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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Would that be a bounty per mountie?
  2. It's not my fault, however.
  3. What is the correlation coefficient between infantilism and obtaining a PhD? It's gotta be close to unity.
  4. At the risk of name dropping, it's true that Mr. Brooks and I often discuss our views on balancing the budget. We agree that our primary objective is to destroy the middle class. It's a self hate thing. I balanced the budget using the NY times interactive thing and reported it, as did others at the time, so for those whose mental illness compels them to, my opinion on the subject is there for the diggin'.
  5. I haven't yet mentioned here that I'm against child molestation, so I guess I must be for it.
  6. Economic fortunes come and go, this is not the first age of extreme wealth concentration in our history, and it probably won't be the last. Social progress; the opportunity of individuals to find their own path, marches on, however. The Right will ALWAYS be on the wrong side of this tide - they always have been, and they will ALWAYS lose in the end. Understanding over fear, acceptance over bigotry, creativity over mimicry and repetition. There is a deeper truth to this world that has nothing at all to do with holy statues, flags, or patriotic songs, and that truth, despite all the efforts to contain it, will continue to reveal itself.
  7. No, the result of the program in its entirety is the wealth created by those jobs, i.e., improved infrastructure. Conservatives love to compare the current age to the New Deal, as though it's some repitition of a bygone boondoggle. We still reap the benefits of the wealth created during the New Deal. The true legacy of the New Deal was a cultural one. Seattle built its wonderful system of new libraries to continue it. Our national parks continue it. Our renewable energy sources continue it. It provided the cultural unity that enabled us to triumph against (foreign) fascism. The value of the New Deal is incalculable. Hard core conservatives famously hate the New Deal. These ingrates are attracted to their simpleton's movement because of fear. They are against plenty, but for nothing. Intellectual curiosity, recognition of an ever changing future, and the understanding that the unfamiliar always requires does not come easy for them, so they cling to a cliche, manufactured past that is safe and, for them, is spelled out in plain English and 'common sense'. They fear death, so they cling to Jesus. They fear blacks, so they cling to the War on Drugs. They fear their own sexuality, so they beat up gays, both literally and in the courtroom. Essentially, they fear being forced to follow their own path through this world, so they live a hand-me-down life. Their fear prevents them from progressing past childhood, emotionally and intellectually. The root of this weighty drag on human progress has always been the same: ignorance.
  8. Brooks didn't mention the war budget, but you did, so I guess he did, so you can make your argument, or lack thereof... ...as usual. Lotsa such bullshit on both sides, fo shiz.
  9. Overheard will prepping for a swim at the lake yesterday: 20 something blob #1: "want anything to eat?" 20 something blob #2: "No thanks, I'll just wait til dinner" Blob #2 then preceded wash down the better part of a large bag of Sun Chips with a can of Modelo... If these kids looks like whales at 25, they're gonna need their own hangars by 40. I see an end to the housing slump, here. New codes will require loading docks for reefer trucks, though...
  10. I don't know who Reason's Spokesman is these days, I think that position might have fallen under the budget ax, but the piece seemed reasonable to me. ditto The quoted passage is key. The "range" Brooks tosses out there only represents a range on the narrowest of spectrums. His arguments seem reasonable because they're simply a regurgitation of the same supply-side crap that got us here, like a candidate running on name recognition. Republicans pining for the "reasonableness" of Reagan, Bush, et al is a joke enough, what part of "chickens coming home to roost" do Democrats not understand? I'm not sure Brooks is correct at all about the New Right. What better foil than the Insane Clown Caucus to convince us of the soundness and moderation of the very policies that took us to the brink? Judging by corporate balance sheets and bank accounts of the ultra-rich in the Great Recession, things seem to be going quite well politically. As Brooks does point out correctly, the Obamas are stumbling all over themselves to provide more of the same washed-up trickle down using the language of moderation. If enough Democrats and "sensible" Republicans are providing what the Right wants, the whackos are just what the GOP needs. Republicans are just proving once again that politics are best played by people who know what the fuck they're doing. Minor flaw in your logic: if Merka defaults due to the latest tea tantrum, the very balance sheets and stock portfolios wealth concentrators care so much about aren't going to look very good. The truth is probably a bit less fantasy based. Some in the "I've got mine" set (let's remember that not all the hyper weathly are right wing, or unprincipled - I've had several in that set tell me that they really should be paying more in taxes - CUE JAYB FOR THE CUSTOMARY "WELL WHY DON'T YOU VOLUNTEER TO DO SO" sound byte) certainly did support the Baggers. They may even like the hard nut "negotiating" going on right now. I doubt any of them want national default, though. I also doubt they want the baggerz not-so-veiled kristian kult agenda to fuck up such a good thing, but the baggers are certainly trying to do just that. As always, the GOP is a clusterfuck of various single issue, non-reality based agendas, fueled by misinformation and flying in loose formation under a very large Walmart pup tent. The party has put itself at extreme risk with voters. Will the latest scam work? Maybe, maybe not. Past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future success.
  11. "I care about kids...I've got 10 of 'em!"
  12. Ie, give us everything we want now or we will smear our diaper shit all over the entire world. Well, I guess that's what happens when dumbshit kooks, not exactly in short supply in Merka, form their own party.
  13. Light carpet bombing? Let's put those dusty old tactical nukes to good use....
  14. Or tune in to CNN and watch the House in action.
  15. It's all part of selling your basic values of decency, fairness, gratitude, and stewardship for the future for a few bucks a year, Jon. Welcome to the New Rugged Individualism! For further education on the NRI philosophy, take a lollipop from a 4 year old, then wait 10 seconds...
  16. Hitting a Rainbow Gathering, then immediately jetting off to the Republican Convention would make for a nifty vacation.
  17. I don't know who Reason's Spokesman is these days, I think that position might have fallen under the budget ax, but the piece seemed reasonable to me. Admittedly, your interchange with KKK is way more interesting.
  18. The Promise of the New Right
  19. Looks spiritually awesome.
  21. After all those Care Bears Donny Darko finds himself back down here in the janitorial break room.
  22. The same Greenspan that felt it wasn't necessary to regulate investment fraud at all, no? Kind of a 'buyer beware' guy... Yeah, the same. Why does anyone listen to that assclown?
  23. Or perhaps inserting a second stick up his ass might refocus the pedantry a bit.
  24. I'm showing up with about 50 methed up concrete workers in steel toed boots. Should be fun.
  25. j-b, could you personally deliver that much needed kick in the ass to JayB? Thanks, The rest of us...
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