck all about again? I'd guess his wife told him to just STFU a long, long time go, so I guess its all about us.
  9. Wow. My wanting to just catch up with some old friends (and not being able to) at the party must have really touched a nerve. Very petty response. I'm guessing you were part of the party planning committee. I didn't realize that mingling was frowned upon at certain kinds of parties. I kinda thought re-connecting with friends was the point of any party. Hey, it's your show, man. Now I know!
  10. Hmmm. Let's see. It had rained for five days straight prior to shooting, and Josh and I were the only high schoolers in that area, unless someone parachuted into our camp in the middle of the night. But, hey, thanks for the concern! We'll give it all the consideration its due LOL.
  11. "America doesn't want green cars, it wants jobs!" - Hannity
  12. Damn. Guess I should have gone with the "Bombs over Baghdad" soundtrack. Some people just don't like reggae, I guess. Sorry man.
  13. Actually, the number of drone strikes has gone way up under Obama. Way up. It's the only part of a hugely failed series of wars that is actually producing 'results'...of course those results include killing a whole lot of innocent people, but hey, fuck it, they're not American so who gives a rip?
  14. We have some enhancements for next time involving multiple canisters and duct tape. I think we're gonna need a fish eye lens, though.
  15. They should cut out most of the staged stuff and just let people mingle.
  16. You're on, buddy. I didn't see anyone I know...too damn crowded! I'm not much of a crowd guy....
  17. Trip: Hyggelig - Of Campfires, Serenity, and Fellowship - Chiwakum Creek to Larch Lake and Ladies Pass Date: 11/7/2010 Keep watching...you've gotta trust me on that.
  18. Toasted TJ's Shepards bread, light spread of sour cream, TJ's cherry preserves - better than any cherry pie, Billy Boy.
  19. Olberman's, apparently. He started the whole MSNBC thing.
  20. My only response to the firing of Olberman, one of only two cash cows at MSNBC, is that somebody in executive management probably needs to be fired, and perhaps shot. What a dumb-as-fuck business decision over a minor contract clause.
  21. Watched Fox again on the treadmill this evening. They're running a fair and balanced 'documentary' on the history of conservatism entitled "The Right, All Along" LOL. Hannity observed that Americans don't want green cars, they want jobs. Apparently the concept of jobs making green cars hadn't occured to him. Then some kook got on demanding immediate, full repeal of Obamacare...and threatening electoral punishment for the newly elected crop of morons if it didn't happen. Apparently an arithmetically, and politically, challenged individual. LULZ. Then Rick Santorum (Yes!) got on as a pundit...and said in a somber tone that repeal would be......unlikely, and that punishment should not be levied on those who try rully, rully hard anyway. Oh...and apparently the Teabaggers are blaming Rush for losing the senate! No Palin, but holy shit, still a great line up tonight. Its the only reality show I watch, but I can see why the genre is so popular. Its the manga of news programs. Even at your max heart rate you don't miss a thing...no cognitive function required.
  22. Trader Joe's shepards bread, lightly toasted and buttered, and wrapped around a banana with coffee. FUCK YEAH
  23. tvashtarkatena


    Is there any better food? Seriously. Period.
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