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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. When I was 19 and we couldn't get anyone to by beer for us, a bunch of us went out and picked whatever mushrooms we could find. We made a sort of milk shake. Didn't get me high, and fortunately, didn't kill me either. Kids! cantfocus.gif

  2. Catfight...




    Cat fight

    Everyone loves a cat fight

    For the sick minds

    Don't give 'em what they want


    Well, it's just another night

    And another round of screaming cat fights

    What's the thing they're fighting over now

    And is it worth the ticket price?

  3. Not sure, but you are a laugh.

    If you must know, I'm pushing 40. I'm pushing it away, but it keeps advancing. mad.gif


    But SnowByrd says I look 29, so hey, that's cool. And they say that 40 is the new 30 (although I'm sure that was coined by a self-deluded, washed out 40-something).

  4. Hey, a fellow knitter! As it turns out, I am an avid knitter. Started last fall, and got hooked. I've even thought I might need to join Knitters Anonymous. I wish I could knit while driving!


    I'm working on a baby blanket for a friend's newborn right now. And a scarf.


    I guess it's something I do so regularly, it doesn't fill "the void" on winter nights. If only I had a fireplace to sit in front of, and a rocking chair, and a bottle of whiskey...

  5. So, Peshastin fans, anyone up for a jaunt over to the sunny side on Sunday? Forecast right now is for partly cloudy, 62 degrees.


    I'm not a super-duper climber (hey, I'm OK, you're OK); 5.7ish on friction slabs, which is what I prefer to climb at Peshashtin (although I've done some face routes on Orchard Rock that were fun--like the tunnel route thumbs_up.gif).


    PM me if interested.

  6. Time to go to Vantage or Tieton over the weekend! Well that and drink heavily and have lots of sex.


    This is a plan, man. In fact, I got some sun at Vantage last weekend.


    But what about Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night... I guess there's always the heavy drinking. rockband.gif


    And if you have fun in the sun to look forward to on the weekend, the dark, rainy weeknights aren't so hard to tolerate.

  7. Drunken trivia--fun times. Thanks, snugtop! It was good to meet some folk, and bump brains with cc.comers I've met once before. wave.gif


    We're a smart, suave, cool bunch, ain't we? U betcha.


    --"Chris" aka "knotzen" aka "Kris" aka...

  8. Didja hear the one about the farmer who won the Best Farmer Award from the American Farmer's Association? He was voted...



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