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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. I took the dog for a walk, went shopping, watched a movie, did laundry, drank half a bottle of wine, and I'm still bored. And it's only 7:39.


    I could clean the house, but I'm not THAT bored.

  2. You guys are absolutely right - a pair of biners is not worth crying about.


    If this guy had promised to return them, or said "hey I'm sorry, I'll send you a check" or "oops, let me look again" then that would be one thing. Instead, he disappeared, and then upon reappearing got all evasive when asked. See above about the effort and expense that *I* put into this climb.

    I'm with you, rhyang--the issue is having respect for your climbing partner and their gear, no matter what piece is missing, or how many.


    I would certainly want and expect a reply that showed some level of respect for y'all. "Shit happens" wouldn't work for me.

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