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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. I'll bring homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast...?

    Damn! That alone would make the trip worthwhile.


    Hope you all have a great time and flash belays a grade higher than your current best.


    DeC, your presence is requested. Come on down--please, please, please?

  2. So, I'm getting the picture that Skull Hollow is where y'all will be camping (and me too, if'n I can find ya). I don't see it on the map in the guidebook. Is it the state park? Or no?


    Por favor, directions to the plabby LoveFest.


    I'll bring homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast...?

  3. How come someone changed the title of this thread? I keep clicking on it, thinking it's going to be about cakes, and pies, and donuts and shit, and it's about...just shit (aka that damn hypocritical Republican DeLay).


    Man, I hate when that happens. mad.gif

  4. Good idea. Thanks for putting it together.


    I see you've attracted some advertisers--I hope it turns out to be worth your while.




    I kept finding myself wanting to click on the product image, to see a bigger picture (as with a thumbnail), without going to the specific web site. Maybe you could work that in, sometime in the future.

  5. knotzen,


    No one is trying to rag on you here, although I did feel that OJ's post was a might indignant for a n00b on this board. The rest of us are just having fun amongst ourselves, and not at your expense, with the sole exception of archenemy. hahaha.gif


    Please, carry on!


    I was teasing. People take me altogether too seriously! (Oops, there I go again.)

  6. Did you know... you can set up your cc.com account to send a message to your private e-mail account whenever you receive a PM on cc.com? Well, you can!


    Here's how:


    Under "Main Configuration" on your My Home page, edit the third category, Subscribe / Unsubscribe from receiving forum posts by email, change message notifications, etc.,, then select Yes under the first option, Do you want email notifications when you receive private messages?


    This is helpful if you are trying to hook up with someone to go climbing, or what-have-you ( bigdrink.gif, smileysex5.gif, mushsmile.gif, boxing_smiley.gif, rockband.gif, HCL.gif, fruit.gif, snugtop.gif), and don't want to check into cc.com to see if they have responded. (Of course, you have to login to cc.com to *read* the PM.)


    Seems like some peeps may not know about this, so there it is, FWIW. Be careful out there.







    This has been a public service announcement brought to you by the friendly folks at Knotzenland.

  7. " ... and the next time I tell you we should pack up and leave town, you're gonna listen to me. Didn't you see the weather reports? A freakin' hurricane was coming our way. And did you want to leave? Noooooo. "We can ride it out at the house dringin' beer and watching Monday Night Football." When God was passing out brain you must have heard rain and covered your head, cause you got no brain and we got plenty of rain and the house is flooded, dumbass. I should have listened to my mother after I met you. And another thing ... "

    yelrotflmao.gif I bet that's really what was going on.

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