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Everything posted by Lithophiliac

  1. Hello, I found someones climbing log at the base of Party in Your Pants at Vantage (Sunshine wall area) this past Sunday. Message me here and I can get it mailed back to you asap! Good luck seeing this and have a great week!
  2. I highly recommend the Jerry Handren book. Comprehensive and with very few errors. http://www.redrocksguidebook.com/contact-us.html Just got back from an 8 day trip down there myself. Awesome as usual. You will have a blast.
  3. Yo Christian, Just sent you an e-mail.
  4. Yo Alpinfox, Will be contacting you sometime this evening. Thanks for the heads up!
  5. Sorry for the slow replies. I think I have gotten back to everyone that has messaged me as of this morning. I am still 100% on for this trip and plan on leaving the 23th anytime from noon on. Need to be back to Spokane Sunday April 1st or at least in time to roll into work by 8 on Monday the 2nd:). Driving a newer Subaru Legacy with full roof rack. Hit me up if interested!
  6. Hello all, Just posted this on Mountain Project, but am trying it here as well. I lost my partner for Red Rocks, but I am still hoping to give this trip a go. I am planing to leave the Spokane area the evening of March 23 and pull an all nighter to get down there (16 hours on average from Spokane). I have spent many months climbing at RR over the years and I know it really well especially the longer trad classics. Climb trad to 5.12+ and sport to .13. 25 years of climbing experience with NO accidents:) What I'm not looking for is to teach new climbers how to lead, or spend all day lounging around and only getting a few pitches in. Sorry if that offends anyone, but I spend a lot of time doing that locally already and now its time to send! Way more interested in trad than sport. I am highly motivated and hoping for a gung ho go for it trip. Last time down did 210 pitches in 11 days - not bragging, just trying to give some perspective as to my motivation level. Hit me up if interested and thanks in advance! John
  7. I would suggest Minnehaha (aka John Shields Park) on Upriver Drive. Pretty good bouldering no matter what. Q'emiln Park near Post Falls (Exit 5 - Spokane St. just East of the State Line) is another good option. Feel free to PM me for more info or check the rockclimbing.com route database for other suggestions. I will be out of town this week or I would climb with you. Good luck!!
  8. Lithophiliac


    Yes Billlcoe!! Best climbing/song combo ever. What a badass Dano was. I am most sickened by his near plummet at 9:37. What a save!!
  9. Hey Dustin, I've got a pretty busy schedule, but I'm sure that I could work in some time to get you out somewhere. Snow creek wall, Chimney rock, Index, etc... Not sure if I know you already?? I am also in Cheney. Good luck in your search. John
  10. Have a great time Crillz. This will be the first time in six years that I will not be going to Vegas for Spring break. While I had an awesome time each year, its finally time for something new. This year INDIAN CREEK
  11. I'll second tlinn's suggestion of Yakima, Boise, Twin Falls, etc... Pretty straight shot, with the only one iffy weather spot after Snolquamie in the Blue Mountains near Pendelton, Or.
  12. Hey thanks Kevin, I sure enjoyed our trip out to Index last year!! Hope school is treating you well. Keep cranking and I'll see you at out there!! PS. Sorry Robert, I won't be getting to Seattle until late Thursday. If you are free Friday we can probably work something out for then.
  13. Thanks Man. Good luck on the Leavenworth thing. If that falls through, I can pick you up on my way or whatever works for you. The weather looks good and I'm super psyched to get back to Index!! I'll check back later in the week.
  14. Just scouting for partner possibilities. I have all morning free, but have to leave around 4 pm. I don't get over to Index much anymore, but I know the area well, have a full rack and can lead up to 5.11+ trad. I'll be leaving from the Edmonds area and would be happy to drive. PM me for contact info. Thanks!! John
  15. How much do a set of "Freeze dried lizard antlers cost??"
  16. Nice report! Ran into you guys as well at the Out of Control area. What a great line that was. Sounds like you had a great trip as we did as well.
  17. Looking at your map, the left side is the tribal land which is where almost all of the good stone is. There is some stuff on the non-tribal side but not much and its not nearly as good as the other side of the river. You should check it out when they draw down the lake (winter), then everything from the 1280' line down is on Bureau of Rec. land I'm pretty sure. There's one crack line I dubbed Davey Jones' locker that would be a 5 star classic (were it not for all the algae slime on it) - very similar looking to Never Never Crack in Leavenworth.
