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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena
The initiative includes a DWUI clause for pot. Not that it's needed, cuz driving while stoned is already illegal.
hmmm, don't you think MJ is the cause of a significant number of accidents? Yeah, I do. Ask any hippy love child.
A joint v MD 20/20 is probably an improvement, considering that alcohol directly kills 80,000 Merkins a year as opposed to pot's...zero in recorded history. Quite a few folks will probably switch from booze to pot, which is by far the healthier alternative. It's hard to say whether people will get skinnier (from not drinking their calories) versus fatter (the Dorito factor). I'd put my money on the latter. The need for law enforcement should drop precipitously as a result, considering that booze fuels far, far more mayhem than any other drug. When a stoner asks you to step outside, its for a different reason.
I weighed it in the stuff sack without the hood - 18 oz. Both make great products that differ in weight, durability, and price. I have a Volant that lasted (although it wasn't pretty in its final years) over 25 years. I also have 4 FF bags. The Montbell's hood is better - warmer, and zipped so it won't blow away when the whimpy snaps come undone. My FF hood is about 4 years old, however, so maybe they've upgraded them since then.
When I think of Friends of the Working Man here, somehow, Jay, your name doesn't seem to come up. Was it the anti union gloating during the Wisconsin affair, or your siding with the auto executives against their own workers that gave that away? Nice try turning this into a pineapple upside down class warfare cake, but the boss's cock is lodged firmly up your ass here, and you're kinda proud of it. Being for the reversal of the current trend of higher education becoming less accessible for everyone, but most particularly the lower class isn't exactly thumbing a nose at the plumber, but nice, no, actually, only a tool would try what you just failed to do, particularly given your dripping contempt for anyone of modest means, working class or no. COllege grads get more dough. College grads are better educated, by, uh, definition. Apologies to that 5% or so that self educates, and I do know some. Going to college means you can get paid for your ideas rather than for your body. People who want to and are willing to work at it should be able to go to college. You've already got yours, brah. Don't be a shithead.
First the Gays, Now Weed Come on out and help make Washington the FIRST state in the union to say FU to 75 years of idiotic marijuana prohibition. Let's release hundreds of thousands (that's no joke) of innocent stoners from prison and get them back working on yurts, jewelry, and vaporizers. Let's allow thousands of the chronically ill to burn a little chronic on the way out without federal agents busting their way in.
The GI bill put my dad through college/law school, which in turn enabled him to pay for part of our college educations - all 7 of us. This ripple effect, or you might call it a trickle down effect, can go a long way with the right government program. A private corporation would NEVER have done this. The idea that the trickle down effect works in such a targeted way in in the free market is, and always has been, moronic. Try explaining such a program to a Wall Street stock analyst come quarterly reporting time. JayB's never sat in on one of the calls, I'd wager - never listened to some 32 year old in a sharkskin suit 3000 miles away no one's actually met berate a CEO who built his company from scratch for falling 20 cents a share short because he understood the impact too many layoffs would have on the community and the long term future of his company. I have. The free market simply doesn't give one fuck about anyone who needs a leg up to get back on their feet...or on their feet for the first time. The idea is fucking ridiculous. Always has been.
Bone's mind must read like a Mexican comic book.
"Backing that ass up" should require flagmen.
JayB - the great aggregator All statistics, massaged, non existent, questionably sourced, or not aside - here's a simple thought experiment: What is the cost to society of sending a chowderhead to college who will wind up in a lackluster career, pay his taxes, and pay back his student loans (as most do), as compared to the cost of not sending a genius to college, but to the service industry instead? Or...what's the cost of having an increasingly ignorant voting public? That answer should be readily apparent by now. College doesn't benefit everyone - no program or system does. But it benefits most in some way - even if its pure socialization - and the free market recognizes and rewards that with fatter paychecks. The Rfuck mentality is this: Catch one 'welfare cheat' (usually invented for PR purposes) - end welfare. Fuck all those who benefit from it...and who will use less social services in the future because of it. This libertarian mentality is driven by an obsessive drive NOT TO GET SCREWED! The watch word is WHERE'S THE MOOCH? It certainly isn't WHO NEEDS HELP, AND I'M GRATEFUL ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO PITCH IN. It's kind of fucked up and frankly, low rent. Guess it must be differences in upbringing. Mine was values based, if kind of the hard ass version. Petty mooches here and there never bothered me...giant corporate mooches kind of do, though. Could crack be a factor in the proliferation of these crackers?
