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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. Actually, I am just very efficient at my work. And my officemate spends 75% of his day on non-work web sites and e-mail, so I figure, what the heck, as long as I get my work done. Which I do (under the great burden of boredom). And, you know, it keeps me connected. Grounded in the surreality that is life.
  2. Wow, I'm honored to be included in a list with such prestigious and accomplished sprayers. I think I might... yes, I just might...
  3. Yes, it happens to some people sometimes. Ask Alpinfox.
  4. Actually, this is a very revealing thread. I think the object lesson is: Drink more French wine. Discuss.
  5. Is it just me or is cc.com going down the fucking toilet? Who are you wanks and what is this shit?
  6. knotzen

    Lost on a climb

    I see you've lost your sense of humor on some climb along the way.
  7. knotzen

    Lost on a climb

    Actually, it's my employers' fault. They don't give me anything interesting and creative and intriguing to work on, so I use cc.com as my outlet. Hence, this interesting, creative and intriguing thread, which you just can't pull yourself away from.
  8. knotzen

    Lost on a climb

    It's just you. Sorry.
  9. knotzen

    Lost on a climb

    I'm not sure, but I think that may mean I'm talking to myself.
  10. knotzen

    Lost on a climb

    Hey, I've got a whole flock of birds goin' there. Cool.
  11. knotzen

    Lost on a climb

    Actually, I could lose most of these at work and nobody would even know. Except for one or two.
  12. knotzen

    Lost on a climb

    What?!? This is the best thread ever! You're just too inane to enjoy it.
  13. knotzen

    Lost on a climb

    Your friend. Your bra.
  14. knotzen

    Lost on a climb

    That lovin' feeling.
  15. knotzen

    Lost on a climb

    What could you lose on a climb? Your innocence. Your dignity. Your sense of time. Your virginity. Your temper. Your...?
  16. knotzen


    I always wanted a Daniel Boone hat. Could you catch me one of them little ones? The cutest one of the bunch, please.
  17. Oh God, this is how I feel this morning. Dreaming about whips, and chains, and shock collars (oh my!) all night. Or was it...the wine?
  18. I just bought several of the DMM cams, to complement my incomplete collection of Friends, and I think they're pretty cool. Light, and I really like the single-finger pulling mechanism thingie--I chose DMMs b/c of that (and they were on sale), b/c my Friends are the same way. FWIW...
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