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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. I don't know--I seem to get the most shit and the coldest shoulder from women on cc.com. Don't know why gender should be a dividing issue. That's just my experience.


    Not in person, though; the women I've met have been super cool.

  2. Anybody ever drop some cc.comers off at the ferry, stop by the local pub for a beer on the way home, find a halloween party in progress there, stay till 2 am dancing and carrying on, go to the cabin on your land instead of the house you are rentig so as not to wake your family, and then forget to get up before they do and call them to tell them you are allright and the climb went well?


    Don't you just hate when that happens?!? hellno3d.gif

  3. A little bird told me that the "Women's Only Forum" has been created and is a super secret forum just like the moderator forum.


    A super-secret "Women's Only Forum" couldn't possibly exist--any woman in the forum would never allow any other woman to join. evils3d.gif

  4. Q: Why don't mummies take vacations?


    A: They're afraid they might unwind.



    Q: What's a monster's favorite play?


    A: Romeo and Ghouliet.



    Q: What do witches put on their hair?


    A: Scare spray.



    Q: What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost?


    A: Bamboo.



    Q: What's a mummy's favorite type of music?


    A: Wrap.



    Q: Why don't angry witches ride their brooms?


    A: They're afraid they might fly off the handle.



    Q: What do you call a ghost who gets to close to a bonfire?


    A: A toasty ghosty.

  5. A Requiem for MisterE


    He left us in a huff

    Revealing his soul

    As if in the buff.


    He was a hardman climber

    Raised the sprayer’s level



    Who will provide the mystery

    Contributed by MisterE?


    We will miss Wrecks and Suzi,

    And the love birds

    Whose names escape me.


    Yes, he was a giant among us.

    Even had a story about magic fungus.

    What will life be without him

    Among us?




    A moment of silence, if you will (and a plea for his return to our humble halls of spray).

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