Just so you know for the future, I'm not j_b. End of stupid tit for tat. Anecdotal, of course, but in 30 years of working life most of the leaders I've encountered didn't have educational backgrounds that even remotely predicted the positions they would eventually attain. Most were, go figure, liberal arts majors, in fact. The most important predictors of executive success, according to the WSJ anyway, involve attributes like open mindedness, critical thinking, ability to assess, summarize, and communicate complex issues, social intelligence, and personal passion; not how you did on your thermo 105 exam. Crackhead parents (an anti-black myth, given the comparatively nonexistent public health threat that crack represents compared to...booze, but that's the Rfuck drug of choice, isn't it?) produce hard working geniuses, WASPY parents produce duds. So it goes. The question is, do kids with some desire get a 'crack' at college or not? Society is best served if they do...regardless of their choice of majors. This particularly true nowadays. If I want to become a fluid dynamics genius, a day or two on the web will do the trick. How many software engineers have liberal arts backgrounds? If I want to learn how to write, persuade, negotiate, get the best out of team of people, or navigate through a crisis...yeah, you get the idea. Then there's the good ole bidness degree...the Rfuck wet dream. Pretty much a joke...and I should know. Still, looks good on the resume and gets me some extra bucks. I'll take it! Don't get me wrong, if you're gonna be an engineer, an engineering degree is a good start. If you're going to be a leader, however, you can start pretty much start anywhere. Unless you're Bill Gates, however, that somewhere had better include a college degree. Finally, I suppose there are a lot of college students who wander around aimlessly, not knowing what they're gonna do with their lives...myself included. It's called BEING 20 YEARS OLD. I realize that JayB was drawn to janitorial services while his fellows were partying their asses off, and that early certainty of mission must have produced some resentment. I had high paying engineering internships during college, myself...never had to push a mop for money - that's some real loser shit...but losers are part of our society too, I guess.
800 fill. Zip hood. Fully baffled construction. 18 oz. zip outer pockets. 2 big velcro 'glove' pockets. Decent colors, even. $200 at 2nd Ascent. This thing is the size of a cloud. Had to have it.
No, I think his claim is they didn't get a four degree because of bad parenting and access counts for nothing. One thing's for sure. Less access to higher education is definitely better for America. Cuz, you know, college doesn't really make you any smarter - not if you don't deserve it, anyway. No correlation or causality required. Hell yeah. Drop all admissions standards and just pay for tuition 100% with taxes. One size fits all for everyone! Exactly what I was about to suggest before you trumped me with this one size fits all response.
Thrilled enough to pay me for doing the writing for them, anyway. I'm good with that level of thrill, personally.
Still, though, without Art History majors, I might never have gotten laid...
No, I think his claim is they didn't get a four degree because of bad parenting and access counts for nothing. One thing's for sure. Less access to higher education is definitely better for America. Cuz, you know, college doesn't really make you any smarter - not if you don't deserve it, anyway. No correlation or causality required.
That typo! LOL!
We definitely wouldn't want an enlightened, critically thinking society with a sense of history. No sir. At least half of us wouldn't, anyway. Keep em dumb! Sorry, that's my depression era values showing. I know education is all about training workers to do yesterday's jobs. No innovation, critical thinking, or communication skills required. Skills and curriculum should be strictly compartmentalized, no cross pollination allowed. PS: The biggest hurdle I face in the engineering world is people who can't write or communicate worth a damn - and therefore cannot effectively spread their 'brilliant' ideas. Go figure. I think JayB has a great future in HR...cerca 1980 or so.
I'm on a planet that appears to be smaller than either chick's ass. Junk in the trunk is fine to a point. When comets n shit start punching holes in that spinnaker she calls panties, though, that's where I draw the line.
Correlation or Causality? No supporting data, so no problem!
so your claim is that ~70% of Americans without a college education engage in "smoking crack, knocking-off liquor stores, not taking care of themselves, etc", which would explain why they never got a 4 year degree? the key point of what you are saying is they got some education beyond high school. I am not opposed to having other tracks than 4-year college but it doesn't affect the conclusion that education leads to better outcomes. Is JayB actually trying to argue that a college degree doesn't bring in a larger paycheck on average? I know the guy's really into the whole Black is White thing, but really? I would think his glee at the death of unions would lead him to conclude the opposite, but that's just me.
Gee, I wasn't referring to life insurance - generally an unnecessary scam, but health insurance - a mandated necessity. Nice, if amateurish attempt to trivialize and make it 'voluntary'. Part of the Freedumb campaign, I guess. Send me a pamphlet. As a way to control costs, health insurance, mostly provided by private insurers, is now mandated federally and by some states. It's definitely a privacy issue for all Americans. Of course, corporations would never require such privacy invasions as mandatory drug screening for all Americans (given the mandate, duh), and those politicians on their payroll would never require the same in exchange for supporting an end of the Drug War. No, I can't imagine that scenario at all. Why stop at blood/hair/urine analysis? Let's go for overall lifestyle auditing and, hey, why not collect DNA, too? After all, drinking too much Pepsi or a couple of beers a night has got to be way worse for you than smoking a joint once a month, no? Cuz, you know, insurers would never pass on these (18%) overhead costs to us. As usual, the Debbil's in the details. But, hey, it's all voluntary. If citizens have a problem with insurers, they can file a class action lawsuit...oops! No they can't. You may be willing to sell your privacy for the $20 or so a year you'd save on insurance. I'd rather pay the $20 for that bad, bad drug using base jumpers and keep corporations, who definitely do NOT have either my or the public's best interests in mind, out of my bodily fluids, DNA, and daily life.
I assure you, I'm not confused at all about what the DOJ has/hasn't done about gay weed under Obama. I never mentioned what Obama thought on either issue, and, as long as his DOJ is towing the line, I don't much care. You are confused about what was said here. I don't believe anybody here said these issues didn't matter. What I said, and I believe prole also meant, is that progressives should also work on economic and foreign policy issues even if it means taking on the Democratic party (or at least its official narrative) I'd love to here the specifics of that plan. What policy/legislative changes are sought, at what gubmint level, by whom, how?
I gotta go make a lamp... ...for Democracy!
Now isn't this a whole lot more fun than being told to lick sack over and over by Attila the Knuckle Dragger?