funny, mine has me on her *blocked* list now i think
the nsa stuff is skerry b/c yeah, every politician is pretty much for it, in practice if not in principle - the politics of fear, of being "soft on whatever" continues to be a problem, and i have not the first inkling of how to make it go away.
to some extent though, maybe it's good enough that so many folks are concerned about data-mining and the like - it doesn't sound like the orwellian-nightmare has become a reality yet (thus who think so really should reread 1984), despite all the tools required for it being there, and while some of the shit that has come to light is distressing, it could get a lot worse, no?
You can't put the genie back in the bottle and it is only a matter of time till the data mining and phone tapping will be used against the lowly citizen for political and/or corporate gain (same/same). Absolute power corrupts absolutely and I don't see that getting better. Time will tell, but, yeah, kiss "freedom" as we have known it goodbye. Not that it matters as the I-phone/Android is just the same as Big Bro in your pocket.