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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. How many of you know whether it was 1 (by land) or 2 (by sea)?
  2. Vietnam didn't end very quickly...at all. I'm 100% for a draft. You probably get a less effective fighting force, but the general population thinks twice about yelling 'support the troops!' - cuz it might cost 'em a kid or two rather than just the price of a yellow ribbon at the mini mart.
  3. Bill's got a history of posting snuff pics - most of which have had nothing to do with any 'political statement' or other 'altruism'. He posted his kiddy snuff pics twice here, not to get any valid point across, but out of a five year old's spite. It's titillation, not activism, that's at work, here. We've all seen pics of dead kids. Some of us have seen them in person, myself included. No 'education' or reminder is necessary in that department, particularly by an aging, somewhat less-than-genius level nutter who is takes a purely recreational innernut forum just a wee bit too seriously for his own good. It's a bit ironic that saying the c__t is verboten but posting a pic of whatever trauma gives you a semi - (got any mutilated vaginas in on your hard drive, Bill?) is totally cool. Very American, really. Wouldn't want to offend the ladies, now would we? Funny how the word 'cock' flies, no problem. Those very same ladies seem to have no problem throwing that one around. But that's cool. Small potatoes. Posting snuff pics is not. It's fucking sick. I think I'm not at all alone in asking Bill to keep his mental illness to himself in that regard. Regarding Scott's post - the best way to end war is for failed and repressive societies to reform themselves. We might start this process at home - we've been the most belligerent, war making society on earth since WWII. The best way, in my view, to help make this happen is reform our own society to adhere more truly to the fundamental principles embodied in our Bill of Rights. That is the example we should provide for the rest of the world. If there is any lesson to be learned from the Arab Spring, it's that the example we set gets noticed - one way or the other. The legitimacy of our foreign policy depends on us walking our own talk. We don't, in many ways, but we could. It's a long game. Anti war protests are fine - been there, done that - if they get noticed. They so often don't, the war starts, the movement then crumbles. Oh well. So much for the short game. There are a million ways to help reform out society so that we walk our talk. Spraying (even with snuff pics), while fun, isn't one of them.
  4. 20? Very generous. Let's post another dead kid pic to show the innernet that NOBODY PUSHES THE MR. BILL AROUND. When playground passions become more important than a man's word, I'd say regression is near total. It's cool. Bill's a bit off, and sometimes he goes off. Once he lets his demons free range a bit, he gets over it. Good summer's morning, everyone! I'm stuck in town (fortunately, so is the GF). Hope you're not!
  5. Just finished weeding me veggie beds. What would a Vicetopian Victory garden look like?
  6. this is as grand a plan as the "more fat guys, less fat chicks" one! We need to seize power.
  7. howz it going, everybody? LULZ
  8. She forgot to mention Revereware
  9. She blinded me with it.
  10. I am working on fixing a problem for Shell Canada right now LOL.
  11. You can slam me all you want from way down Orygun way if it floats your boat. Just try to be a decent chap: no more snuff pics.
  12. Right, must have fucked up your day. So you think that we should only continue to get the sanitized version....wherein on the back of page 9 in small black and white text we call someones lil kids "Collateral damage", say "opps, sorry", and immediately move on and forget about the loss of their loved ones. God forbid you see how your tax dollars are being used to create and support the 2nd most corrupt country in the world. As this thread seems to indicate, whats really fucked up is that you somehow think it's OK for us to run around the world killing folks we don't agree with. (well, the ones that have oil anyway) With that mindset, would it then be OK for other countries to execute our President because they are angry at some bullshit policy (lets say Bush and the Iraq war, Obama and Afghanistan, etc etc). Then, when they try that asswipe move and they miss and kill a bunch of children, which we routinely do in other parts of the world, they can say "opps, sorry", move on and just keep try try trying again? WTF? Like Off White says up thread, you are paying for this bullshit, and it shouldn't be sanitized here when it is freely shown in the countries we are doing this too. We have already killed several of Omar the Tent makers kids on 2 separate occasions via bombs from air strikes. That the Pentagon hires 28,000 people who's only job it is to make you and the grieving parents throughout the world believe that we are good people should just piss you off all that much more. When does it end? Looks like we will need to run out of money for it to stop. Nevermind, we ARE out of money now, we just borrowing more and more to keep doing this bullshit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualties_caused_by_ISAF_and_US_Forces_in_the_War_in_Afghanistan_%282001%E2%80%93present%29 In December 2006, a tearful President Hamid Karzai lamented that Afghan children were being maimed and killed by NATO and U.S. bombs and by the terrorism brought on by the war. In a heartfelt speech that brought audience members to tears, Karzai said the cruelty imposed on his people "is too much" and that Afghanistan cannot stop "the coalition from killing our children. 5 years later, civilians and little kids are still being killed and there is no end in sight until we piss off enough parents that they toss our lame asses out of that country. It's lame Pat. Damn lame. Don't post from your collection of fucked up gruesome photos here, Bill. An uncomplicated request for an uncomplicated guy. I didn't bother reading your response, you nutter, so save it.
  13. Stewart's running for office now? Never thought he'd give up that phat paycheck....
  14. You're earning yourself a DEAD KID PIC (the new CARE BEAR), mister!
  15. He's already supported by a tax funded chopper, you know, when he needs to make a T ball game or something, so no worries. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY!
  16. A man's gotta be good an sumthin.
  17. that's some change i can believe in Oh, IVAN, soooo pedestrian. Haven't you heard? Stewart is sooooo last year's news.... But then, what use would a comedian be to a progressive, anyway?
  18. Was that my private parts? I really can't say one way or the other... Can your parts still be considered 'private' after 10 million views?
  19. he also was a real healthy eater And a (man made) dog lover.
  20. Yeah, when I think of shaky ethics and poor logic, Jim's the first guy that pops into my mind.
  21. "Science is but a dung heap, Rob, and I am but a cock that climbs upon it to crow.” - j_b
  22. Welcome to America. All the violence you could ever want, but don't mention your private parts....
  23. Don't do that Bill. Others don't need your fucked up visuals to get the point. Not so hard a request, is it?
  24. The GMO thing is a sideshow. A mere sliver of the harm pie - you know, the kind of thing progressives go after. Topsoil loss, aquifer depletion, and GHG emissions are the real heavy hitters regarding American agribidness. But hey, I couldn't care less.
  25. Every one of our farmed animals and plants was a human invention. Except crocodiles, maybe....
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