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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Makes sense. There are old assholes, there are bold assholes, but there are no old, bold assholes who aren't really good at the game of survival. These guys do need to die, though. I'd throw Kim Jong in the mix, but the little bobble head is WAY too entertaining.
  2. Drones, smart weapons, satellites, the innernutz, yet Assad, Selah, and Qaddafi are still poopin' in the punchbowl? WTF?
  3. Not that you are so afflicted, Rob me boy. That was meant for the rest of your statesmen. You are openly aggressive...and I like that.
  4. As for my personal fight - I finally finished weeding raised bed #2. 2 more to go.... The little meadow I had going was cool, though.
  5. Perhaps j_b might take a moment out of his busy day to include cutting a check to the Land Stewardship Project as part of his fight against Big Agribidness.
  6. If you happen to have a Hellfire missile laying around, that'd be OK, too.
  7. Here's a solution to one of the world's problems: Can one of you gun nutz finally make your kooky ass useful by putting a bullet in Assad's head? TIA
  8. Did you guyz know that the Dodge Ram is the Official Truck of Father Nature?
  9. I'm so detached, I don't really care what I have for breakfast. -
  10. They must add 'passive aggressive scammer' to the water supply.
  12. Maybe you're too busy with your salt scrub massages to overcome your detachment!!!!!!!
  13. Elaborate please. Take the most self-centered people from SoCal, drain the beach, sprinkle in some truly kooky kristianity, and you've got Colorado. What a throw-back state.
  14. They'll need that cell phone to dial 911 when the left arm goes numb.
  15. Ever since you could get porn on your phone, nobody's gonna give two shits about how much cancer the damn things possibly cause. Every phat phuck in this country knows phull well how they're gonna die - being carved up slowly, limb by limb, like a spoiled holiday ham as the outer plumbing fails, or collapsing further into their recliners when the main distribution header pops.
  16. A tinfoil helmet is recommended. Precautionary, doncha know.
  17. It's radiation, myan! Fuckin' RADIATION!
  18. One very inconclusive study gets published and those with that particularly emotional need are predictably singing "I told you so". Yeah, no one wanted cell phones...they were SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS BY THE MAN. Look for a follow on study to debunk the first one soon. Then one to debunk that... Admittedly, proving causality for cancer has proven to be pretty simple over the years. Piece of cake. Why was this information repressed for so long? So the game goes.
  19. Yes, if we could only develop 100% fuck up free new technology in a controlled environment. That would be awesome. We'll need to develop The Perfect Human first...in an uncontrolled environment, though.
  20. GMOs are here to stay, and they're going to more and more widespread - for drug therapies, for fuel and materials production, for food, for oil spill cleanup, for fun. Like all technologies, each application has its pros and cons. To claim that all GMOs are bad is like saying steel is bad because you can make guns with it. Speaking of bad technologies, The Atom Bomb Movie, narrated by Captain James T himself, is on Netflix on demand. Awesome, newly released nuclear footage - even of the Czar Bomba test. If you're a Big Weapons geek, this movie's for you: lots of techy details. The Able and Baker tests were supposed to have a third brother, Charlie. Cancelled because Baker made such a fucking mess. No worries! They finally did the third, deep water test later - with a much bigger bomb, of course. I especially like the aerial footage taken from...wait for it...directly ABOVE the explosion. NICE! They really knew how to FUCK SHIT UP back then.
  21. DDT also nearly eradicated malaria. Look, I'm not for bringing DDT back, but there was a very compelling humanitarian reason for using it in the first place. It wasn't because Monsanto secretly wanted to poison either the bird or human population. Just to be fair. And balanced.
  22. Well that certainly clears that up.
  23. I've got a case of mason jars full of nail clippings...right next to the whiteboard where I keep a tally of how many times j_b and KKK have had a 'lick sack/goon squad' exchange.
  24. As the Big Man would say: "Tonight we're having cake and cock, and we're all out of cake."
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