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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. albeit not too many fourty somethings...

    I can think of more than a few. Particularly those that exist outside the suburb/SUV/shoppingsmall culture of the US. And that doesn't touch on the non-physically attractive qualities.

    Thank you, CJ. Sorry.

  2. Give me a fucking break. Some "men" are so fucking pathetic, it's hard to believe we are all human.




    Why don't we talk about little penises, beer bellies, male tire marks on their stinkin' underwear, male balding?


    Why does everyone think it's OK to belittle and bash and objectify women? I'm getting a bit tired of it. Just STFU.

  3. If you knew you would die climbing, would you continue to climb? Would living your passion be worth the cost of dying prematurely?
    This question is worthy if only to prompt debate, but, the fact of the matter is no one will be confronted by this prophetic voice. For although climbing will be involved in the deaths of some who read this thread, none of us can have certainty.


    Would living your passion be worth the cost...
    It seems it boils down to acceptable death based on personal bounds of "Good" and "Bad" categorization. For some, it is more acceptable if a climber dies while involved in an activity that supports his family directly than while climbing. For me, there is no distinction. All activities (Good or Bad) of the climber with family is a facet of who they are. It is a personal choice to be made by that person only whether to climb. Congratulations or condemnations of others' activities are extraneous impingements to another's life.

    Obviously the question is hypothetical. It was my small brain's way of conceptualizing potential risk in a way to talk about it. I was not condemning or "congratulating" anyone's choice. Didn't I specifically state that? confused.gif

  4. Hey, I thought it was a good idea! It would make it harder to eat, too. Why didn't I think of that!?!


    OK, but seriously, if there was one bad post, wouldn't the mods just delete it, and/or notify the "offending" individual, i.e., Cobra Commander?

  5. This is not a quiz, but a sincere enquiry. For instance, the Ephedra thread in Fitness forum, and the "new route--etc., etc." thread in Ice Climbing. I don't see anything inflammatory in the threads. It's not April Fools Day. Why are they locked? confused.gif

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