  18. I worked as a biologist on Lake Roosevelt for several years in the 90's and was very interested in these formations as well. There are tons of potential routes all over that area on great rock, but I was always told that it is closed to any climbing (and even non-tribal access) due to it being on the Colville Indian Reservation. Same story with the outcrops across from Porcupine Bay on the Spokane arm (except these rocks are on the Spokane Indian Reservation). I never got a definitive answer from Tribal Authorities, but stayed away anyway. Anyone have more current info??
  19. PM Sent.
  20. I often use the soloist device (rock exotica) for this type of situation and, using the appropriate knots for back up, its worked well for me every time I've needed it (still alive . For a sport climb, I would appproach your situation similarly to start, clipping a knotted off section of rope to the first bolt of the easy climb with a locker, then climbing the easy route, clipping the second bolt, etc..., but fixing the lead end of the rope periodically as I moved higher up using pro or bolts in as equallized a fashion as possible to keep the accumulated weight of the rope from pulling the free end through your device thereby leaving you a soloist. This is all asuming that the routes are short enough to use one rope between them, otherwise I would tag or fix a second rope to the free end of my lead line to ensure that I have enough rope left to rapell the hard climb. In certian situations where I'm really worried about the rope sliding through the device problem, I will sometimes tie a "safety knott" several feet beyond the estimated total length of the climb to act as a stopper to mitigate this problem. Once I reached the bleay, our set-ups would differ... Asuming a 2 bolt belay, I would first clip straight to my harness with 2 draws, then pull up the second rope if needed, or enough slack on the lead line (with buffer) to tie a figure 8 loop. Then, I would attach 2 more draws to the bolts and clip in the figure 8 loop. Then simply rappel down the hard climb on the free end of the rope, clipping as many directional bolts as needed to keep you in contact with the rock if you fall on your subsequent accent (no tree required). Once on the ground you can then acend either route on TR with ease, either cleaning the draws as you go or leaving them to clip on the way down for multiple repeat accents. Keep in mind that when acending, you must be able to get a free hand periodically to be able to pull slack rope through your device. This can also be quite challenging at times and prevents me from rope soloing some routes. It also sometimes adds much needed spice points to previously boring climbs. Overall, I had a ton of good times rope soloing over the years. Its a great way to get in a ton of pitches and it can save you from the "broken partner syndrome." As others have said, it is really a personal preference thing on as to how you go about doing it, but as long as you keep in mind the risks and stick to terrain below your limit it can be virtually 100% safe. Good luck.
  21. -82 deg F at Cold Foot, Alaska in 1999.
  22. I started my kids out at 5 (son) and 3 (daughter). Regrettably, my son has now become a boulderer only however, my daughter is starting to tear things up on roped climbs. As for the smallest shoes made for kids, I've found mad rocks down to size 1 which my daughter now uses. However, we used tennis shoes and other tight fitting shoes for years and I feel they should be fine for most kids when they are just getting started.
  23. Ok, yes I am an idiot but I have a Mac so I don't usually have to worry about this stuff. My instructions were for AFTER you can get a usb mouse and keyboard to work to at least operate the thing.
  24. Try this. Once you are booted up, right click on "My computer," then select "Manage" then "device manager" under system tools. This will list all of the devices attached to your system. Since some of the drivers were not installed when you loaded windows 2000, will likely see a number of yellow question marks under the devices that are missing drivers. These are the drivers you must update. Next, log on to Dell.com and search "drivers and downloads" for the model of the laptop you own. Download the missing drivers you need to your desktop and follow the "read me" directions under each installation package to install them (can be a hassle). Once you have loaded up the correct ones and reboot your devices should work. Good luck!!
  25. I've never had to leave a cam, so I'm about +8 in the cam booty contest as well. Pretty funny how easy some of the abandoned ones are to get out. I too remember that broken off cam on the traverse of Outer Space. I got a pretty good look at it years ago and it appeared to be one of those Chinese made knockoffs from the late 80's. I had considered buying some because they were so cheap, but after seeing that I thought better of it. How the heck did someone get that one out??
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