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Everything posted by denalidave

  1. Fixed ya another one, buddy.
  2. I'm afraid it's worse than that. Those who ARE calling John Wayne gay think it's an insult. And that's why they're doing it. nah...just a interesting worthless & trivial media historical footnote. Fixed that one fer ya too. OMG! STOP THE PRESSES... SOME DEAD ACTOR MIGHT HAVE BEEN GAY!!! CLOSE THE GUBMENT!!!! NOW!!!!! TILL WE CAN SOLVE THIS MYSTERY!!!!!!
  3. denalidave

    Bring it

    Clean as a whistle... Bidding starts at $30 an ounce.
  4. It will just make you more dehydrated.
  5. denalidave

    Bring it

    And what am I bringing?
  6. I'm not gonna hit ya, I'm gonna "hit" that...
  7. Have you no respekt for the era we live in? GHEY!!!
  8. Fer someone who is "quick", yall'z gotta do better dan dat... Just say'n. I may be "slow" but funny is funny. Show me da money. Homey!
  9. It was just temporarily sequestered due to gub'ment shutdowns but in the end was determined to be an essential service...
  10. You obviously care enough to put it on a public form for discussion. Just say'n. I thought you guys were quicker than this. What's my "point?" i never met anyone who described ole-betard-dave as "quick" Sharp as a marble and twice as dense.
  11. You obviously care enough to put it on a public form for discussion. Just say'n.
  12. That last one makes me a bit dizzy.
  13. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Or right.
  14. Who cares? He's dead.
  15. denalidave


    Texas Republican Congressman Randy Neugebauer ladies and gentlemen... Saw that vid on NBC nightly news tonight. The stupidity, and arrogance, of these people seem to know no bounds... d
  16. I woulda mailed it, but that futhamucka was bag sanded... 6.5 my arse. It's like, sick, gnar 5.7d+, outrun, super sketch fist friction jam on dicey bomber cracks back lay'n uber stellar bal'n low ball on a walk'd out close aquaintance fronted up with an explosive device threaded hexoganal metal piece clipped to slow-sketch on an oxidized-metal-hexoganal chossed up heinous meant-for-a-place hitting ground shiat. Plus, I missed my fit cross sesh and was hungover from the redbull enema. I slipped on the Fred Flintstone's canine move to the angled-hard-hard-grab granim feature. I'm happy to translate for any non-climber or newbies as needed...
  17. Hey, there's a bong drilled in the rock. Kewl, dude.
  18. We were only cuddling to keep warm.
  19. "You call dat a joint, man?"...
  20. "Don't bogart that joint, my freind"...
  21. "I smoke two joints in the morning"...
  22. "Eaaarrr."
  23. "Who's holding."
  24. denalidave


    funny, mine has me on her *blocked* list now i think the nsa stuff is skerry b/c yeah, every politician is pretty much for it, in practice if not in principle - the politics of fear, of being "soft on whatever" continues to be a problem, and i have not the first inkling of how to make it go away. to some extent though, maybe it's good enough that so many folks are concerned about data-mining and the like - it doesn't sound like the orwellian-nightmare has become a reality yet (thus who think so really should reread 1984), despite all the tools required for it being there, and while some of the shit that has come to light is distressing, it could get a lot worse, no? You can't put the genie back in the bottle and it is only a matter of time till the data mining and phone tapping will be used against the lowly citizen for political and/or corporate gain (same/same). Absolute power corrupts absolutely and I don't see that getting better. Time will tell, but, yeah, kiss "freedom" as we have known it goodbye. Not that it matters as the I-phone/Android is just the same as Big Bro in your pocket.
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