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Everything posted by XXX

  1. Your a cry baby! As if Climbing is the most selfless act of human purpose. What mission? I suppose we should all go have a latte, climb at the uw rock, then listen to depeche mode and date some skinny crack head chick from capital hill now too.
  2. XXX

    gays in the military

    We should encourage more gays in the military, in fact if I ever have a gay son I will make him join. Much better then skippin down broadway.
  3. Shasta is fairly easy. But ya dont go rambo style unless u have somewhat of a clue.
  4. Looks super sweet! Gosh i gotta get down there.
  5. Ah bull! I have had the same rope for sport climbing for 7 years. Works great! lol
  6. Don't pick this guy he is really ted haggard. hehe. In all honesty pick Colin.
  7. Hotties, too My first time in the REI climbing section, I was trying to figure out what some of the gear on my list was when a guy asked me if I was a climber. I looked over the display to see this really hot guy. So hot I looked around to make sure he was talking to me. We had a nice chat, then I went home and told all my single girlfriends to head to REI's climbing section if they wanted to meet some hotties Aren't you married? haha, btw thats a gross pic above. Those guys need to hit the gym a little more.
  8. I was thinking of soloing the west ridge, how exposed is it?
  9. No!!! but on a positive note I have seen quite a few cuties at REI compared to the other climbing shops
  10. Nice work man! Great climb too. We climbed together a few times before you went on vacation last year. Glad to hear your still getting out!
  11. What's with Depeche Mode? Was 1988 an atavistic low-water point for you? It's a stupid and much too personally obscure reference. Spit your self-dramatizing bile on something contemporary. You must be one of the wackos I was speaking about. hehe
  12. Figures REI is just filled with a bunch of left wing wackos who think its cool to wear North face, vote for obama, shop at whole foods, listen to depeche mode (sp) and date gay looking guys with tight pants and spiky hair. so true Yes of course its true!!
  13. Figures REI is just filled with a bunch of left wing wackos who think its cool to wear North face, vote for obama, shop at whole foods, listen to depeche mode (sp) and date gay looking guys with tight pants and spiky hair.
  14. how about Kansas? haha, ya beat me to the punch, hefe I was actually thinking Minnesota, but I think Kansas fits the bill.
  15. Loved the Patton video, and I found this great quote on your site for all the people on CC.com lol Hey! If you're one of those tug-job liberals who linked in here from Cascadeclimbers, I just wanted to remind you that you are a worthless slag, and you should probably throw yourself off a mountain. I know, I know. You guys all think you're so elevated in your thinking processes, and you have it all figured out, and you're soooooo much better than everyone. Well, here's a newsflash. You're not. You routinely sound like a bunch of petulant idiot children, and you demonstrate it by making complete fools out of yourself online everyday. Your politics, especially your's Doug_The_TugJob, sound so far to the left that it's as stupid as the Neocons. Maybe even worse, because you're all just ineffectual nothings, who count for nothing. Maybe you could all just stay stoned, marginally employed, and drift around in the woods out of sight? That would be good. I'm sure that girl on youtube probably just got nervous as hell, and totally choked. Yeah, it was one of the worst demonstrations of idiocy I have ever seen. So what? In all honesty I think it's entertainment for your retards (especially MaryLou) to pass judgment on everyone, and everything, from your self righteous perch. Anyway, I know that in reality it's probably something like 25 folks over there who are just 180 degrees sideways mental, so I'm not trying to paint the lot, just those tourons who continue to propagate over there in a circle jerk of champions.
  16. That thing looks gnarly. It will be intersting when it falls over.
  17. XXX, I couldn't agree more. I would however have appreciated more accurate/meaningful reporting so as to emphasize how stupid it is to do this sort of thing - it could have your head or mine the rock connected with. I agree the media and the outdoors community as a whole should take more responsibility, but sending this young man to jail will serve no purpose. If anything he should be sentenced to community service and trail work for his negligent acts.
  18. Legal action is not always the answer. If this young man were to be charged I do not see what the value of bringing a conviction would be. He was truly sorry, and it is a complete waste of resources and time of the legal system. Otherwise its a terrible accident.
  19. looks sweet, btw you got one of the most scary pics on here! lol
  20. Just read the article, Congrats! Thats sweet!
  21. This is probably one of the more intelligent things I have read on this board lately. Excellent points.
  22. John Muir once said "I would rather be in the mountains thinking about God, then in church thinking about the mountains" I actually think God and climbing is an excellent combination for me. When I am in the mountains I feel closer to God. I enjoy basking in his creation while I ponder the meaning of life and what a huge beautiful amazing world we live in. Pretty much every religious tradition has some connection between nature and God. Afterall Moses went up Sinai, John the baptist went to the wilderness. For me nature is one of God's ultimate tools for reaching humans. "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse." Romans 1:20
  23. XXX

    Sport v Trad

    Well with the mighty powers of the internet you can look up the difference
  24. I met a chick from Sammaish club, to bad she had a boyfriend
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