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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. No Fly Bye: You don't know until you're denied a boarding pass. You can't find out why. And there's no appeals process to fix it. We think this just MIGHT be a due process issue, but then, we hate America. "To dangerous to fly, but too harmless to arrest"
  2. That 'junk' quote was from Rob's dad LOL. Yeah, the pre-crime thing is sooooo awesomely federal govt. You can imagine the security appropriations committee spurting over that shit. If they can keep Cruise from giggling on camera maybe he'll become a celeb spokesman for it. Did you just fake a smile? SIR, DID YOU JUST FAKE THAT SMILE???
  3. Sometimes a sniper rifle trumps a scatter gun. There are only so many points you can make per minute on the radio before they all start to run together in a Keroacian stream of brown noise. I've got to slooooowwwwww it on down, next time. The show kind of rambled, but I guess that's the nature of radio. It also would have been more fun to answer audience questions directly. Other than that...it was super fun!
  4. It's a conservative's innate unwillingness to admit that they DON'T know something that makes them so stupid.
  5. Sorry, tomorrows asteroid's gonna miss...uh-gain.
  6. You forgot Jeff Davis and Hair Club.
  7. Americans deserve better.
  8. New tuggy. Whew.
  9. The ACLU successfully defended the Paul campaign's Director of Development when he was illegally detained for carrying $4700 in cash. One of a growing body of legal victories against the TSA and DHS.
  10. so, does this mean you are no longer on the Cain Train? We're done now. You're too stupid to be fun.
  11. From the Cain website. "Americans deserve better." LOL
  12. One thing about the Kakenator: he loves a good game of tuggy toy.
  13. 2 settlements, 2 more unconfirmed incidents. Certainly no pattern, here. But hey, if Clinton did it...
  14. ...and repetition is the other. Doesn't work on smart people, though.
  15. You also realize, of course, that criminal law is only a subset, yes? Of course you do...
  16. Small detail: the Spermanator denied anything at all happened. Now, I realize that lying to the entire country is a prerequisite skill for an Rfuck candidate, but the Big S isn't even good at it.
  17. tvashtarkatena


    Not like here!!!!
  18. tvashtarkatena


    They use TANKS against their populace in China...and SHOOT people at the border!!!
  19. And I know that the difference between allegations and actual conviction don't matter much to today's ACLU fuck Then you probably also know that 'convictions' only apply to criminal proceedings, not lawsuits (as in the case of sexual harassment), and that 'allegations' are accusations, not reporting of past events.
  20. Well, I signed on in 2006 as I recall, and, while my memory isn't what it used to be, I think we had another president by then. Can't speak for any of the other libtards round here. Not sure the Clinton thing ever raged on this site. But that was then...a long time ago then. Now... Sexual harassment is illegal. Both that behavior and lying about it to cover it up is a strong testament to a candidate's character and trustworthiness - and therefore fitness to govern. I know, this values/integrity shit doesn't matter to today's Rfuck...call me old fashioned!
  21. I love that the Spermanator's (TM2011TvashtarLtd) campaign trotted out ole' "Feel This Bulge" Clarence as an example. Yup. Pretty much a perfect comparison, IMO.
  22. As I seem to recall, the cigar incident was consentual... But I digress. Still support the Spermanator, do ya? You won't answer, due to an empty ballsack (NNTAWWT), but that's at issue nowadays, no? How many Mexican's didn't the border patrol shoot again?
  23. tvashtarkatena


    Thank GOD we've got America's conservatives to safeguard those precious freedoms.
  24. Consent. Small distinction. If you only had another neuron or two to work with, you might grasp it.
  25. Put those addicts in jail, right KKK? LOSERS. That's what your people have done so far with your complete blessing.
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