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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. if you have an attitude that you 'don't want to work so hard' you'll probably never lose weight in any permanent way no matter what shortcut drugs you take.

    What I meant by that is I can't climb as well as I would like because I'm pulling extra, unnecessary weight. It takes more energy, and it's not necessary.


    I haven't met a climber--or any athlete--who isn't weight conscious on some level. There was a thread recently on what made the most difference in your climbing--several people said losing weight.

  2. And oh shit, me too! knotzen beat me to the snaf.gif and didn't even squirrel it. yellaf.gifHCL.gifcheeburga_ron.gif


    Damnit, how do you guys know when it's time to snaf.gif? Do you, like, count posts on that page every time you post, just in case? Is there some sorta online numbering thingimajig I haven't discovered?



  3. Have you used it for weight loss? Did it work?


    Apparently it's back on the market and I'm thinking of trying it.


    I hear it can make you bitchy and on edge. But *do you lose body fat*? I want to be lighter so I don't have to work so hard climbin' a measly 5.6. thumbs_up.gif

  4. Old sprays are good sprays. Bring back the quality spray.

    I'm glad you dug this up, Dru. wave.gif


    I've been wondering about the infamous "Muir on Saturday" thread I keep hearing about--another cc.com mystery revealed! thumbs_up.gif

  5. I wonder if Fred feels bad about not being the hardman climber he used to be, or if he's cool with doing the best he can with an 80+-year-old body, and hey, it's better than nuthin'? Seems like it would be frustrating. (Although he does more than almost any other person that age.)

  6. Any body want to come out to dark, wet, windswept Issyquah to drink beer at the Rogue ("Issaquah Brewhouse") tonight? I'll buy a pitcher. laugh.gifbigdrink.gif


    If I watch one more DVD I'm gonna poke myself in the eye with my knitting needles. hellno3d.gif



    No? I didn't think so. crazy.gif

  7. It never rained in da Wack today but it was comin down heavy in Vancity.
    what is outside?? i have only heard of the place. cool.gif

    It's a dark, wet, windswept hell. Don't go there!


    (Shit, I need to move someplace sunny. frown.gif )

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