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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. I want to come but I have noone to climb with this weekend. Anybody is loking for a partner?




    My assumption is that this is a group sort of event, where we camp together and hook up with people to climb with at camp? Like at Rope-up. Otherwise, I'd be reluctant to make the trek down there, without a reasonable chance I will find someone to climb with.


    That being said, I will be happy to rope up with you, Dr. C. You might not have as much fun, though, because I climb a couple of grades lower than you.


    I'll be looking to climb in the 5.5-5.7 range, although I can belay up to, heck, 5.13a?

  2. Hm, stockroom.com has some *interesting* items for your bounding and bondage pleasure.


    Then there's this--an authentic old-time chastity belt! Bizarro.




    Hey, MisterE TOLD me to go look! Or is it, MasterE? crazy.gif

  3. Has anyone come across info. that indicates whether carbonated water, like Talking Rain, hydrates your body the same as tap water?


    I know it has other problems, such as leaching calcium, but I'm particularly wondering if I am getting any hydration benefits by drinking Talking Rain all day at work, or if the body cannot use carbonated water as it does uncarbonated water.

  4. People will gladly pay 10$ to go see a movie at a theatre in downtown seattle, but scoff when they have to pay $10-15 for a nature experience in a pristine environment?


    If you're referring to me, I've been scoffing at movie prices since they hit $6.


    Not relevant, I know, as your point is that peeps pay money for other "entertainment," so why not for visits to national parks?


    I don't see "nature" and the environment we live in as entertainment. It's the basis, an essential; it meets a human need (although, if you follow that line of argument, shouldn't all sex be free?). Parks are concentrated natural environments, set aside for respite, etc., in an industrialized society. I don't see it as a commodity to be purchased. But apparently that is the way of the future, and the now.


    BTW, the high cost of gas is precisely one of the reasons park entry fees should *not* rise.


    But, whatev. Nobody asked me, eh? Carry on, then. wave.gif

  5. Buenos dias, Knotzen wave.gif


    So...about last night. Did we...??


    You mean, did we freak to the beat of the Hallelujah chorus?


    'Fraid not. Maybe next time! smile.gif

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