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Everything posted by ZimZam

  1. I recommend if you do get a PFD, it be yellow in color. Most other colors tend to look dark in the water and are hard to spot.
  2. ZimZam

    Where are they now??

    Where'd Arch go?
  3. Gummies FTMFW
  4. They're being shipped to Burma. They have a Muslim problem.
  5. guess they won't be using that any longer.
  6. Cubs or Tribe?
  7. that'll be 8 bucks please
  8. don't make me get all up in yo grill
  9. here: http://www.mountainweather.com/index.php?page=alaska_weather
  10. Because that sure as hell can't be fo' rizzle. Can it?
  11. There is one blowhard who I wouldn't mind seeing falling over dead.
  12. ZimZam


    Make Spray Great Again
  13. [video:youtube]
  14. Yea. No heart punch here.
  15. You shave with that. A real outdoorsman has a beard. Pay attention!
  16. ZimZam


  17. Cards fan here. Thanks for the 2 W's.
  18. Now that I'm a desert rat I'm gonna get me some of this. When you're up for it Mark, you are always welcome here. bump.
  19. ZimZam

    Thank You

    Many years ago I came across Joe's book on the Alaska Range. It gave me an itch. For the last five years I've had the pleasure of working with and meeting many of his friends. Sadly for me I wont be returning to TKA. Life's circumstances. A huge thank you to the locals, climbers, and guides who endured my Johnny Cash renditions, and for the many nights shared at the Fairview. Much love to Mark, Dave, Chris, Mik, Joey, TC and the entire crew from the TRS. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, your patience, but above all for your friendships. It was the time of my life. As Andi would say, "I'll be back." -dad
  20. Kirah always has a smile on her face.
  21. ZimZam

    Go Bernie

    It would be nice if Bernie were a true socialist.
  22. ZimZam


    Don't fret. Half of the board will be NG sellouts.
  23. ZimZam

    Go Bernie

    70 is the new fitty ยข
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