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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. All I know is:


    1. No fucking cheesecake.

    2. Go to the fucking gym. NOW.




    (Edited to clarify that fucking cheesecake is not allowed during any season. And that you can fuck at the gym if you can get away with it. I hear it burns calories.)


    I'll bet fuckin' a cheesecake as opposed to eatin' it would burn some calories, no? cantfocus.gif

    I don't think I have the right equipment...

  2. All I know is:


    1. No fucking cheesecake.

    2. Go to the fucking gym. NOW.




    (Edited to clarify that fucking cheesecake is not allowed during any season. And that you can fuck at the gym if you can get away with it. I hear it burns calories.)

  3. I'm sorry we couldn't hook up with you, Matt.


    A few of us--Marie, Gary, klenke, archenemy, AlpineK, and myself--met up after the program (which was very funny and inspiring, BTW thumbs_up.gif) and walked down the block to Jai Thai for multiple beers, two vodka gimlets, and several arson attempts by Marie and the bartender.

  4. I climb better when you are fat too. Magic!?! Please eat some cheesecake for lunch - I am going to the gym this afternoon and don't want to suck.


    You are so supportive! Y'all make me wanna cry. cry.gifcry.gifcry.gif


    Or eat cheesecake... laugh.gif



  5. jeezus....stop stuffing your piehole...


    i don't understand people who can't cut weight confused.gif ...its really simple, put the twinkies down, get off the sofa and go for a run...

    Mmm, pie!


    Dude, you *don't* understand. For some people eating is a nervous habit, like smoking or drinking or whatever. It is a very difficult habit/dependency to break, like any "drug" that is misused/abused. You crave it, and yet you hate what it does to your body at the same time. Very much like smoking.


    If you haven't experienced it, no, you wouldn't understand.



  6. I think it can be effective for robust people without heart problems but in doses far less than what was recommended on the bottles previously. But what about the ban?

    An acquaintance told me it was "partially lifted"--don't know what that means--and sent me a link to www.gorillavitamins.com where you can order it, if over 18. I don't know the details on the status of the ban.

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