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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Health is a wholistic affair. Sleep, relationships, food, vices, exercise, self actualization, work, hygiene, and genetics determine one's level of health, much of which is obviously subjective. We should regulate all of these aspects of life to ensure our population is as healthy as can be. Will federally enforced nappy time include graham crackers and milk, or would those foods pass federal muster?
  2. Junk food is labeled, and therefore regulated. What constitutes junk food and how should it be regulated? Sold only at Gubmint run mini marts? Anything with corn syrup in it? Will the gubmint check if you've run your 10 miles a day so you can share that gelato with your honey on a fine summer's evening? Would there be 'junk dark chocolate' (controlled) and non-junk dark chocolate? Is steak junk food? Which cuts? Only hamburger? Lean's OK? What % fat? This sounds like a good jobs program.....
  3. Reducing the entirety of an attractive young woman to a butt crack is gonna get you sooooo laid.
  4. Tobacco, unlike food, is a controlled substance that is illegal for minors. Very poor analogy.
  5. Can you get just a little bit more general on that? TIA
  6. Concocted stories tend to be 'plausible' by design, particularly if the author knows his audience's bias. For this reason, implausibility (you can't make this stuff up kind of stuff) is more a measure of plausibility, if other forms of vetting are not available.
  7. So far I've learned that: You may not be alone when climbing the Tooth on a weekend. You should pack your shovel away in such a manner that it cannot be torn off in an avalanche in case you need to dig yourself out. Some chick named Anita is, in fact, pretty cute. Private, one on one communication is usually the most effective way to resolve an issue.
  8. It's all processed food, not just this or that chain. You don't escape if you shop the shit isles at Whole Foods. Food has been adequately labeled for many years. That is my idea of effective regulation: require disclosure, let the buyer decide. A minority of folks uses this information to become healthier. The majority have gotten porkier. It's still effective regulation. Marketing food to kids? That's purely a parenting issue. How would that regulation even work? Hint: it wouldn't. The three most effective things to do to keep kids from porking out: Eat whole foods. Learn what a human, not a bovine, portion looks like. STFU, you're not getting the toy.
  9. Rather than railing on an obvious target like McD's, a more one stop shopping action against shitfood would be to lobby congress to end farm subsidies. The subsequent rise in corn syrup prices just might lead to less of the stuff in processed food, or a price increase to the consumer of same. Maybe. I wouldn't count on it, but at least the taxpayers wouldn't be funding the obesity epidemic in that particular manner. Another useful action would be to lobby for state legislation that keeps shitfood out of schools - while fully funding athletics programs at the same time. The recent 'health craze' has made processed food even less healthy. Food manufacturers started by fortifying foods with vitamins you wind up pissing out anyway - then power loading 'em with corn syrup to keep your ramming that shit down your gullet. Now, manufacturers are pumping up the corn syrup volume to extreme levels, but they've added SAVE THE RAINFOREST and IMMUNE BOOSTING to the box, so it's all good. Formerly comparatively healthy breakfast cereal products, Cheerios and Special K, for example, now offer a whole family of sugarfied cousins - and they're all REALLY GOOD FOR YOU!!!! Or you can buy bulk oatmeal for .79 a pound and spend the five whole minutes it takes to cook it. I'm off to Starbucks for a double tall mocha latte with a side of coffee cake. Thank god I'm a member of the Elite.
  10. If only Teh Sheeple knew that proper diet and exercise were good for you, McD's would go out of biz. THEY JUST DON'T KNOW.
  11. Any movement that would seek to make Caramel and Cheddar Bugles illegal, I'm against.
  12. Doesn't matter much whether or not your shovel stays on if you're the one getting hammered. It's cool though. Your buddy won't mind holding his breath for a little longer while you dig out your well packed shovel.
  13. I avoid border problems by ensuring none of my friends are in the car at the time.
  14. Sure can ride like a mofo, tho. Robot killer machine thing from the future, fo sho.
  15. Today's kids need a little hardship to toughen em up a bit. Pay up, punks.
  16. Josh and I found ourselves skiing perfect corn in the bright spring sunshine when the deadline hit. Should we be worried? Should the kristians?
  17. McD's I have the least problem with. They make no bones about selling cheap, fast, high calorie, high fat, low nutrition food. Their more recent claims to market 'healthier' choices should be treated with the same credibility as the black out in a can makers urging you to 'drink responsibly'. I have more of a problem with, say, the 'health food' industry (same old shit with a Koala on the box) and, more especially, the supplements industry (entirely unnecessary when you pay even the remotest attention to your diet). And how about the whole idea the fruit juice (sugar water) is good for you? Hey, it's got what your body craves. It's got electrolytes. And a panda.
  18. You don't go to a whorehouse to find a preacher, you don't go to Macky D's to find healthy food. You are likely to find a preacher at a whorehouse, come to think of it. No shit McD's food is really bad for you. But when you need the daisy cutter of grease bombs, a Big Brekky's 1200 calories clears the runway for that tectonic turd you were planning on dropping off at their pool anyway. The only problem I have with McD's is that they don't serve breakfast all day - I always seem to get there at 11:05, and, while they NEVER get an order right, they sure as hell shut down breakfast service with military precision. That leaves me with the option of ordering coffee, a soft serve cone, and little else, cuz I sure as shit wouldn't eat anything else on their menu. If I'm craving mayo and cheeze whiz that bad, I'll hit the local mini mart for the volume discount. It's hilarious to hear folks rank on Big Food about health issues. They make PROCESSED FOOD, fuck's sake. It ain't good for you now, and never will be - cuz, like, it's processed, which is, like, their whole business. I was relieved to discover that Kellog's new Special K flavors, and there are a shitload of 'em, have as much sugar and fat as Cocoa Puffs...cuz I prefer the latter.
  19. I can tell you're not an engineer: It's DESSERT rat.
  20. FUCK ALL OF YOU. It's BCSKI TIME. IRON SHORTAGE is the new global warming.... Start stockpiling yer soupcanz, bitches! They're gonna be worth somethin' someday!
  21. The only GOP potentials smart enough to have a clue are also smart enough to know what the outcome will be, and thus avoid the FAIL. Hence, the current clown show.
  22. The GOP desperately needs a better liar The field so far...not so good at it as this guy.
  23. Arnie fathered at least one of his children, apparently.
  24. Ah bought a bad pad, man.
  25. We've lost The Donald.
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