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Everything posted by sir_vent

  1. That rock picture looks totally rad.
  2. I went up to the SGC with Pochi and met up with Brian M and Matt. We waited out in the tent all sunday and monday it was bluebird, but there was ~4 ft of sugar snow and we stopped at the base of the couloir after a couple hours of wallowing. We went pretty heavy, intending to wait out the storm sunday. The NE face of stuart looks awesome right now!
  3. I have a bunch of time off now, and a lot of great ideas for climbs, from alpine to aid routes. PM me if you're lookin to get out! BEn
  4. pm sent
  5. Heh I remember that cornice, going left in that picture was not a good choice.
  6. Hi folks, we arranged a deal, I sent him some money a week ago and haven't heard from him since. Did something happen to him, did he go on a trip? I stupidly didn't check to see if I have his phone number or even last name, I don't. So if anyone knows this information I would appreciate if you could contact me. Otherwise I'll wait another week or so and then report it on paypal, which I'd rather not have to do. If you want proof before you give me his info I can provide it. Thanks. Ben
  7. I bought some climbax cams, pretty cheap, from pagan gear and on the third use I snapped a trigger wire french freeing, pretty sure that AINT supposed to happen. Also the climbax cams rusted up on my within a year of minimal to normal use, while my old #1 camalot is going stronger than ever and is so much easier to place. The climbax cams have this weird twisting action when you try to place them. Overall even being the big ass cheapo that I am, I wouldnt buy them again.
  8. bump, still looking for a hammer & small cams.
  9. your attachment doesnt work for me.
  10. ascenders, aiders, pins, hammer, seat harness, wall bags, bolt kit, ya know, all that stuff I cant afford to buy brand new. I'm in California, but I'll pay shipping.
  11. Hey folks, been browsing this board for a year or 2 and getting comfortable on alpine in the cascades, then I got this summer internship in cali, 3 hrs from the valley! So I'm stoked to get into big wall climbing and wondering if anyone on this board would be interested in joining up. I'm teaching myself and happy to climb with someone who's also new and has ambition.
  12. Right on Mike and Jason, you guys make a wicked alpine team and sounds like a classic adventure with plenty of unknown but a pretty good outcome. Those are my favorite. Ben
  13. I just moved to Livermore, hoping to do some routes in Yosemite and more routes outside the park, such as in the Palisades, Mt Whitney, around kings canyon, etc. Anyone else going to be in Cali for the summer?
  14. Anyone heading down to rainier this week and want to split gas?
  15. Planning a trip to ski in a ways and climb something in the grade II-III and up to 5.9 range. Never been up there so kind of an exploratory trip. Still looking for a partner. Have rack, car, experience.
  16. Hi folks, I'm planning to ski up the Quien Sabe on sahale tomorrow, my other thought was to do the W ridge of stuart. I dont have to be back till tuesday night. I was planning to go solo for lack of partner and thought I might as well post to see if theres anyone who'd like to join me and share gas. If so DONT RESPOND HERE, because I wont have access to internet, but call my cell at 206-229-7017. Other trip ideas welcome. Ben
  17. Hey, Still new to the back country thing. So weather reports seem to indicate snow above ~6000. Is this a dangerous time to ski? Is it still possible to have a decent ski up cascade pass to sahale right now? Thanks a bunch! Ben
  18. I thoroughly enjoyed hiking up it twice, the second time I used it as a morning workout (car to summit in 3.5 hrs) and was home for lunch with my girl at 2. The views are great and the sand helps your knees on the way down.
  19. If you go after shuksan, its in good shape for skiing right now which I think is the way to go on such a long, low angle glacier http://uw.cascadeclimbers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=15688
  20. While scott and dave were cruisin up the TC, a couple of us UW folks were digging through cornices. full TR: http://uw.cascadeclimbers.com/forum/view...asc&start=0
  21. Awesome job! We were watching you guys enter TC as we made our way up to the NEBC. So the ice was thick enough that you didnt have dry tool 5.8? Sounds like TC was a good choice, We had to deal with a nasty cornice.
  22. oops thx., the board is 160cm
  23. check pms
  24. I decided I dont like snowboarding and need some cash to start finding an AT setup. All of this was used ~ 5 times a year for about 4 yrs except last year's low snow year ;(. Burton Mission Greed Bindings retail $250 Asking $100 http://www.bravesurf.com/acatalog/copy_of_BURTON__Unisex_Snowboard_Bindings___.html Millenium 3 snowboard Retail ~$250 Asking $80 Burton boots size 10.5 Retail ~$100 Asking $40 tall (90cm?) Ice Axe, great for long glacier slogs. Retail $100 Asking $40 Buy everything for $250 Buy the board setup and boots for $210 I'm around Seattle, and would rather not try to ship but if you want to pitch in for shipping I will. Pictures: http://students.washington.edu/benlong/pictures/DSCN1977.JPG http://students.washington.edu/benlong/pictures/DSCN1979.JPG
  25. u have ? I've got most weekends off.
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